2016 figures in brackets:
2017 Grand Totals
Branches of Jehovah’s Witnesses: 90 (89)
Number of Lands Reporting: 240 (240)
Total Congregations: 120,053 (119,485)
Worldwide Memorial Attendance: 20,175,477 (20,085,142)
Memorial Partakers Worldwide: 18,564 (18,013)
Peak of Publishers: 8,457,107 (8,340,847)
Average Publishers Preaching Each Month: 8,248,982 (8,132,358)
Percentage of Increase Over 2016: 1.4% (1.8%)
Total Number Baptized: 284,212 (264,535)
Average Pioneer Publishers Each Month: 1,249,946 (1,157,017)
Average Auxiliary Pioneer Publishers Each Month: 439,571 (459,393)
Total Hours Spent in Field: 2,046,000,202 (1,983,763,754)
Average Bible Studies Each Month: 10,071,524 (10,115,264)