For those interested - the original original is available as an 8x10 Giclee Print
For those interested - the original original is available as an 8x10 Giclee Print
tragic news.
- limited information so far.. son finds parents stabbed to death inside north austin home.. abc7 chicago.
sunday 18 june 2017.. a son discovered his two parents stabbed to death inside a home on chicago's north austin neighborhood, police said.. he found his 67-year-old father and 69-year-old mother fatally stabbed in the 1400-block of north leclaire avenue and contacted police at about 1 a.m., police said.
Tragic news. - limited information so far.
Son finds parents stabbed to death inside North Austin home.
abc7 Chicago. Sunday 18 June 2017.
A son discovered his two parents stabbed to death inside a home on Chicago's North Austin neighborhood, police said.
He found his 67-year-old father and 69-year-old mother fatally stabbed in the 1400-block of North Leclaire Avenue and contacted police at about 1 a.m., police said. They have been identified to the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office as Johnnie and Shirley Ervin.
"Mrs. Ervin, she was a good woman, a Jehovah's Witness, God-fearing woman and Mr. Ervin was an upright man, took care of his family and everything," said Kevin Newson, who knew the victims.
due to last years success, i will post everything related to the 2017 regional convention in this thread.. to start us off.... thanks to exjw reddit user ich3b we have advance notice of the theme (this is not a joke!).
the theme for the 2017 regional convention is: "don’t give up!” .
as always, if you have access to confidential materials you would like to leak but need to protect your identity, pm me or email me: wifibandit1 (at) gmail.
but has anyone got a link to seeing on-line the whole programme including the talks?
Yes, the link is above - its around 17 hours in total
Or try this link:
The WTS used to run a service JWStream
They still do, that's where these videos are from
....................then you couldn't have been "in the truth" nor was "the truth in you" until july 2013, because that month's watchtower was dedicated to reversing the following 8 "truths" and replacing them with opposing "truths".
you'd been believing and teaching falsehoods.. these are for any new members and those j.w.
's who visit here who have not seen this list before.
Please, in case nobody has realised..... the OP's forum name is meant to be IRONIC - that's the whole point!
Hence the JOKE of 'The Searchers' opening post!!...... It's meant to be a SPOOF
The articles in the Watchtower 15 July 2013 magazine that 'The Searcher' refers to are basically reviewing JW doctrine changes over the years - they DID NOT ALL CHANGE in July 2013.
BUT 'The Searcher' says that the changes all took place IN July 2013 - that's the JOKE!
Of course, 'The Searcher' is clever - see how Point 7 was slipped in:
7. There is an 'evil slave class'. (box on Page 24)
Watchtower 15 July 2013, page 24 box actually says:
Was Jesus foretelling that there would be an evil slave class in the last days? No. Granted, some individuals have manifested a spirit similar to that of the evil slave described by Jesus. We would call them apostates, whether they were of the anointed or of the “great crowd.” (Rev. 7:9) But such ones do not make up an evil slave class. Jesus did not say that he would appoint an evil slave. His words here are actually a warning directed to the faithful and discreet slave.
Do not underestimate 'The Searcher's' postmodern irony
( for example see: )
due to last years success, i will post everything related to the 2017 regional convention in this thread.. to start us off.... thanks to exjw reddit user ich3b we have advance notice of the theme (this is not a joke!).
the theme for the 2017 regional convention is: "don’t give up!” .
as always, if you have access to confidential materials you would like to leak but need to protect your identity, pm me or email me: wifibandit1 (at) gmail.
Thousands-upon-thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses are gathering together this weekend for the 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Special Congress being held in Wien from Friday 16 through to Sunday 18 June 2017 at the Happel Stadion.
Local Witnesses will be joined by many hundreds of specially invited delegates from as far away as United States with the programme being given in German as well as in Croatian and English.
In preparation for the event the Witnesses, familiar to all through both their door-to-door activity and street displays for their Bible magazine The Watchtower, have being spending the last three weeks distributing invitations to the public to attend this free event.
The highlight for many of the delegates will be on Saturday when hundreds of new converts from all walks of life and of all ages are due to be accepted into the faith by means of full water baptism.
Leading up to this congress, the Witnesses where featured in a number of segments on Austrian TV on Monday 12 June 2017:
Before the annual congress in the Happel Stadium some criticism of the recognized religious community.
21,000 people in Austria are Jehovah's Witnesses. Robert Jagarinec is no longer there. "When I started to ask critical questions, I ran against a wall. I decided to leave," says the family's father.
The Jagarinec family has long been a member of Jehovah's Witnesses. After exiting from the religious community recognized in Austria since 2009, she is now trying to return to life.
ORF reporter Christoph Feuerstein talks about the Jehovah's Witnesses and the consequences for those faithful who begin to doubt the correctness of this doctrine.
i was wondering if you guys think if the general public cares about our stories or if they even care what the watchtower does to people??
Or care if there are more (or less) Conventions taking place?
according to the uk charity commission, my old kingdom hall is hemorrhaging money and less is coming in.
long may it continue.. any ideas what a crappy, run down, shack of a kh spends £49,472.87 on in three years?
they were praying for a new hall for about 10 years until bethel basically stole it off them to build warwick.. .
Ten bucks says that still-in ttatters "voting with their wallets" are a significant factor.
And nothing to do with the fact that Speke-Garston in Liverpool is one of the most deprived areas in England?
See the Liverpool Council's profile of the area:
Life expectancy is 10 years less than the rest of England (70.8 years / 80.8 years)
Liverpool as a whole has life expectancy of 78.5
so he tries to prove that we are living in the last days without any evidence, but instead a series of unsubstantiated assertions ("never has there been a time with so much lack love and affection").
and uses things that are not even part of the so-called "sign" (abortions, pollution).
then proceeds to ridicule the "ridiculers," stereotype them, and declare they are only fit for destruction!.
A link would be good
Or even some kind of transcript
(caveat: I've not checked this transcript - but it might be useful for any not wanting or unable to watch the whole of the above video)
you know there are many people today who
say that we're not living in the time of
the end they say the world is just as
the same as it's always been
there's no real changes that have taken
place but of course we know they're
deceiving themselves never before have
so many people around the globe openly
practice and flaunted sexual immorality
and not just among themselves but
they're seeing that it's brought into
the homes by means of internet
television and other means never before
has man had the power to decimate entire
populations by dropping just one bomb or
by means of chemical warfare never
before has there been such widespread
lack of love of natural affection that
results in the death of children it's
interesting that some calculate that
1 billion abortions have taken place
since 1980
that's really something
just about the population of China if
you can imagine and that is something
that's accepted is commonplace in our
day so some people think well things
haven't changed but is that true no
quite to the contrary and something else
that we're fully aware of is that people
around the earth are making a garbage
dump out of the planet that we live on
polluting the air the Seas the land
and yet some still insists that things
haven't changed now why is it why do
people have that attitude well part of
it lies in what the Scriptures tell us
what Paul wrote at second corinthians
four three and four and there it says
the Satan blinds the minds of the
unbelievers and the unbelievers are not
just atheists the unbelievers are found
throughout the churches of Christendom
they don't believe really believe what
the Bible has to say about prophecy
about morality that God is really going
to clean up this planet and is going to
be a wonderful new world of peace and
happiness and so to help people
understand these things we go out and we
preach we tell them about what Matthew
24 says in mark 13 and Luke 21 and
second Timothy three that we're living
in the time of the end but there is
something we have to remember if we get
a little bit discouraged when people
don't respond as we feel they should
with all of the evidence that we see and
we appreciate
the Bible indicates very clearly that
many people would not see the sign they
would not accept what the Bible has to
say and what's most interesting about
that is that the people who ignore and
who deny the sign that we're living in
the time of the end are part of the sign
themselves what they do and well the way
they think turn to second Peter
second Peter chapter three and we'll
read verses 3 and 4 in the first line in
verse 5
second Peter 3 3 & 4 in the first line
of verse 5 Peter wrote first of all know
this that in the last days so this is
something Peter is saying would happen
during our time ridicule errs will come
with their ridicule proceeding according
to their own desires and saying where is
this promise presence of his wife rum
the day our forefathers fell asleep in
death all things are continuing exactly
as they were from creations beginning
and then the reason for it is given in
the next line for they deliberately
ignore this fact well here the fact was
they ignored the flood of Noah's day the
fact for us today is that they ignore
what the Bible clearly says or what
Jesus said would be the sign of the last
days so they don't realize it that
they're part of the fulfillment what
contributes to an unbelieving attitude
well one of the things is what we could
call as gradualism the watchtower of
January 15 2014 paragraph 30 or page 30
paragraph 11 stated the following it
seems that the more familiar situation
is the less people are inclined to pay
attention to it a steady decline in the
morality of society in general may seem
less shocking than a sudden unexpected
change in the behavior of a close
acquaintance and then it says
nevertheless this gradual decay of
morality is dangerous and isn't it true
that most of us have we were raised in
an environment that was not so good they
were immoral things taking place around
us wars crime and so people get to the
point where they accept it as normal and
as it escalates it really doesn't
impress upon him on them that no times
have changed they're becoming far worse
than ever before gradual decay of
morality is dangerous it makes me think
of an illustration about how to boil a
if you heat up a pot and you have the
water boiling and drop a frog into it
what's going to happen he's out of there
he's not going to stay that frog isn't
stupid he hits the water and it's
terribly hot and out he jumps but if you
fill the pot with cool water drop the
frog in and then gradually little by
little you heat it up
until it gets to the boiling point he's
cooked and that's what's happening in
the world today the gradualism is not
perceived by people in the world but
they're being cooked it's getting hot
and so we know that wicked men are going
to continue to increase imposters
scoffing at the truth world conditions
are escalating they're getting worse
constantly but they're going to have to
deal with the creator and his judgment
and there's three Psalms I'd like to
just mention briefly that I find very
interesting to tie in nicely with the
wickedness of the world in what jehovah
will do psalm 10 verse 4 in his
haughtiness the wicked man makes no
investigation all his thoughts are there
is no God
Psalm 12 8 the wicked walk around
unrestrained because the sons of men
promote depravity that could have been
this morning's headlines in the New York
Times and the last Psalm 92 7 when the
wicked sprout like weeds and all the
wrongdoers flourish it is that they may
be annihilated forever and to that we
say Amen so be it
according to the uk charity commission, my old kingdom hall is hemorrhaging money and less is coming in.
long may it continue.. any ideas what a crappy, run down, shack of a kh spends £49,472.87 on in three years?
they were praying for a new hall for about 10 years until bethel basically stole it off them to build warwick.. .
As such, J.W.'s in the U.K. should be asking their elders why donations are continually being requested to help fund the new Britain Branch at Chelmsford.
And that's not all!!
How many of the 35 KIngdom Halls you listed last year have now been sold off, with proceeds going direct to the Britain Bethel?
How many?
according to the uk charity commission, my old kingdom hall is hemorrhaging money and less is coming in.
long may it continue.. any ideas what a crappy, run down, shack of a kh spends £49,472.87 on in three years?
they were praying for a new hall for about 10 years until bethel basically stole it off them to build warwick.. .
Well, that's kinda depressing - but maybe everyone is just trying to tactfully ignore the elephant
You appear to have had a bit of a typo with your maths - could be a misplaced decimal point - and also mixed up income and outgoings?
The TOTAL outgoings for the last three years was £91,234
You did a three year income/outgoing differance calculation, but seem to have moved the decimal point/s leftwards for the 2015 values?
£28,592 = Income last three years
£91,234 = Outgoings last three years
£62,642 = Difference (NOT £49,472.87)
For those interested here's the run down for the last 11 years, missing one year, which helps to show the build-up of capital:
a crappy, run down, shack of a KH
here it is - used by just one congregation