looks exactly the same as what was posted here two days ago by the same poster
the bottom line there is zero tolerance for any homosexual activity in jehovah’s holy organization.
so all known gays had been kicked out and disfellowshipped before i got to bethel and gays got kicked and disfellowshipped and disgraced when i was there.
sorry, i guess i meant most homosexuals were kicked out in disgrace.
looks exactly the same as what was posted here two days ago by the same poster
it's only a matter of time of course..... jw rumor mills will start up soon, with stories of how jws were "first on the scene" as the flood waters receded..... how the red cross and/or us national guard and/or doctors without borders and/or [you name it] were marveling at just how "organized" the jws are..... how zealous jws were pulling their trolleys thru ankle-deep water to "offer comfort" to victims, by giving them - sandwiches?
bottled water?
to offer them comfort by giving them 16 page "magazines" to read in their spare time..... so as the stories start to come in, you can "deposit" those little nuggets of bs here.. once collected, we'll wrap them in a pretty bow and flush them away where other instances of pure manure go..
This is a web-only article
'It's dry as far as you can see': downtown Houston shows signs of recovery
The Guardian (web only) Thursday, August 31, 2017
The catastrophe isn’t over, but as the city’s downtown starts to dry residents are cautiously optimistic: ‘This feels like the start of getting back to normal’
When you approached the George R Brown convention centre, which since Sunday has sheltered about a third of the city’s 30,000 displaced people, the first impression was of disarray.
Hundreds of people milled outside, some with bulging sacks. But they were not, it turned out, waiting to get in. They were waiting to go home, or to the homes of relatives....
Outside the convention centre a pair of Jehovah’s Witnesses offered passers-by a booklet titled “Does God really care about us?”
A shirtless Bob Marley fan answered the question, in a way, by striding up and down the sidewalk, shouting a mantra: “The rasta say everything’s gonna be all right.”
hello everyone ive been posting about this situation about my daughters and their jw mom so if u want to get a back story about whats going on you can check out my previous posts.. note- daughters are only 5 months old, and i live in the united states.. right now im typing up my court orders to present to the court but ive come to a road block.
i want to add reasons to why its not a good idea to have my daughters be baptized at a young age.. here is my rough draft -.
"age appropriate baptism – i wish that my daughters to be baptized at the legal age of 18 years old.
Hi Gokumonkey
Rather than use the very specific 'age 18' - which some might see as being very unflexible - why not just say...
until they reach the 'age of majority' (in the state or country they live) or until their emancipation, which ever is sooner.
.... that would appear to put the 'ball-in-their-court' legally speaking - IMHO it would be fairly difficult to argue against - because they'd be arguing against a principle, rather than an actual physical age.
a new article by s. sparrow, published today at ajwrb, investigates dr. joachim boldt, one of the watchtower's “bloodless medicine” experts.
a notorious “medical pretender” who has exposed jw's to additional needless risk.
watchtower continues to cite this source, and fails to expose him as a fraud.
Ruby456: darkspilver this is what i get - do the dates refer to updates to the articles?
I suspect the 2012 dates you are using are from when those particular webpages where either lasted edited and/or uploaded to the website.
The WT's magazine-sized brochure "How Can Blood Save Your Life?" was produced in 1990.
It's 27 years-old. I don't believe it was been updated/reprinted since then.
The CD-Rom lists "How Can Blood Save Your Life?" as being '1990' - which is in contrast to the Insight books that are listed as being '2015' (due to update/new printing) instead of the original '1988' publication date.
I listed in my post above all the references to Hydroxyethyl, Hetastarch or HES from the WT CD-Rom, the most recent being 17 years-ago.
it's only a matter of time of course..... jw rumor mills will start up soon, with stories of how jws were "first on the scene" as the flood waters receded..... how the red cross and/or us national guard and/or doctors without borders and/or [you name it] were marveling at just how "organized" the jws are..... how zealous jws were pulling their trolleys thru ankle-deep water to "offer comfort" to victims, by giving them - sandwiches?
bottled water?
to offer them comfort by giving them 16 page "magazines" to read in their spare time..... so as the stories start to come in, you can "deposit" those little nuggets of bs here.. once collected, we'll wrap them in a pretty bow and flush them away where other instances of pure manure go..
A number of pictures have been released by Getty Images for editorial use, including the following:
Description: Members of Jehovah's Witnesses help a friend clean up their home after flood water inundated it, as the family begins the process of rebuilding after torrential rains caused widespread flooding during Hurricane and Tropical Storm Harvey on September 2, 2017 in Houston, Texas. Harvey, which made landfall north of Corpus Christi on August 25, dumped around 50 inches of rain in and around areas of Houston and Southeast Texas.
Photo 1:
Photo 2:
Photo 3:
The pictures are starting to appear in the media now - including for example
Minnesota Public Radio:
CBS Denver:
a new article by s. sparrow, published today at ajwrb, investigates dr. joachim boldt, one of the watchtower's “bloodless medicine” experts.
a notorious “medical pretender” who has exposed jw's to additional needless risk.
watchtower continues to cite this source, and fails to expose him as a fraud.
It seems that Hydroxyethyl, Hetastarch or HES has been referred to by the WT in the 'public' publications (as per the WT CD-Rom) around eight times, from 1977 (first) through to 2000 (last)
Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Question of Blood 1977, page 54, paragraph 152
Another approach is to replace lost blood with colloids such as dextran. That is a clinical sugar solution that has proved valuable both in surgery and in treating burn cases and shock [93]. Sometimes it is combined with a buffered salt solution so as to draw on the best properties of each. Haemaccel and hydroxyethyl starch solution have also been employed with good results in various operative situations as plasma volume expanders [94].Footnote 94. Surgical Clinics of North America, June 1975, p. 671.
Surgical Clinics of North America, Volume 55, Issue 3, June 1975, Pages 659-678
Hemodilution / Konrad Messmer M.D.
Awake 22 February 1980, pages 21 to 23
Artificial Blood” Makes Its Debut
Despite its complexity, scientists have been working to copy human blood, or at least to produce a replacement that can temporarily assume some of the functions of the real thing. Examples of such products now in use are dextran, Haemaccel, hydroxyethyl starch, Ringer’s lactate, and common saline solution. However, such solutions can take over only a few functions of blood, and serve primarily as volume expanders. As such, they fill out the blood-vessel system after blood loss, thus preventing sludging of blood cells, until the body itself replaces what is missing.
Awake 22 June 1982, pages 26 and 27
Jehovah’s Witnesses — The Surgical/Ethical Challenge
(This was a reprint from The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), November 27, 1981, Volume 246, No. 21, pages 2471, 2472)
Current and future applications of hetastarch [4], large-dose intravenous iron dextran injections [5,6], and the "sonic scalpel" [7] are promising and not religiously objectionable.Footnote 4: 4 Hetastarch (Hespan)—a new plasma expander. The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics 1981;23:16
How Can Blood Save Your Life? 1990, page 14
Quality Alternatives to Transfusion
Volume replacement can be accomplished without using whole blood or blood plasma. Various nonblood fluids are effective volume expanders. The simplest is saline (salt) solution, which is both inexpensive and compatible with our blood. There are also fluids with special properties, such as dextran, Haemaccel, and lactated Ringer’s solution. Hetastarch (HES) is a newer volume expander, and "it can be safely recommended for those [burn] patients who object to blood products." (Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation, January/February 1989) Such fluids have definite advantages. "Crystalloid solutions [such as normal saline and lactated Ringer’s solution], Dextran and HES are relatively nontoxic and inexpensive, readily available, can be stored at room temperature, require no compatibility testing and are free of the risk of transfusion-transmitted disease." — Blood Transfusion Therapy — A Physician’s Handbook, 1989.Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation, January/February 1989
Hetastarch: An Alternative Colloid in Burn Shock Management.
Waters, L. M. MD, FRCS(C); Christensen, M. A. RN, CCRN; Sato, R. M. MD
Blood Transfusion Therapy — A Physician’s Handbook, 1989 (3rd Edition)
American Association of Blood Banks,.57.aspx
How Can Blood Save Your Life? 1990, pages 27 to 29
Appendix: Jehovah’s Witnesses — The Surgical/Ethical Challenge
Reprint from JAMA as per 1982 Awake above
Watchtower 1 June 1990, pages 30 and 31
Questions From Readers: Do Jehovah’s Witnesses accept injections of a blood fraction, such as immune globulin or albumin?
A pregnant woman has an active mechanism by which some immune globulin moves from the mother’s blood to the fetus’. Because this natural movement of antibodies into the fetus occurs in all pregnancies, babies are born with a degree of normal protective immunity to certain infections.
It is similar with albumin, which doctors may prescribe as a treatment for shock or certain other conditions [3]. Researchers have proved that albumin from the plasma is also transported, though less efficiently, across the placenta from a mother into her fetus.Footnote 3: Evidence shows that nonblood volume replacement fluids (such as hetastarch [HES]) can be used effectively to treat shock and other conditions for which an albumin solution might have been used previously.
Awake 22 November 1991, pages 8 to 11
Pioneering Bloodless Surgery With Jehovah’s Witnesses
[Box on page 10] Preventing and Controlling Hemorrhage Without Blood Transfusion
5. Volume Expanders:
a. Crystalloids
(1) Ringer’s lactate (Eichner, E. R., Surgery Annual, January 1982, pages 85-99)
(2) Normal saline
b. Colloids
(1) Dextran
(2) Gelatin (Howell, P. J., Anaesthesia, January 1987, pages 44-8)
(3) Hetastarch
Awake 8 January 2000, pages 7 to 11
The Growing Demand for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery
[Box] Bloodless Medicine and Surgery
Some of the Methods
Fluids: Ringer’s lactate solution, dextran, hydroxyethyl starch, and others are used to maintain blood volume, preventing hypovolemic shock. Some fluids now being tested can transport oxygen.
since leaving the jws i have become fascinated by the lds church, because of the similarities both organisations have.
in reading x-mo forums i get the impression that they tend to be not as bitter and as twisted as xjw.
this is surprising as i think the lds is a bigger con than the jws.
Who actually are the ExMo's?
I think the problem is that, for Ex-Jws, I can name the following off the top of my head.....
But ExMo's? Who are they?
Haha, how old are you, most of those suggestions sound like they're from my parents
But then again, they'd probably be a bit more, well, more 'high culture' like Joan Sutherland
anyway, there's always these.....
a new article by s. sparrow, published today at ajwrb, investigates dr. joachim boldt, one of the watchtower's “bloodless medicine” experts.
a notorious “medical pretender” who has exposed jw's to additional needless risk.
watchtower continues to cite this source, and fails to expose him as a fraud.
Lee Elder: Orphan Crow wrote the article
haha, yeah, thanks - re-reading it, TBH not a big surprise
Bobcat: I don't have WT Library on this device but it would be interesting to see how many times hits his name would get on a search
Excluding a photo label, the WT only quotes him directly by name twice in the 'public' publications (as per the WT CD-Rom), which are the two quotes that Orphan Crow uses in full in her article:
Awake 8 January 2000
"All those dealing with blood and caring for surgical patients have to consider bloodless surgery." - Dr. Joachim Boldt, professor of anesthesiology, Ludwigshafen, Germany
'Bloodless surgery is not only for Jehovah's Witnesses but for all patients. I think that every doctor should be engaged in it.' - Dr. Joachim Boldt, professor of anesthesiology, Ludwigshafen, Germany.
In addition, Joachim Boldt does not appears in any of the three WT videos regarding blood: Transfusion-Alternative Strategies—Simple, Safe, Effective (2000);2001, No Blood—Medicine Meets the Challenge (2001); and Transfusion-Alternative Health Care—Meeting Patient Needs and Rights (2002).
Also, apart from the above single January 2000 Awake article, Joachim Boldt does not currently appear to be quoted anywhere else on the jworg website.
hello everyone ive been posting about this situation about my daughters and their jw mom so if u want to get a back story about whats going on you can check out my previous posts.. note- daughters are only 5 months old, and i live in the united states.. right now im typing up my court orders to present to the court but ive come to a road block.
i want to add reasons to why its not a good idea to have my daughters be baptized at a young age.. here is my rough draft -.
"age appropriate baptism – i wish that my daughters to be baptized at the legal age of 18 years old.
what state/province or country are you in?