thanks - check out the post from below:
during a regional assembly, there was an incident when subjects suddenly invaded the assembly venue, spraying toxic gas and even hitting some brothers!..
the police and the fire department arrived at the call and arrested some of these violent subjects.
there are no reports of any death, more if several people who were affected by the gases.. let us pray for our beloved brothers so that they can be strong and courageous and regain their joy.. we know things are progressing from bad to worse, but we are also sure that we have the lord on our side!
thanks - check out the post from below:
fyihouston woman convicted of murder in husband's brutal stabbing.
wednesday, august 23, 2017jurors discount her claim that intruder was responsiblemelgar maintained her innocence in the dec. 22, 2012 killing, which occurred the day before the couple's 32nd wedding anniversary.
sandra melgar guilty of killing husband, faking home invasion on houston couple's anniversary night.
Interestingly the Houston Chronicle run the above story - which I linked to as an 'update' above - with a COMPLETELY different headline in the PRINT version of the story - with what appears as the same body content:
Lawyer says the jury ‘got it wrong’ in fatal stabbing of client’s husband
Houston Chronicle, Thursday, August 24, 2017 (Print edition, page A3)
“Sandy Melgar is innocent, and the prosecution certainly didn’t prove her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,” defense attorney Mac Secrest said as he left the courtroom. “I think the jury got it wrong.”
The couple’s adult daughter, Liz Rose, said the decision was a miscarriage of justice and declined to comment further.
In a case that attracted national attention, the three-week trial featured no forensic evidence, no motive other than a life-insurance policy, and a lead detective who was later fired for shoddy work, including backdating a search warrant in another murder case.
so i saw on instagram from one of the major uber elders from everett wa posted a picture of where he was staying for the week long safety training the ldc was putting on.
well this "suite" had a full bar for one thing and everything else was quite fancy!
he was complaining about losing $$ for a week since he had to go to this training but the accommodations were wonderful.
Moster: LDC?
Remember the JWs usual pyramidal hierarchy set-up - therefore from the top down they have:
WDC = Worldwide Design/Construction Department
RDC = Regional Design/Construction Department
LDCO = Local Design/Construction Office (USA only)
LDC = Local Design/Construction Department
for *australian* exjws who have stories of domestic violence, use email in this story to share.
Another thread/topic?
But, yes - the issue of domestic violence is extremely important, and should be discussed.
Some may also be interested in a little background information regarding ABC reporter's - Julia Baird and Hayley Gleeson - investigation into this serious subject:
Facts go missing in ABC report on ‘violent Christians’ (W. Bradford Wilcox)
The ABC report by Julia Baird and Hayley Gleeson on religion and domestic violence has come under heavy fire, and for good reason. It is illogical, unfair and quite possibly inaccurate.
ABC ignored church’s ‘positive story
Sydney diocese Archdeacon for Women Kara Hartley was interviewed for more than an hour by ABC journalist Julia Baird for the report on 7:30 that aired on Wednesday night, but none of her comments were aired.
Archdeacon Hartley’s remarks came as the Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane, Mark Coleridge, revealed he had, on request, provided the ABC with extensive comments for a related online essay by Baird and co-author Hayley Gleeson. But not only did Baird and Gleeson not publish any of his remarks, they falsely reported he had not responded.
Only after the diocese made an official complaint to the ABC did it amend the article yesterday.
Interesting also to see how ABC's very own Media Watch reported on this:
Above link includes video of the segment - below, watch from the 7.00 minute mark:
they have care homes in england and wales: wigan, leyland, blackpool, methyr.and one in canada
these are not funded or subsidized by watchtower.
Yes snugglebunny - sad but true.
I was surprised (annoyed even?) when stan livedeath made his comment above - especially as he mentioned earlier in this same thread that his wife apparently works as a senior carer in a care home....
jw wedding early 1980s and where they are now.... .
It is indeed. Kirkby congregation. Im told Kirkby was the mother of a lot of congregations that would pop up in later years.
Unfortunately not the best Kirkby headline on the front page of the Guardian's website today
they have care homes in england and wales: wigan, leyland, blackpool, methyr.and one in canada
these are not funded or subsidized by watchtower.
konceptual99: when they are advertised then they cannot be discriminatory
It seems they can, though maybe not for all job-roles within the care home. By asking the 'JW question' they could say they're simply finding out what the most appropriate job-role for somebody would be in relation to the care home's 'religious ethos'
The following link is interesting - below is just a snippet...
The Equality Act 2010 does potentially allow for religious organisations to require workers to be a member of a particular faith if they are able to show that, having regard to the nature and the context of the work, such a requirement is a genuine (general) ‘occupational requirement’ for the role. In order to satisfy the legislation, the occupational requirement to be of a particular religion or belief is a ‘proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim’, taking into account the religious ethos of the organisation and the type of employment the worker is to undertake.
they have care homes in england and wales: wigan, leyland, blackpool, methyr.and one in canada
these are not funded or subsidized by watchtower.
on the balance of probability--i would think the majority of elderly dubs in the UK are "poor"---just getting by on the state pension. so--when they go into care--its most likely the care home fees will be paid by the local authority ( the council ). so--in the case of these jah jireh homes--yes--a very profitable business
Err no - actually I think that it's the OPPOSITE...
The Guardian, 22 August 2017
There is now compelling evidence that self-funded residents are paying higher fees and effectively subsidising state-funded residents sharing the same home, and that without this much of the social care market would not be viable
just wanted to share with you some good news i'm really excited about.
i have been accepted for university to study psychology and counseling.
my goal is to become a counselor and, in time, to specialize on treating those who have left high control relationships/groups like we all did.. it'll take a few years before im qualified but studying in university has been a dream of mine since i was 12, which was systematically dashed to pieces by watchtower.. .
When does your course start?
What happens to your child support payments?
jw wedding early 1980s and where they are now.... .
FWIW - link to slightly larger (and better quality) picture: