JoinedPosts by berrygerry
The Org's Chariot Rolls On - Over the Top of People!
by The Searcher ininformation just received from a reliable source.. here is an example of how the org's "expansion" is being carried out in 3 continents: .
japan - special pioneers under age 50 are being told they will now only be regular spain - the regional translation (catalan) office is being closed.mexico - special pioneers being told they will only be regular pioneers - no age specified on this one.. the scene of the org's world is changing - rapidly!.
The Redditors indicate that SP couples receive 1400 (US ?) per month. -
On the realization you will not "live forever"
by problemaddict 2 insomething struck me last week.
i have been dealing with what i can only describe as a fear of death.
i'm not old and not in bad health.
"Ironically, she died in her mid 50's of Cancer and I sat by her hospital bed at the end and we talked about death and she made the comment that it really wasn't as bad as she thought it would be and how she regretted all the time she spent over the years worrying about it."
Excellent statement.
Wasting time worrying instead of doing.
A fav quote: From Shawshank Redemption -
"Get busy living, or get busy dying."
On the realization you will not "live forever"
by problemaddict 2 insomething struck me last week.
i have been dealing with what i can only describe as a fear of death.
i'm not old and not in bad health.
I never thought about any of that pre-40.
The past 20 years of my life in the Borg were living in a fog.
We have Christian neighbours, Catholic neighbours.
Dubs teach that non-Dubs are all evil - thieves, dopers, diseased nymphs and pedos, greedy, etc.
Our block of worldly neighbours were/are terrific.
They put 90% of Dubs to shame.
They work hard, they are loyal to their mate, they love their children.
They are doing their best to care for their own, for others, and to contribute to society - not leech.
Is there a next life? No one has proven that conclusively - and especially what that next life looks life.
The patriarchs died "old and satisfied."
Don't worry about the next life. It will be what it will be.
Cuddle your kids EVERY DAY.
Make sure EVERY DAY that your kids KNOW that you love them.
LOVE your spouse EVERY DAY. Let him/her know EVERY DAY.
Become "old and satisfied."
Proof that Armageddon will come in 2020 or 2021.
by berrygerry insomewhat just posted a link to www.jw2016.borg (remove the b ) which is an up-and-running site for 2016 dub conventions.the borg has also registered jw2017, jw2018, jw2019, and jw2020 (all .org)however, they have not reg'd jw2021.therefore, the conclusion in the title.
(a non-wt has reg'd is presently available, wink-wink).
planning 6 years ahead.
Sorta like the 7 fat years, and the 7 lean years, or __________ (insert BS Bible relevant correlation here).
Proof that Armageddon will come in 2020 or 2021.
by berrygerry insomewhat just posted a link to www.jw2016.borg (remove the b ) which is an up-and-running site for 2016 dub conventions.the borg has also registered jw2017, jw2018, jw2019, and jw2020 (all .org)however, they have not reg'd jw2021.therefore, the conclusion in the title.
(a non-wt has reg'd is presently available, wink-wink).
Somewhat just posted a link to www.jw2016.Borg (remove the B ) which is an up-and-running site for 2016 Dub conventions.
The Borg has also registered jw2017, jw2018, jw2019, and jw2020 (all .org)
However, they have not reg'd jw2021.
THEREFORE, the conclusion in the title.
(a non-WT has reg'd
( is presently available, wink-wink). -
Major announcement, news, and video this upcoming Sunday in all kingdomhalls worldwide???
by EndofMysteries ingot a call from a relative that i should go to the meeting this sunday because something major to be announced.
(they were told it has to do with branches closing down, missionaries being sent home, etc).
i said it's probably money.
OMG JW Sea Org
by sherrie11 ini found this picture and i just can't believe it?
Brazilian mind-waxed. -
Warwick, What is it good for?
by freemindfade inabsolutely nothing.... has anyone dared ask what they need this place for?
think about a few things.
in bethels hay day, there was a shit ton of literature being printed, they even need a giant factory with elevators a truck could fit in.
On a more serious front -
What Cult of note has no compound? - seriously, guys, it's not complicated.
Warwick, What is it good for?
by freemindfade inabsolutely nothing.... has anyone dared ask what they need this place for?
think about a few things.
in bethels hay day, there was a shit ton of literature being printed, they even need a giant factory with elevators a truck could fit in.
Great thread title!
Now you have me singing Edwin Starrs song "War"
War(wick), huh, yeah
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing, say it again...Good play on words -
ditto to DDog and Vidiot
My letter to Bethel about the flood
by Cornbread ini've decided to go full public with a new username on this forum.
it's been almost a decade since i've been out and i don't care at this point who knows.
that being said, here's a letter that i'm mailing to bethel.
Good letter.
For your Dad:
(Romans 12:2) And quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making YOUR mind over, that YOU may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
PROVE to yourself.
(Acts 17:11) Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thes·sa·lo·ni′ca, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so.
Ronald Reagan referring to Russian saying: "Trust, but verify."