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When did you wake up? Does anyone else in your family know the TTATT?
I just want to add that I really woke up after I had returned from my assignment and was serving as an elder. I don't want to give the impression that I was an active CO and suddenly woke up and quit. I had questions and concerns as a CO but I still believed this was "Gods Organization." It was when I returned from my assignment and was hoping for a CO spot here in the US that i started to wake up.
I was a true believer. Regular pioneering at 16, missionary at 24. When I became a CO, I really tried to use my power for the good, at least what I thought was good. So many times I ran into roadblocks with the Branch Office, but then I was a cult member, so I made mistakes and I was confused. I tried to recommend for elder and servant the "good" guys but I made mistakes there too. I was too harsh sometimes. When I look back now I made a mess of a lot of things. It hurts to think about it
To answer some of your questions, I am in the US. I am a graduate of the Ministerial Training School back when the school was new and they sent some graduates out as missionaries. I was assigned to Central America. I was a field missionary (140 hours per month) for three years then I was sent into the circuit work. This was during the years 1990-2001. I can't name the country for now, too many think I am still in and I am trying to help them. Tons of people on social media still think I am a JW, although some have I friended me due to questions and comments I make. I began really waking up in 2013, My wife woke up all the way in 2015. I actually quoted word for word someone's post on here and it worked with her!
Who in my family woke up first? My brother was disfellowshipped many years ago and he began to open his eyes then. I always had questions but I thought I had the answers. I remember distinctly being in the missionary home and studying the 1995 WT as a "family" with the generation change. It bothered us in the sense that we tried to make sense of it, I felt uncomfortable but of course we had to go back out in the field service so I just sort of pushed it to the back of my mind. There were so many little things that didn't make sense or weren't fair that added up.
When did you get married?
I didn't get married until I returned to the US.
What would you do different, if in a different world, in a different galaxy, in a different were allowed back to be a CO again? What will you change so the WT will not cause dissapointment among us 'apostates'? (of course, assuming you have 'open' doors to act and give your opinions with no one 'upstairs' harassing you)
The organizational structure itself is corrupt and causes more harm than good. There should never be a "Circuit Overseer." It causes people to be dependent on an organization for their decisions and happiness. There is no way to fix it.
Since you've been out, do you ever feel like someone from the Watchtower is keeping tabs on you still?
The Circuit Overseer gives a report on all MTS grads in their circuit. I know they used to report on me even after I was deleted as an elder. They have to. But since I have faded, they don't seem to care. I don't get phone calls or emails.
However, if they knew what I was up to on this forum, I would be immediately disfellowshipped. I interact with a lot of Witnesses still around the neighborhood and on Facebook. I am carefully trying to help as many as I can. If I was found it, I would be toast.
What doctrines do you personally believe now? Do you pray?
I don't believe in any doctrines, none, nada.
No prayer
I was raised a JW from 1960's... I never felt like comfortable. There is a lot of arrogance in the hiarchy. Money mattered too. I was in and out over the years and had study's. And I thought about baptism. But I couldn't trust in the organization, and their specific views, which they do change. And I feel like I need to believe in the teachings of that who is baptizing me. But I feel thru JW I have learned to seek the truths. My question is don't you still believe in the great tribulation and it will start once the 144,000 are sealed and be swift once it starts.? Also do the elders or overseas have a special book they go by?
I don't believe in the Bible. I have actually read it 4 times all the way through. Too many contradictions and violence and ambiguity.
The elders have a book called, "Shepherd the Flock of God."
When Circuit Overseers are appointed, they receive a huge binder of Letters to Traveling Overseers dating from 1973. That's what I received. Perhaps all that is online now.
What parts of the bible and WT rhetoric were most substantial in waking up? For me the last straw came from deeply studying Isaiah's prophesy and the fall of Babylon/Jerusalem and allowing myself to look at references outside of the Watchtower's control.
Abraham sacrificing his son bothered me but I put it out of my mind.
Realizing that elders were not appointed by "Holy Spirit" after seeing all I saw about elders
I know in the past lots of Central America has relied on special pioneers for a lot of the organizational roles. It seems like entire congregations are proped up by two or three of these couples. In talking to one of those couples, they said the decision to send any special pioneers home has absolutely devastated parts of the country. Circuit overseers are trying to encourage many to stay in their assignment as regular pioneers, but many can't because of no jobs.
I know you left the area of the world a while ago, but I was wondering what you think the impact of special pioneers leaving will have on the growth there and the long term viability of the org there.
Absolutely correct. I served many small comgregations in my circuit where the Special Pioneers ran the show. They did everything. There are hundreds of congregations in Central America that are supported by Special Pioneers. They do all the talks, the studies, the accounts, everything. Making them leave will completely gut congregations.
Now that you're out, you have to create a belief system. What's yours? Will you still believe in God? Celebrate birthdays and Christmas?
Edit to add - I served in a Spanish language congregation in the U.S. They marched to their own drum. How much much did you fight that and what's the funkiest running congregation story you have?
No belief system really yet.
What do you mean "funkiest running congregation story"?
Ah, I see. So you were serving Jehovah with a date in mind, and then you let someone stumble you. \sarcasm
But seriously, did those ideas mess with you? I know 1 Peter 4 gets me. Clearly, 607 is a lie, and therefore 1914 is pure twaddle. So there is no end coming. And yet, every time I read that passage my JW self kicks in and tells myself "You're a ridiculer!"
Until recently I had those JW twinges also.
I really was bothered by the 1914 generation change. I worked so hard and I so hoped it would come by the year 2000. And then when it didn't come I was crushed.