JoinedPosts by darkspilver
fun tv show
by nancy drew inwe've been watching a show called people of earth it's hilarious has anyone else seen it?
it's a comedy about people who have been abducted and meet at a church to talk about it and the portrayals of the greys,the reptilians and the nordics and their issues is classic.
it's on tbs.
UK CHAT magazine: ABUSED by Dad AND Uncle Charlie
by darkspilver inthe following 1,200 word article is from chat magazine - a popular british weekly women's magazine with a circulation of approximately 225,000 copies which makes it around the 4th most popular women's weekly.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/chat_(magazine).
the same experience (but a different article) appeared in may 2017 in the british newspapers the sunday mirror / the daily record - see my post below which also includes related links with more background information:.
The following 1,200 word article is from Chat magazine - a popular British weekly women's magazine with a circulation of approximately 225,000 copies which makes it around the 4th most popular women's weekly.
The same experience (but a different article) appeared in May 2017 in the British newspapers The Sunday Mirror / The Daily Record - see my post below which also includes related links with more background information:
Chat magazine, 17 August 2017, pages 6, 7 and 8
ABUSED by Dad AND Uncle Charlie (Front cover tagline)
First it was my own, trusted dad, then my church elder
By Angie Rodgers, 36, from Ayrshire
As Dad rang the doorbell, I stared at the ground. Please don't know me, I prayed silently.
It was 1991 and I was 10. My family were Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Each weekend, my dad Ian, then 30, would take me door-to-door, trying to recruit new members, convert them to ‘the truth’.
Mortified, I kept my head down, dreading a kid from school answering the door.
I was already being bullied.
‘Bible basher,’ kids called me.
I wasn’t allowed friends outside the religion, or to participate in school activities.
We didn’t celebrate birthdays or Christmas. It was a lonely, miserable childhood.
Evenings were packed with book study, family worship or meetings at our local Kingdom Hall – Jehovah’s Witnesses’ houses of worship.
Then, one night, when I was 11, life got so much worse.
I woke up, and Dad was on top of me, touching me. His hands were up my nightie, groping my private places.
What’s happening? I panicked.
In shock, I froze, too terrified to speak.
After, Dad left without a word.
My head swam with questions.
Was this normal?
It didn’t feel right.
But Dad was a devout man – and, as strict as he was, I trusted him.
So I didn’t say a word, even when it happened again.
Then, one day, I had gastric flu, was throwing up. Dad looked after me while Mum went to the Kingdom Hall. Scooping me up off the couch, Dad carried me upstairs.
I thought he’d tuck me into bed, but instead he took me to his bedroom and molested me as my fever raged.
I was sobbing, so frightened.
Please come home and save me, Mum, I prayed.
But she never did.
‘If you tell anyone, I’ll rip you apart,’ Dad snarled after.
I was terrified of him.
And it kept getting worse.
‘You’ll break up the family,’ he’d warn.
Or, ‘You’ll be taken away by Social Services.’
I was sheltered, naive, and felt trapped.
Then, aged 14, we went to a Jehovah’s Witness convention.
Inside one of the tents, Dad grabbed me, pinning me to the ground.
Wrestling my clothes off, he pulled down his trousers.
He’s going to rape me! I realised.
I didn’t dare scream.
Frozen in fear, I closed my eyes as Dad was about to force himself on me.
Only, suddenly...
‘Ian?’ a voice called from outside the tent. It was one of our elders, Harry Holt – known as ‘Uncle Charlie’ to the kids.
‘Just a minute,’ Dad called, hurriedly yanking up his trousers and rushing out.
I was saved. Just.
Horrified, I confided in a friend, who was also in the religion.
‘Dad touches me,’ I wept.
Shocked, she later told her father, an elder from another congregation.
Jehovah’s Witnesses like to keep everything within the church. So, instead of involving the police, a ‘judicial meeting’ was called.
I sat in a room being interrogated by three male elders, including Uncle Charlie.
They asked me such embarrassing, intimate questions.
Where was I touched? How?
Dad just sat there, head down, listening to every word.
‘What were you wearing?’ one asked – like I was to blame.
I was humiliated, completely traumatised.
But I’d been brought up believing the elders were above the law, and everyone not in the religion needed saving.
Dad was reprimanded, demoted from his position – yet, because he showed repentance, he was allowed to remain in the church.
‘If this gets out, I’ll go to prison,’ he hissed.
But at least he didn’t dare abuse me again.
Mum was in denial, and we didn’t go out much after. We’d all been embarrassed, and all felt ashamed.
Then, seven months later, I went door-knocking with Uncle Charlie.
After, like usual, I went back to his place to have something to eat.
‘Let’s watch a film,’ he grinned, putting on Braveheart.
We were rarely allowed to watch anything on TV. ‘I’ll just wash before taking you home,’ he said as it played.
Only, he came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped round his waist.
Stunned, frightened, I leapt up from my seat and started putting my jacket on...
Over the page: I learned I wasn't the only victim of my dad or Uncle Charlie...Justice at last
'Are you tickly?’ Uncle Charlie leered, brushing his hand against my breast.
Then he tried to take off my coat.
‘Mum’ll be waiting,’ I insisted, scared.
Uncle Charlie dressed, and we got into the car.
Only, on the drive, his hand crept up my thigh towards my crotch.
When we pulled up at my house, I dashed straight to my room.
‘He touched me,’ I wept to my parents, after Uncle Charlie left.
Another judicial meeting was held.
Uncle Charlie was stripped of his elder privileges – but that was it.
I felt sick.
I'd been used, abused and abandoned by Dad and the church.
Four months on, I left home and went to live with a relative.
Then, in early 1999, aged 18, I left the religion, and was disowned.
Homeless, for a while I sofa-surfed, struggled with drugs and alcohol.
Until, in January 2000, I met my partner, then 22.
Then, in February 2000, another girl reported Dad to the police for alleged abuse.
Pregnant by then, I realised I couldn’t let Dad get away with it, so I went to the police, too.
It was the second time I’d spoken out about him. This time, I just hoped he’d be suitably punished.
In January 2002, at The High Court Edinburgh, my dad Ian Cousins pleaded guilty to two counts of lewd, libidinous behaviour, and two of indecent behaviour towards a girl aged 12-16. He was jailed for five years.
No more cover-ups. Justice.
Looking to the future, my partner and I went on to have three girls, now 16, 11 and 6, and one boy, 14. And, with Dad in jail, Mum left the church and we became close.
‘I’m so sorry,’ she wept.
But I didn’t blame her – she’d been as trapped as I had.
Putting the abuse behind us, I focused on my family.
Only, in autumn 2013, police knocked at the door.
‘We’re here about Harry Holt,’ one said.
Uncle Charlie.
Other victims had come forward, and they’d traced me based on the complaint I’d made to the church back when I was young.
Sickened to discover that I wasn’t his only victim, I made a statement.
In February last year, Harry Holt, 71, appeared at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court.
He was charged with sexually abusing young girls.
I gave evidence, but Holt denied everything, accusing all his victims of collusion and making up stories.
However, the jury didn’t believe his lies.
He was found guilty of five counts of lewd, libidinous behaviour, two of indecent assault, and four of indecent behaviour towards a girl aged 12-16. He was jailed for three and a half years.
Now I’m having therapy for post traumatic stress disorder, and I suffer nightmares, flashbacks.
I’ll never get over what happened to me, but I’ve learned to live with it, and my partner has been my rock.
It terrifies me to think that there might be other victims like me out there, still suffering in silence.
So I’d urge them to go to the police, no matter how long ago the abuse was.
If I can help just one person by telling my story, then it’ll have been worth it.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe they're the only true Christians and the Bible is the Word of God. Local congregations are led by a body of male 'elders', and members attend their closest Kingdom Hall for meetings and Bible study. They maintain a degree of separation from non-believers, who they regard as 'sinful'.
In recent years, the religion has come under fire over its child-protection policies.BOX: Get help...
If you or anyone you know has suffered sexual abuse, help and support is available from Victim Support on 0808 168 9111, or go to www.victimsupport.org.uk -
Marines singing new song!!!
by MrHappy infast forward to 2:04 to get to the key part - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjz_ilp9c5a.
Thanks for the repost from September 2014
The chorus is: "There's no God like Jehovah!"
FWIW there's also some more information and background on the video here:
Juarez MX Assembly Kingdom Hall to be sold.
by ironsnake656 inthere are several confirmed announcements in some congregations around the city regarding the sale of the assembly kingdom hall.
one of the reasons why it will be sold is that expenses are not covered by donations.
the hall was dedicated in 2009. actually, in some congregations the elders have not given the announcement for the publisher's reaction... .
The Mexican people don't have the kind of money the cult leaders want
Out of curiosity I looked up the Assembly Hall - it's in a 'border town'.
The Juárez Assembly Hall is located in the city of El Paso–Juarez (population 2.7 million)
El Paso is the American half. Juarez is the Mexican half. The border (the 'wall') appears to literally go through the middle.
The Assembly Hall is located on the Mexican side of the border - an approximately 3.3 mile drive to the nearest border crossing point and just under one mile to the border, as the bird flies.
Do American JW's cross over the border to attend their Assemblies here? or is it just for Mexicans to use?
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/71p4wJK2xc92
Salón de Asambleas de los Testigos de Jehová
Camino Viejo a Zaragoza 750, Juárez, Chihuahua MEXICOthe Assembly Hall is on lower left (the car park is full of cars) - the Mexico/US border is on upper right:
request for my e-mail with a link to the forum
by smiddy ini have a request to click on a link verifying my e-mail account is that legit from you ?.
When I get unwanted e-mails, I have always hit the unsubscribe link and entered my e-mail address so be removed from their list.
Love the irony
But just incase - for anyone that doesn't get it - FWIW:
5 things you should know about email unsubscribe links before you click
We all get emails we don’t want, and cleaning them up can be as easy as clicking ‘unsubscribe’ at the bottom of the email.
However, some of those handy little links can cause more trouble than they solve.
You may end up giving the sender a lot of information about you, or even an opportunity to infect you with malware.
Of course, not everyone who sends you mail is a spammer and if you know that a sender is trustworthy it’s safe to unsubscribe.
Unfortunately phishing attacks rely on the fact that it’s very, very easy to fake who and where an email has come from so it’s all but impossible to be 100% sure who has sent you an email.
Here are 5 reasons why unsubscribing can be a bad idea, whether you do it by sending a reply email or opening an “unsubscribe” web link:
1. You have confirmed to the sender that your email address is both valid and in active use.
2. By responding to the email, you have positively confirmed that you have opened and read it and may be slightly interested in the subject matter, whether it’s getting money from a foreign prince, a penny stock tip or a diet supplement.
3. If your response goes back via email – perhaps the process requires you to reply with the words “unsubscribe,” or the unsubscribe link in the message opens up an email window – then not only have you confirmed that your address is active, but your return email will leak information about your email software too.
4. If your response opens up a browser window then you’re giving away even more about yourself. By visiting the spammer’s website you’re giving them information about your geographic location (calculated based on your IP address), your computer operating system and your browser.
5. The most scary of all: if you visit a website owned by a spammer you’re giving them a chance to install malware on your computer, even if you don’t click anything.
New Research at AJWRB
by Lee Elder inthe latest research article published at ajwrb estimates the number of jehovah's witnesses who have died from following or being coerced to follow watchtower's blood policy.
the numbers are staggering.
Dr. Muramto's estimate proceeds from a retrospective study that only uses adults.
yes, the actual study might, but the multiplier that is used (number of 'patients' requiring blood) appears to include children?
Likewise the WT's 'publisher' number that Marvin Shilmer used as a multiplier would appear to include children?
To consider the JW population as being entirely consisting of adults actually skews the death numbers in favor of less JWs dying, not more.
Why skew it - if the figure should be higher then it should be higher - why would you try to lower it?
New Research at AJWRB
by Lee Elder inthe latest research article published at ajwrb estimates the number of jehovah's witnesses who have died from following or being coerced to follow watchtower's blood policy.
the numbers are staggering.
The retrospective studies that have been done, on which the estimates have extrapolated from, have only included the adult population.
Sorry, I'm still confused
The "Dr. Osamu Muramoto" number is extrapolated using the "American Association of Blood Banks reported that approximately 4 million patients" line - where is the indication that the "patients" here only includes adults?
The "Marvin Shilmer" number is extrapolated using the "the average number of publishers during the 2016 service year was 8,132,358" line - where is the indication that the "publishers" here only includes adults? -
Watchtower rips off Disney
by BluesBrother inno doubt this point has been made before but i see no harm in emphasising it.
my family heard on the grapevine that "the society" had people who used to animate for disney.
well , if that is true , it certainly shows.
I saw one of these played in public talk in support of creation
public talk at a kingdom hall??...
BoE Letter: January 4, 2016 - Re: Use of Visual Aids
Congregation Meetings: Speakers should not project any moving video footage on screens or monitors unless directed to do so by the organization. However, if the Kingdom Hall is equipped with video equipment, speakers may display still pictures, graphics, or artwork only.
The special talk is now BEFORE the Memorial
by wifibandit inaugust 11, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: 2018 memorial invitations and date of special talk .
the 2018 memorial will be held on saturday, march 31, 2018.. the 2019 memorial will be held on friday, april 19, 2019..
Also a change regarding the the usual "if you have an assembly or CO visit the week of the special talk" ?.....
Congregations that have an assembly or the visit of the circuit overseer the week of March 19 will have the special talk one week earlier.
Leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses video
by Nicholaus Kopernicus ina friend sent me this link to a very interesting video.
more adverse publicity for the wtbts.
(apologies if already posted).
FWIW the Kingdom Hall featured in the report is at: 172 Donlands Avenue, Toronto
StreetView: https://goo.gl/maps/cRCaWdgkNR62
jaydee: the presenter says ..'' over the next hour....'',
It's a hook to keep viewers watching
Rather than broadcast the whole television presentation item together in one go, they break it up over an hour or so, which means people keep watching....
Also remember I undertand it was broadcast on a news channel - so they'll chop it up with 'hot' news and weather etc in between.
For the online version they simply edit the live segments into just the one segment, but some the continuation is kept in otherwise the editing would look a bit weird.
It's kinda similiar to the other Candian coverage from last year on Radio-Canada Television - it was a longer presentation, but again, I understand it was split up with other (unrelated) stuff in between - spread it out to keep the viewers watching - see: