spacegirl443 - yes, that quote is correct.
It is from a Watchtower, and can be found on the JW's CD library
Although it is dealing primarily with children, the principle would apply even when there are no children, because the principle is 'granting the wife her freedom of worship'.
Although the article is old, I believe the principle should still stand today.
Watchtower, December 1, 1960, page 735
Questions From Readers: What Scriptural principles guide in the training of children in homes where one parent is a dedicated Christian witness of Jehovah and the other is not?
According to the Scriptures the husband and father is the head of the home. If he is a dedicated Christian witness of Jehovah it is his responsibility to see that his family receives spiritual as well as material provisions. (1 Tim. 5:8) Even if his wife is an unbeliever, he must see to it that his children receive proper Christian education and training both at home and at the Kingdom Hall, and he should do all that he can to help his wife see the truth of God’s Word. At the same time he ought to grant his wife freedom to worship God her own way, and she may at times insist on taking the children to her place of worship. Granting her freedom of worship may even mean letting her have a Christmas tree in one room of the house during that season, although the believing husband would not let other rooms of the house or its outside be decorated. By thus extending freedom of worship to his wife he shows that he loves her as he loves himself.—Eph. 5:28, 29.