Hecce - the congregation's own live recording / streaming either on physical media (previously on a 'cassette' tape (?) or usb stick) or via a telephone 'link' or via an internet 'stream' (such as an app) is a private arrangement between the congregation and who they deal with to provide the service - obviously there are 'brothers' who buy-in the set-up and then build a bespoke service which is then 're-sold' to individual congregations.
And, of course, the incentive for the above 'live' listening is that all those listening can be counted as meeting attendance.
You will have already seen the WT videos - either the convention or assembly videos - the congregation meeting videos are just an extension of those.
In addition, when a new language group is being set-up, the WT allows the group to use the foreign-language meeting videos as part of the group's actual meetings in a limited way.
BoE, October 23, 2015 - Re: Foreign-Language Field
Paragraph 14: Recordings and Audio and Video Tie-In: It is preferable for congregation meetings to be conducted locally. However, if such is not yet possible, a pregroup, group, or small congregation may request approval from their circuit overseer to view recorded meetings or portions of meetings in the target language, preferably using JW Stream. (In most cases, the meetings available on JW Stream will be recorded on Monday evening and Saturday morning. Thus, pregroups, groups, and small or isolated congregations desiring to make use of such recordings should hold their meetings at times that will allow them to view the current week’s recordings.) The circuit overseer will approve which pregroups, groups, or small or isolated congregations in his circuit will view such recordings and to what extent. Some congregations may request approval to use the provision occasionally for the public talk. If a small or isolated congregation is approved to view recorded meetings periodically, it should strive to conduct all of its own meetings as soon as possible. As a reminder, when making use of recordings, prayers should be said locally.