I think it is scheduled for Next Tuesday.
Unless it gets deleted before then....
but it seems to come back, again, and again
watchtower october 2017, par 11, page 28 - "very soon the political powers of satan’s world will form a coalition that is bent on the destruction of god’s people.
's] have anything to fear?
not at all!........at that critical moment during the great tribulation, the angelic soldiers of jehovah of armies will come together to protect god’s people..."[j.w.
I think it is scheduled for Next Tuesday.
Unless it gets deleted before then....
but it seems to come back, again, and again
had the misfortune of stopping by the "regional" convention yesterday.
i promised my daughter i would come to sunday afternoon so she wouldnt have to ride home with her mother.... holy crap it was weird!
im sure all of this has been covered on the forum but to actually see it.... just wow.
To credit "the City of White Plains" is specific - it credits the city, not the kingdom hall property.
Yes, they filmed on the public highway.
This would have needed to have been consented to.
BTW Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep have been in White Plains filming just this month.
A lot of films have location credits at the end - but most people don't stay in the movie house long enough to read all the credits.....
had the misfortune of stopping by the "regional" convention yesterday.
i promised my daughter i would come to sunday afternoon so she wouldnt have to ride home with her mother.... holy crap it was weird!
im sure all of this has been covered on the forum but to actually see it.... just wow.
Credit was given to the "City of White Plains, New York"
The KH they used is at 155 Orawaupum St, White Plains NY 10606-2433
anybody remember the 8 day 1969 international convention.
i was at the braves stadium in atlanta all 8 days with a sunburn and then wet clothes after the rain storms.
if you were there (not necessarily in atlanta) do you remember anything about it?
Me? Too young
But I did find this - looks like London only got six days
Post and Chronical newspaper - 'Convention Special' - Saturday 2 August 1969
Front Cover:
Page Eight - picture of Wilfred Gooch and Nathan Knorr
watchtower october 2017, par 11, page 28 - "very soon the political powers of satan’s world will form a coalition that is bent on the destruction of god’s people.
's] have anything to fear?
not at all!........at that critical moment during the great tribulation, the angelic soldiers of jehovah of armies will come together to protect god’s people..."[j.w.
I think it is scheduled for Next Tuesday.
Unless it gets deleted before then....
that was the title of the public talk given by the co today.
it's a statement i've heard over the years many many times.it's based on the nwt translation of matthew 5:3i always use a different version of the bible when i follow the scriptures because it lets me get a better view of the scripture in question.well, imagine my surprise when i read the scripture in the nrsv bible to realise it says something completely different.the nwt renders it...3 “happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.. however the nrsv says...3 “blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.. i was quite surprised at the completely different meaning so i looked at other translations and they pretty much all say the same thing.
the only one who says anything like spiritual need is the nwt.
TBH surprising then that the CO apparently didn't use the NWT Appendix as a WT-thought 'explainer' to introduce the concepts he was talking about:
NWT - Appendix A1: Principles of Bible Translation, page 1719
During his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus used an expression that is often translated “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” (Matthew 5:3, King James Version) But in many languages, a literal rendering of this expression is obscure. In some cases, a strictly literal translation could imply that “the poor in spirit” are mentally unbalanced or lacking in vitality and determination. However, Jesus was here teaching people that their happiness depended, not on satisfying their physical needs, but on recognizing their need for God’s guidance. (Luke 6:20) Thus, such renderings as “those conscious of their spiritual need” or “those who know their need for God” convey more accurately the meaning of the original expression.—Matthew 5:3; The New Testament in Modern English.
same theme scripture as last week deut 32.
3/4 "a god... who is never unjust".
do i share that spirit ?
Wonder why they used the example of Ahab?
What 'justice' did Ahab's sons get?
(1 Kings 21:27-29) As soon as Aʹhab heard these words, he ripped his garments apart and put sackcloth on his body; and he went on a fast and kept lying down in sackcloth and walking despondently. 28 Jehovah’s word then came to E·liʹjah the Tishʹbite: 29 “Have you seen how Aʹhab has humbled himself on my account? Because he has humbled himself before me, I will not bring the calamity during his lifetime. I will bring the calamity upon his house in the days of his son.”
i've received the following news from a reliable and trusted source: .
the demise of printing literature in the u.k. is being brought forward by one year - to march 2018. graphic design and printing support will go too.
large numbers of "disposable" bethelites will now have to make their own way in the world, when their "mother" abandons them.
My impression is that Temple Farm will be a distribution and storage warehouse and admin centre for the British "field" , nothing more.
FWIW I understood that all the UK individual congregation's literature orders are now already being packaged up in Germany - therefore no need for warehouse storage in Britain (though I'd expect the Britain Bethel to hold a small stock of things like Bible Teach books for 'emergency' orders)
This was the letter from last year -
BoE Letter June 10, 2016 - Re: Transfer of Shipping Activities From Britain Branch to Central Europe Branch
We are writing to inform you that the shipping activities presently done at the Britain branch will soon be transferred to the Central Europe branch, located in Germany. This transfer is currently underway, and will be completed by the end of September 2016.
What effect will it have on the congregations here in Britain? Public and study edition magazines in English will continue to be packed at the Britain branch for the congregations in Britain and Ireland when the quantity justifies it (above 50 copies for the study edition and above 100 copies for the public editions). However, foreign-language magazines, meeting workbooks and literature will be packed in the Central Europe branch once the transfer takes place.
On a side issue:
I think John Davis speaks for only one section of the community when he "disses" print media.
As a print newspaper reader myself, I thought the following recent (Jan 2017) study was interesting:
Re-assessing multi-platform performance and market share using ‘time-spent’
The results show that, of the time spent with 11 UK national newspaper brands by their British audiences, 88.5 per cent still comes via their print editions, 7.49 per cent via mobiles, and just 4 per cent via PCs.
There is also this from Deloitte
UK News Media: an engine of original news content and democracy
A study on the economic contribution of the UK news media industry
December 2016
i've received the following news from a reliable and trusted source: .
the demise of printing literature in the u.k. is being brought forward by one year - to march 2018. graphic design and printing support will go too.
large numbers of "disposable" bethelites will now have to make their own way in the world, when their "mother" abandons them.
i wonder how much of it will ever get built
Compare the two projects.....
Full size graphic with readable names: https://img.jehovahs-witness.com/image/4ab852e44a544da3857d7a4fff7d2125
hat tip to this thread: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5152526483587072/chelmsford-green-lighted
watchtower october 2017, page 11, par.
17 - confess and abandon secret sins.
some christians who have committed a serious sin try to cover it over in order to avoid embarrassing themselves or disappointing others.
They do this every few years. They get people feeling guilt
haha, yeah, you know they've just gotta 'guilt-trip' the flock.....