They were 50 years old when they were laid off.
Any speculation as to why they were laid off?
just heard from a reliable source that some at the canadian branch have received their lay-off notices under their doors at bethel.
don't know what the letter looks like.
probably something like, " the tribe has spoken, bring us your torches"
They were 50 years old when they were laid off.
Any speculation as to why they were laid off?
bethel reductions.
special pioneer reductions.
construction reductions.
People that have commission-based income can develop a standard of living without anticipating changes and / or downturns to their income.
They can ignore changes or attribute them as being temporary.
It is not until SOMETHING forces them to face the reality that monthly expenses are higher than income, over a period of time, that something needs to change.
The change could be to supplement your income (even get a non-commission, regular paycheck job), and / or reduce your income.
WT strenuously fought the internet (rightly so). Their consultants gave them a plan to embrace the internet (I know that this is contradictory - but also, rightly so).(What bloody entity does not have a decent website ??? ).
The problem was, and is, that WT and their consultants are like contestants on Shark Tank - we have a concept with a website - please invest with us.
The "due diligence" should have included the fact that the dot-com-bubble burst back in 2000.
Someone coming into the game 15 years later, having adherents go door-to-door or standing on street corners doing nothing more than saying: "Hey, OUR CHURCH has a website" is akin to a person on a dating website boasting that "I have a penis" or "I have a vagina," so, marry me.
IMO, WT either paid major bucks to an agency, and received good advice for a 1990's model, or they have done it in-house copying the Mormons,
No matter how, WT's growth came during times of great adversity, such as the Great Depression, the Great War, WW II, the Cold War and the Arms Race.
Although there are a handful of areas of conflict, they are only newsworthy because of the lack of anything else to report as bad news. There has not been any global adversity for a very long time.
Rutherford was a marketing genius, but his target market has changed from gung-ho middle-class to impoverished third-world citizens.
I am hardly opposed to helping the current target market, but as to WT's true goal of financially exploiting them - ummmm, time for a new consulting agency.
there's too many bk cult threads and operatives on here lately.
mind you 0 should be the figure at any rate.. here's a simple suggestion.
you can sniff out a bk cult adherent by flagging certain keywords they are guaranteed to use.
churches and religious organisations would lose millions of dollars in tax breaks, concessions and hand outs under a radical plan to force priests, rabbis and imams to sign up to a national faith register.
under the bold proposal clergy would for the first time be forced to undergo government-specified training and security checks and would be monitored by a national body, or risk losing government funding..
former premier ted baillieu has backed the plan that has been put to federal and state leaders including the prime ministers office, and premier daniel andrews..
Village Idioto
I don't like this regardless of the tax issue.
information just received from a reliable source.. here is an example of how the org's "expansion" is being carried out in 3 continents: .
japan - special pioneers under age 50 are being told they will now only be regular spain - the regional translation (catalan) office is being closed.mexico - special pioneers being told they will only be regular pioneers - no age specified on this one.. the scene of the org's world is changing - rapidly!.
something struck me last week.
i have been dealing with what i can only describe as a fear of death.
i'm not old and not in bad health.
"Ironically, she died in her mid 50's of Cancer and I sat by her hospital bed at the end and we talked about death and she made the comment that it really wasn't as bad as she thought it would be and how she regretted all the time she spent over the years worrying about it."
Excellent statement.
Wasting time worrying instead of doing.
A fav quote: From Shawshank Redemption -
"Get busy living, or get busy dying."
something struck me last week.
i have been dealing with what i can only describe as a fear of death.
i'm not old and not in bad health.
I never thought about any of that pre-40.
The past 20 years of my life in the Borg were living in a fog.
We have Christian neighbours, Catholic neighbours.
Dubs teach that non-Dubs are all evil - thieves, dopers, diseased nymphs and pedos, greedy, etc.
Our block of worldly neighbours were/are terrific.
They put 90% of Dubs to shame.
They work hard, they are loyal to their mate, they love their children.
They are doing their best to care for their own, for others, and to contribute to society - not leech.
Is there a next life? No one has proven that conclusively - and especially what that next life looks life.
The patriarchs died "old and satisfied."
Don't worry about the next life. It will be what it will be.
Cuddle your kids EVERY DAY.
Make sure EVERY DAY that your kids KNOW that you love them.
LOVE your spouse EVERY DAY. Let him/her know EVERY DAY.
Become "old and satisfied."
somewhat just posted a link to www.jw2016.borg (remove the b ) which is an up-and-running site for 2016 dub conventions.the borg has also registered jw2017, jw2018, jw2019, and jw2020 (all .org)however, they have not reg'd jw2021.therefore, the conclusion in the title.
(a non-wt has reg'd is presently available, wink-wink).
planning 6 years ahead.
Sorta like the 7 fat years, and the 7 lean years, or __________ (insert BS Bible relevant correlation here).
somewhat just posted a link to www.jw2016.borg (remove the b ) which is an up-and-running site for 2016 dub conventions.the borg has also registered jw2017, jw2018, jw2019, and jw2020 (all .org)however, they have not reg'd jw2021.therefore, the conclusion in the title.
(a non-wt has reg'd is presently available, wink-wink).
got a call from a relative that i should go to the meeting this sunday because something major to be announced.
(they were told it has to do with branches closing down, missionaries being sent home, etc).
i said it's probably money.