FWIW below is the discussion from two months ago - which includes the Watchtower's Question from Readers from 1990
Also includes the one hour BBC television documentary that was aired in May 2017:
an inquiry will be held into the contaminated blood scandal that left at least 2,400 people dead, the prime minister has confirmed.. it will establish the causes of the "appalling injustice" that took place in the 1970s and 1980s.
nhs patients were given blood products that were infected with diseases, such as hepatitis c and hiv.. families of those who died will be consulted about what form the inquiry should take.. it could be a public hillsborough-style inquiry or a judge-led statutory inquiry, prime minister theresa may confirmed.. the prime minister's spokesman said: "it is a tragedy that has caused immeasurable hardship and pain for all those affected and a full inquiry to establish the truth of what happened is the right course of action to take.. "it is going to be a wide-ranging inquiry.".
FWIW below is the discussion from two months ago - which includes the Watchtower's Question from Readers from 1990
Also includes the one hour BBC television documentary that was aired in May 2017:
in his video he mentions an elders letter sent to germany in 07 , i believe.
in this letter if i'm understanding it correctly the elders are being instructed to send most of any information on hand about child abuse in their congregation to headquarters and any thing else they have at home or in their personal possession to destroy it.
this seams to be the most obvious case of wt telling their elders to destroy information.
TBH it sounds like the 'standard' letter regarding the annual (?) file audit.
the girl next door does a run-down regarding the implications of the letter at the link below.
the girl next door also posted the Checklist and the five page letter here:
PS - jp1692 - maybe the clue is in the username: 'Crazyguy'
hi everyone.. this is just a thought, while reading bill bowen's silent lambs website i was interested to find out how long ago the figure of 23,000 molesters was published.. well it was in 2002.. in the spring of 2002, silentlambs was contacted by three different sources who claimed to have connected with people inside the headquarters of the watchtower bible & tract society of new york, located in patterson , new york .
these insiders provided silentlambs contacts with a computer data base number of 23,720 child molesters on file there.
so as the spring of 2002 was just over 15 years ago i wonder how many more have been added to the list ?.
figure of 23,000 molesters was published
For clarity, I think that is suspected / alleged molesters
scratchme1010: I'd be more concerned about why they are keeping a database. What is supposed to be the purpose of that?
WHATSGOINGON: Scratchme1010 I totally agree !! Its very strange.
Well the simple solution then is for WT to not keep a database. Just destroy it and throw it away. End off.
I am sorry you feel like that.
You may not want WT to keep a database - but I do.
Though I understand that great care needs to be made about, especially as I believe it includes just allegations.
The issue though it not about keeping a database, it is about how it is used.
it's been 9 years and it would be nice to get them off the internet.
Prompted by another poster, I re-checked one of the Doc 58's posts and can see that he did provide a link on amazon.com that features the book he wrote under his name. So, I continue to be puzzled about why the Doc 58 would want his posts from this forum deleted but the book bearing his name on amazon.com on full public display.
kinda like 'forum-cleansing'
rather than 'mind-cleansing'
which happens to remind me of this video...
BTW, what assembly hall is this? - it looks massive - watch from 4:15 onwards
june 20, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: supplier arrangements on jw.org.
BluesBrother: I note this was Australian, is it worldwide?
No, if you're in the UK (?) you have to wait until 2018!!
BUT, if you're in the US (?) you need to go to:
(though they also don't have any circuit cars for sale currently - just commerical vehicles)
june 20, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: supplier arrangements on jw.org.
stuckinarut2: So I went to the page for the cars, and it only has a section where someone needs to fill in all their details before any of the cars can be purchased.
No, they're all listed now.... with multiple pictures:
There's currently around a dozen
Hey Gorbatchov!
Cool, thanks for posting this - I did wonder if anybody would....
because of the (ex)-JW subtext
spoiler at bottom of post, if you need a hint
before that - here's the bigger picture/s:
JW subtext: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Send_to_Coventry
thought i'd share this article i was sent today.
it's getting to where you can't go and take a leisurely stroll or hike without being bombarded with the stufff we want to get away from.http://www.citizen-times.com/story/sports/outdoors/girls-gone-outdoors/2017/07/06/proselytizing-blue-ridge-parkway/452390001/.
StoneWall: Thought I'd share this article I was sent today. It's getting to where you can't go and take a leisurely stroll or hike without being bombarded with the stufff we want to get away from.
thanks for posting this with the link - I was hoping somebody would be when I first saw it myself because...
what's interesting is that the National Parks have what they call "Designated First Amendment Sites"
And the Blue Ridge appears to have 14 of these disignated sites:
Seems a bit strange, but I suppose it depends on how much you support (or not) the First Amendment.
threads about jw urban legends are nothing new on this forum.
they are loads of fun to read.
how many of you remember the one about the teenager who skipped the meeting and decided to get into a car with his worldly friends and they worldly guys decided to rob a store and the jw didn't know they were going to do so but he was arrested simply for being with them?.
I'll take your robbery, and up you a plane-crash:
Staying close to Jehovah’s organization is certainly a protection for us. A brother who often had to make business trips to other countries was faced with problems because he was gone for two or three days and could not attend meetings. It is his desire, however, to be at all meetings, so he has often discussed this with his employer. Generally it is possible to arrange matters so that he can be at the meetings. Of late, however, the difficulties increased and there were often discussions with his employer about this. On February 9 his company had a business transaction with an important customer and it was scheduled that he should fly to a country in the Near East on Saturday, February 21. This trip was to take five or six days. What should he do? He knew that this date was requested by the customer, but also that he would have to miss the meeting on Sunday and could not be in the congregation when the circuit servant came the following week. The brother was determined to share in this special week. He presented the matter to his employer, but his request was rejected and the tickets were purchased and the departure date set. The brother states: “I refused to fly and made one more attempt to change my employer’s mind. Although the atmosphere was very tense, telegrams were sent back and forth and a new date was arranged for the flight. I was very thankful to Jehovah that he gave me the strength to remain steadfast. Two days later I heard over the radio that the plane on which I was to have flown had been sabotaged and crashed. If I had not been determined to have my employer change the scheduled date, I would not be alive to report this experience.”
(Yearbook 1971, page 142)
threads about jw urban legends are nothing new on this forum.
they are loads of fun to read.
how many of you remember the one about the teenager who skipped the meeting and decided to get into a car with his worldly friends and they worldly guys decided to rob a store and the jw didn't know they were going to do so but he was arrested simply for being with them?.
I'll take your robbery, and up you a car-crash:
On a hot Tuesday afternoon, Ki, who operates a clinic in Taechun, Korea, was invited by three co-workers to spend the afternoon at the beach. Though the idea was tempting, Ki knew that if he went, he would not be back in time to be at the Congregation Book Study that evening. So he declined the invitation. Moments later, the three were brought back to the clinic—dead! They had a fatal traffic accident right after leaving the clinic. Ki grieved over the incident but was glad his life had been spared on account of his sticking to the good habit he had formed over the years.
(Watchtower 1 May 1965, page 14)
(Posted Thur 6 July - 15:30 EDT - I think my posts are starting to be queued now....)