The tragic story of a murder-suicide involving a husband and wife, and their two adult children, in Keego Harbor - a 3,000 population city some 25 miles to the north of Detroit in Michigan, US - initially broke when police found their bodies at their home on Friday morning, February 16, 2018.
The first, and only, inkling that there may be a 'Jehovah's Witness' connection to the story was later the same day when an article on the website of The Detroit News mentioned that: "Neighbors John and Jackie Tristani... said in one of their first meetings with Lauren Stuart a few years ago she attempted to 'recruit' them into the Jehovah’s Witnesses."
It was then, two days later, on Sunday, February 18, that video emerged on YouTube of a family friend, Joyce Taylor, crashing the start of the Sunday morning meeting at a local Kingdom Hall. This was then picked up over the following days by various news-outlets.
Friday, February 16, 2018
- The Detroit News (US): Four dead in family murder-suicide in Keego Harbor
Sunday, February 18, 2018
- YouTube Video: Friend crashes Kingdom Hall in memory of the Stuart family
Monday, February 19, 2018
RawStory (US): Jehovah's Witness church accused of driving former member to kill her entire family and herself with false accusations of theft
Fox2 Detroit (US): Friend blames religion for Keego Harbor family's murder-suicide
WXYZ Detroit (US): Did church shun family in Keego Harbor murder-suicide?
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Detroit Free Press (US): IN PRINT - FRONT PAGE - Did shunning lead her to kill?
USA Today (US): Did Jehovah's Witness shunning drive mom to kill her family, self?
Inquisitr (US): Woman Murders Husband, Two Children, And Family Dog After Being Shunned By Jehovah’s Witnesses
Christian Post (US): Woman Who Killed Self, Entire Family Was Shunned by Jehovah's Witnesses for Sending Kids to College
Heavy . com (US): Lauren Stuart: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
TEGNA (multiple-outlets) (US): Friends: Jehovah's Witnesses shunning drove Detroit-area mom to murder-suicide
Friendly Atheist (Patheos): Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Kills Family, Then Herself, Possibly Due to Church Shunning
People (US): Mich. Model Shoots Her Husband and Adult Children Before Turning the Gun on Herself
Rare (US): A woman blames Jehovah’s Witnesses after her friend took her family’s lives in a murder-suicide