There was some interesting discussion about this a couple of days ago here:
sentences in bold are mine:.
a canberra man has been jailed for historical sex offenses against two teenage girls in his church in 2004.. the 56-year-old former jehovah's witness pleaded guilty to touching one's backside as she leaned in to log on to their home computer for him.. he also pleaded guilty to lifting another girl onto his lap and placing his hand on her genitals for two to three minutes.
There was some interesting discussion about this a couple of days ago here:
according to the org's "guardians of doctrine," (g.o.d.
's) the figurative woman who's mentioned in revelation chapter 12 is none other than god almighty's heavenly organization - with its myriads upon myriads of powerful spirit creatures.. it-2 p. 187 - "it would follow that the “woman” is god’s “wife,” the “jerusalem above,” the “mother” of christ and his spiritual brothers.
" jv chap.
p.s. Why are YOU using italics and bold lettering in both of your responses????????????
Why not? I wasn't complaining.
But now you come to mention the formating and stuff, yeah it kinda reminds me now..... there was also The Searcher who used to post here quite a lot, but unfortunately they stopped posting about a month ago just before you started actually, which is a pity as you'd probably have liked The Searcher's postings. They where interesting, I know I enjoyed them.
according to the org's "guardians of doctrine," (g.o.d.
's) the figurative woman who's mentioned in revelation chapter 12 is none other than god almighty's heavenly organization - with its myriads upon myriads of powerful spirit creatures.. it-2 p. 187 - "it would follow that the “woman” is god’s “wife,” the “jerusalem above,” the “mother” of christ and his spiritual brothers.
" jv chap.
I'm missing something here. I think if you read the part which you've personally highlighted, I did actually say "GOD'S omnipotence. I never said anything about the WOMAN being omnipotent.
haha - then in view of the thread title and your OP, what you've said just doesn't make sense - actually what you say 'disproves' your title - you're mixing up 'God / Jehovah' with 'Woman / Wife / Jerusalem Above'
Your thread title should be "The "slave's" dogma depicts Satan as being more powerful than Jehovah's Wife (Woman / Jerusalem Above)"
Otherwise your reasoning appears to be verging on a 'strawman' principle'.
And actual believe has nothing to do with it
The concept is called - devil's advocate - which can be very useful valuable
The opposite I supppose it called - confirmation bias - which can be very dangerous
this was on a news headline, i know its nothing new but its good that they are bringing to the attention of the media.
its good that they are bringing to the attention of the media
cool thanks, yeah its getting coverage...
Did you see the actual television programme/broadcast yesterday (Tuesday 25 July 2017)? no worries if not - check out the middle link below
In the Friends Section here:
In the Beliefs Section here:
In the Scandals Section here:
according to the org's "guardians of doctrine," (g.o.d.
's) the figurative woman who's mentioned in revelation chapter 12 is none other than god almighty's heavenly organization - with its myriads upon myriads of powerful spirit creatures.. it-2 p. 187 - "it would follow that the “woman” is god’s “wife,” the “jerusalem above,” the “mother” of christ and his spiritual brothers.
" jv chap.
Since verses 6,13,14,15,& 16 all depict the "woman" as having to run away and get shelter and protection from Satan, it doesn't put God's omnipotence in a good light, does it?
It is 'God' who is omnipotent - NOT the 'woman / wife / jerusalem above'
Thus it is 'God' that Revelation 12:6 says provides protection to the 'woman'
according to the org's "guardians of doctrine," (g.o.d.
's) the figurative woman who's mentioned in revelation chapter 12 is none other than god almighty's heavenly organization - with its myriads upon myriads of powerful spirit creatures.. it-2 p. 187 - "it would follow that the “woman” is god’s “wife,” the “jerusalem above,” the “mother” of christ and his spiritual brothers.
" jv chap.
Hey The Fall Guy - you seem quite the searcher, what with all those WT references, key words bolded and use of italics.
bbc news website has this linked on front page..
jookbeard: very disjointed didn't come across well at all.
It was kinda bland, and all very 'so-what-ish' - which doesn't really work on TV
At that time of the day, the TV programme is up against 'Judge Judy' with parent's suing their kids etc and 'Jeremy Kyle' with families fighting each other. And then there's Victoria Derbyshire...
Victoria Derbyshire also seemed unsure what questions to actually ask to - trying her best to make it into an 'i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g' story before viewers either turned over, or went to make a cup of tea.
It was kinda weird too - the lady interviewee was shown in silhouette, and the guy had only his back shown with an actor doing a voice-over for his comments. Agan, a bit 'so-what-ish-weird'
And Terri - who can be very good in the right enviroment - sadly just looked like an out-of-place gooseberry, particularly as she was sitting opposite the two main interviewees, and next to Victoria.
so today the well-respected and serious newspaper came with child abuse within the jw as their topmost frontpage article.. the articles are well researched and aim primarily at the dutch jw situation.. afaik at least on member of this forum assisted the newspaper with the articles.
other media are picking up as well.....
redpilltwice: Here they are Anders, three physical copies at my table for the personal archives!
Try this
(fifth post down the thread)
http; too far, man answers the door naked when jw's appear..https// hell search, went to far, man answers the door naked when jw's appear, a young black was e-mail to me and i'am using the same address but not working for me,hopefully you will find it.
a young jw child was present, not good.......
Man answers the door naked when JW's appear
Not even waiting for them to come to the door now....