Christian Gutierrez
see this recent discussion here:
and you can compare with the previous discussion here:
You could do a youtube video comparing the above two threads
hey guys!
what do you think is the percentage of jw's believe that it is the truth and the percentage of those who think it might be some false or all false??
Christian Gutierrez
see this recent discussion here:
and you can compare with the previous discussion here:
You could do a youtube video comparing the above two threads
it's only a matter of time of course..... jw rumor mills will start up soon, with stories of how jws were "first on the scene" as the flood waters receded..... how the red cross and/or us national guard and/or doctors without borders and/or [you name it] were marveling at just how "organized" the jws are..... how zealous jws were pulling their trolleys thru ankle-deep water to "offer comfort" to victims, by giving them - sandwiches?
bottled water?
to offer them comfort by giving them 16 page "magazines" to read in their spare time..... so as the stories start to come in, you can "deposit" those little nuggets of bs here.. once collected, we'll wrap them in a pretty bow and flush them away where other instances of pure manure go..
Almost a week after the above New York Times front page story - the WT have now added the following to their 'news' page regarding Hurricane Harvey (featured in 'bold' at the top of the original news item):
Update: Sadly, it has been confirmed that one elderly sister died as a result of Hurricane Harvey.
It should be noted that, while the very brief details that WT gives do match up with the NYT article, so although it is likely this is the tragic death that the WT refer to, there is no actual definite confirmation.
a pro jw forum.
interesting reading, very one sided of course:.
stan livedeath: in the UK home schooling=no schooling. its just a trendy fad used mainly by young single mothers who are too lazy to get their arse out of bed and drag their brats to school.
in the UK home schooling=£30,000 to £40,000-per-year. When done properly - the problem is when it's not done properly.
a pro jw forum.
interesting reading, very one sided of course:.
pale.emperor: This is my fave comment: Well I got taken to court about homeschooling my children and the court ruled that since I didn't go to college to be a teacher then I didn't qualify to teach my children at home. This was in the early 90's. But the problem too was that apostate literature was presented in the court to make me look very bad. So I had many things going against me, it was a 5yr battle.
I'm wary of home schooling - partly because often, but not always, parent's appear to try to do it on the cheap - but it also depends on the local public/state-run schools
I think the fuller quote from the OP is much more interesting - both about home schooling (elementary school age), and about why pale.emperor apparently choose to quote-mine as he did:
Well I got taken to court about homeschooling my children and the court ruled that since I didn't go to college to be a teacher then I didn't qualify to teach my children at home.
When I started High School I was in all the honorary classes and I went to college and High School at the same time. My goal was to go to UC Davis and become a vetrinarian and since it takes approx. 10yrs I wanted to get a head start.
Due to circumstances my college fund was spent by my step-mother and I was thrown out of the house the year I graduated from High School.
Therefore I married an older man that turned out to be gay and we went through a nasty divorce. My children were reading by the time they were 3 and 4yrs old and had Bible reading parts on the school before they turned 5yrs old. I made my own reading books when they were between 2 and 3.
So even though my kids were still elementary school age, I was not qualified to homeschool them from the court's perspective.
When my kids went back to public school they were so far ahead of the class that the teachers used them as aids. They didn't learn a thing in public school.
Also my worldly parents were against me saying that my children wouldn't be socialized properly, etc. So I had my own family against me.
I used to be defensive because of what I went through but now of course my kids are adults, I have seen both sides of the coin.
I have seen really good parents teach their children and I have seen ones just leave it up to the child to finish their books and of course the child doesn't finish the required curriculum. But that happens in public school too and really each time it comes down to the parents involvement.
I think the parent that is involved with their children are most likely to be on the defensive because they are putting in the time, energy and mental preparation that it takes and they see the results compared to their children's peers.
Home Schooling is trendy - it was featured last year in a big article in the glossy Sunday Times magazine - How the rich home-school their kids - Sunday 24 July 2016 - click here
jehovah's witnesses say that they have the truth and the truth is constant.
they believe that what they teach is the truth that comes directly from jehovah god.
can you think of anything that has changed in the last 20 years to show a jehovah's witness that the truth is not necessarily the truth..
minimus: interesting list but we would not know what the differences are so if you don't mind elaborate please.
It's your OP, as I said above, the link below has all the links for the changes since 2000
ok. i had a fascinating conversation with one of my polish colleagues at work.
she knows i'm a jdub and an activist as have filled her in warts and all about watchtower.. she came up to me today explaining how a couple of polish witnesses came to her door.
she was curious as to how they knew to call on her door knowing she was polish.
steve2: Sparrowdown, my fondest wish would be that, if they did have a slip to fill out when they find gay householders, they would at least send an attractive brother my way so we could "study" together in private.
This is a thread about finding householders who speak a foreign language.
What would you do? speak Polari?
ok. i had a fascinating conversation with one of my polish colleagues at work.
she knows i'm a jdub and an activist as have filled her in warts and all about watchtower.. she came up to me today explaining how a couple of polish witnesses came to her door.
she was curious as to how they knew to call on her door knowing she was polish.
Bear in mind that.... they where looking for Polish - they then called on your colleague who is Polish - she is Polish, thus in her eyes that's a 100% hit rate - but actually the JWs may have called on assorted houses before and after, spead out all over the neighbourhood that your colleague did not see, and found no other Polish.
The other, easy, way is via the electoral roll or poll book - surnames listed by street in numerical house number order, thus easy and quick to scan down and pick out the possibilities.
jehovah's witnesses say that they have the truth and the truth is constant.
they believe that what they teach is the truth that comes directly from jehovah god.
can you think of anything that has changed in the last 20 years to show a jehovah's witness that the truth is not necessarily the truth..
It's no secret, in fact the GB proudly highlight the changes they've made.....
Listed in the Index under the heading 'Beliefs Clarified':
All the changes from 2000 include online links to the various publications explaining the change/s.
And yes - as per MacHislopp post above - the GB do list 96 changes since 1971.
FWIW below is the list from the sheep and goats change in 1995
ok. i had a fascinating conversation with one of my polish colleagues at work.
she knows i'm a jdub and an activist as have filled her in warts and all about watchtower.. she came up to me today explaining how a couple of polish witnesses came to her door.
she was curious as to how they knew to call on her door knowing she was polish.
AverageJoe1: Do BT still do a hard copy telephone book and pop it on your doorstep along with the Yellow pages?
Yes and no
Yellow pages to stop next year:
BT phone book, yes, and you can order replacement here too:
i have seen a few comments about this week's meeting.. was there actually a part that specified an actual per-publisher amount that should be donated regularly?.
can this be confirmed please?.
i truly cant believe just how brazen the society seems to be getting - and how desperate they are!.
carla: Is the recommended amount per meeting (sun & mid week), weekly, monthly or what? thanks
The per-publisher rate is an annual, once-a-year rate.
The Elders can then decide if the congregation should pay the amount as a lump-sum, in one go, or if they spread payments over the year, such as each month.