JoinedPosts by darkspilver
New Jehovah Witness Convert
by Eddie Fernandez in.
hello house,i am sorry for bumping in like this, ii am a newly baptized jehovah witness, i have been a christain all my life any but i love this new insight and teaching,so i am looking to find a jehovah witness lady that can help me grow strong in faith,i would rather meet someone here because we would take time to get to know each other before we meet, this is a light about me,i am 37 , single, never married and have no kids,i have a good sense of humor, i am loving, caring and trustworthy.i'm an easy going person and i try to stay clear of any drama.i am presently in living in lexington,kentucky but willing to move soon.i am a reserved man,now i am ready to settle down and i'm looking for a woman i can vibe with on a spiritual and intellectual level, i want love and commitment,i am intelligent and successful but let me not toot my own horns,thanks for taking your time to read this.attached my picture and i did include my mobile number.+1 913-730-5780looking forward to hearing from you .thanks.
Using personal car for their "service"...car is getting worn out
by Sugar Shane inquestion: an individual (non-jw, let's say) loans a car to a jw family member, to drive for a year.
car is intended to be used for basic transportation needs.
the non-jw gets car back, only to find that it's basically been driven into the ground, racking up countless miles being used for d2d preaching, and shuttling other jws around.
Sugar Shane - unfortunately it seems like you know what you want the answer to be, and so are just trying to re-word the scenario to get that answer
As evidenced just a couple of days ago - people are becoming less religious and more secular.
People no longer ask: "What would Jesus do?"
Instead they ask: "What would Judge Judy do?"
TBH, I think Judge Judy would eat the car-owner for breakfast and spit them out.
What Type of Elder Body Did You Have?
by minimus ini was an elder in two different congregations and both were conservative and strict, especially congregation number one.
it was headed by a former branch servant as they were called back then.
all elders were by the book.
ToesUp: Ok....they didn't give a sh*t, is that better?
Haha. No. I think in terms of descriptive linguistics, the colloquial use of 'could care less' is empathetically better - that's the joy of the English language 'as-used' rather than requiring it to always confirm to the rigidity of grammatical 'rules'.
What Type of Elder Body Did You Have?
by minimus ini was an elder in two different congregations and both were conservative and strict, especially congregation number one.
it was headed by a former branch servant as they were called back then.
all elders were by the book.
ToesUp: A bunch who could have cared less about anyone.
The joy of colloquial English?
konceptual99: Why is it US English uses the phrase "could care less"? It's "couldn't care less". Which of the following statements makes logical sense? "The GB could care less about the victims" or "The GB could not care less about the victims". **steps off soap box**
https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/6245727799869440/_post/5666058075635712 -
Three gen sex-abuse cover up in my fam; and other fun
by cyngz inhi, first time posting.i got out about 10 years ago, but only beginning to reconcile with my trauma from being raised as a witness.
i am a professional writer, and never wanted my body of work to be prefaced -- 'oh the writer who broke free from being a jw,' but i've started the last year to now write about my experiences.
another reason i have held back is many of the victims in my family are still of the faith, and i've grappled with it is not entirely my story to tell or expose.context: the sexual abuse cover-up with my family goes back to the 50's over three generations of girls in a large extended family all raised as witnesses at the hands of an uncle, and protected by the elder body, ca, da, ontario branch of bethel, ny and so on.i grew up in a culture where the girls in my family would go 'off the deep end' at ages 16/17, and kept waiting to grow up for my turn to 'go crazy', which did happen at age 17 when i had my first manic phase and left the org for about two years.
cyngz: not sure what you mean by this?
I thought it was cool, that's all. Well, apart from Taylor Swift
Shame, but understandable, about Apostasy tho. Besides tickets are selling out I believe...
Three gen sex-abuse cover up in my fam; and other fun
by cyngz inhi, first time posting.i got out about 10 years ago, but only beginning to reconcile with my trauma from being raised as a witness.
i am a professional writer, and never wanted my body of work to be prefaced -- 'oh the writer who broke free from being a jw,' but i've started the last year to now write about my experiences.
another reason i have held back is many of the victims in my family are still of the faith, and i've grappled with it is not entirely my story to tell or expose.context: the sexual abuse cover-up with my family goes back to the 50's over three generations of girls in a large extended family all raised as witnesses at the hands of an uncle, and protected by the elder body, ca, da, ontario branch of bethel, ny and so on.i grew up in a culture where the girls in my family would go 'off the deep end' at ages 16/17, and kept waiting to grow up for my turn to 'go crazy', which did happen at age 17 when i had my first manic phase and left the org for about two years.
Hi cyngz
Welcome. You're in Toronto?!
Got your TIFF tickets yet for
It'll be interesting to hear what you think of it.
flipper: I'm a singer/songwriter myself
I believe cyngz is a transmedia storyteller:
"If I had a Super Hero alter ego I would be known as THE PIGEON w/ the super powers to shitpost all the live long day"
London K.H.'s - Which Ones Will Be Sold Off?
by The Searcher inaccording to the org's website, various congregations will be moving in with other congregations, effective january 1st 2017.
(i've only highlighted a couple) in all probability, their own k.h.
is/has been sold.
JustHuman14: God that's a lot of cash.
Looks like this one is being sold for around £47,500 ( US $61,200 )
"Reduced for quick sale" !
zeb: HM of these halls or any anywhere are built for so many occupants' but are being occupied by two or three times that many?
What do you mean? Occupied at the same time? (with a large congregation) Or occupied during the week? (with multiple congregations)
Repository for JW "experiences" with Hurricane Harvey
by sir82 init's only a matter of time of course..... jw rumor mills will start up soon, with stories of how jws were "first on the scene" as the flood waters receded..... how the red cross and/or us national guard and/or doctors without borders and/or [you name it] were marveling at just how "organized" the jws are..... how zealous jws were pulling their trolleys thru ankle-deep water to "offer comfort" to victims, by giving them - sandwiches?
bottled water?
to offer them comfort by giving them 16 page "magazines" to read in their spare time..... so as the stories start to come in, you can "deposit" those little nuggets of bs here.. once collected, we'll wrap them in a pretty bow and flush them away where other instances of pure manure go..
smiddy3 - thank you for your comments.
The OP Sir82 wanted to build a 'repository' of JW experiences with Hurricane Harvey - I am sure that, once collected, Sir82 will be able to editorialize everything within the context of the whole repository.
Therefore, as per Sir82's original request, I'm just posting here what I find/know about, without commenting (either for or against) - I'm just acting as the messenger.
Personally I do think it would be remiss of Sir82 to ignore the pictures I posted here - excluding the WT's own online and offline media - I believe those pictures will become the most widely distributed photos of JWs involved in Hurricane Harvey - and it is important that Sir82 does contextualize them within the comments you made.
Remember, those pictures appear to be popping up around the world....
USA Minnesota: https://www.mprnews.org/story/2017/09/02/postharvey-problems-plague-texas-as-funerals-for-dead-begin
USA Denver: http://denver.cbslocal.com/2017/09/02/superfund-sites-houston-harvey/
CANADA Montreal: http://www.journaldemontreal.com/2017/09/03/apres-harvey-une-autre-tempete-menace-deja-les-etats-unis
BOLIVIA La Paz: http://paginasiete.bo/planeta/2017/9/3/harvey-deja-texas-medio-escombros-cobra-vidas-150680.html
London K.H.'s - Which Ones Will Be Sold Off?
by The Searcher inaccording to the org's website, various congregations will be moving in with other congregations, effective january 1st 2017.
(i've only highlighted a couple) in all probability, their own k.h.
is/has been sold.
stan livedeath: will end up renting a place somewhere to worship. paying the rent themselves of course.
Rent?? Nah, looks like they'll just move to already existing KHs....
Richmond Park moves 2.6 miles (by road) to the Tolworth KH
Bagshot moves 3.6 miles (by road) to the Camberley KH
Chertsey moves 5.1 miles (by road) to the Staines KH (yeah - AKA Ali G's Staines Massiv!!)
steve2: A flourishing membership does not look to reduce the number of meeting places.
Yes, but probably also more indicative of 'over-expansion' - the above closures appear to be all single use/single congregation KHs - in marked contrast to the OP's list right at the start of this thread which where all double or triple or more use KHs
More than half of UK population is non-religious
by bemused inthe british humanist association web-site has reported on the results of the british social attitudes survey, which is a major annual survey, the latest report covering the year 2013:.
for the first time, those people saying they are not members of any religious group are in the majority in the uk, up by three percentage points from 47.7% to 50.6% in just one year.
bemused: the British Social Attitudes Survey, which is a major annual survey, the latest report covering the year 2013... For the first time, those people saying they are not members of any religious group are in the majority in the UK
Somewhat unsurprisingly the lastest British Social Attitudes survey released today - September 4, 2017 - shows the tend is continuing....
British Social Attitudes: Record number of Brits with no religionNational Centre for Social Research, Monday, September 4, 2017
The latest data on religious affiliation from NatCen’s British Social Attitudes survey reveals that the proportion of people in Britain who describe themselves as having no religion is at its highest ever level.
More than half (53%) of the British public now describe themselves as having “no religion”, up from 48% in 2015. The proportion of non-believers has increased gradually since the survey began in 1983, when the proportion saying they had no religion stood at 31%.
READ MORE: http://natcen.ac.uk/news-media/press-releases/2017/september/british-social-attitudes-record-number-of-brits-with-no-religion/DATA TABLE PDF: http://natcen.ac.uk/media/1469605/BSA-religion.pdf
The media are picking up on the Survey - for example: