The Fall Guy: I strongly beg to differ with DARKSPILVER's (and the org's) wishful thinking;
Really? Please read the context of Sugar Shane's question and my reply.
Sugar Shane: I read the PDF copy. Is this something that the R&F would normally have access to? Just wondering, because when I (a non-JW) showed a JW guy the copy of the "Sheperd Flock of God" book that I downloaded to my I-pad, from the ARC exhibits list, he pretty much freaked out. It was weird, but kind of amusing at the time. This was a couple years ago.
Just wondering if this "Face Bad Reports" document would illicit a similar reaction from an average JW 'publisher.'
My factual reply was that the PDF is NOT something that the R&F would normally have access to - that was a factual answer, not an opinion.
Remember in your own OP you (misleadingly?) made it sound like the talk was part of the actual Circuit Assembly, to be attended by all R&F -
The Fall Guy: the upcoming Circuit Assembly talks is as good....
it was me who contextualised what you had quoted - that it was part of the annual regular pioneer meeting - and it was me who provided a link to the actual PDF outline for the benefit of those reading this thread.