Seems odd that the Bible never mentions Pryamids?
Not really, most are just schemes. ;)
doesn't it seem strange that the bible never mentions the pyramids?
how could someone go to egypt at that time and not even so much as mention the huge monuments?
Seems odd that the Bible never mentions Pryamids?
Not really, most are just schemes. ;)
i ask this because of the circumstances behind why they get married and who they get married by.
i know people say that they are really in love, they love jehovah, etc, but are these marriages even legit.
i've talked to older jw's sister who are now widowed, some of them say that they were trapped in a marriages.
I used to believe in JW virgin marriage.
Now, I think that a couple should live together for 2 years before making that monumental decision (without pregnancy).
As for religionism's imposition - Dub's copy Christendom's (Hello FDS, and not copying Christendom) interpretation of the 3-fold cord - i.e. that the third cord means God is in your marriage.
Calling bullshit - that verse has nothing to do with God or marriage.
just looking for some rebuttals to 2 john 10, specifically when it comes to shunning family.
we essentially admitted to our families that we do not want to raise our kids as witnesses and do not believe what jehovah's witnesses teach.
predictably, they use 2 john 10 to justify shunning us, specifically the portion of the verse where it says "if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him".. since we are apostates (according to the jw definition), and no longer "bring this teaching", would our family be correct in interpreting this verse to mean that they should shun us?.
Do you have the WT Library?
Aug 1, 1974 p. 465 par 24
Then, article: Maintaining a Balanced Viewpoint Toward Disfellowshiped Ones
page 466
the vast majority of deaths from the blood policy are undocumented because they are simply not newsworthy.
if you know of a death or serious injury/disability related to the blood policy, please help us document it.
send as many details as you can recall.
there is a certain elder in my wives hall that has seemed to developed a real interest her.
first he seemed to feel a need to make sure all her blood cards were signed before she gave birth to our child.. he sends her text messages if she misses a meeting saying how much " we missed you last night ".
he finally sent her a text wondering where her oct hours were , knowing she had some pretty serious tears from child birth and could hardly even walk, much less do field service ".
Texting your wife is extremely inappropriate.
You have the right to let the other elders know that Joe Elder alone is texting your wife.
Elders' Manual p. 56
Cautions Regarding Assisting Sisters
27. Elders and ministerial servants must never
meet alone with a sister not closely related to them
and should avoid becoming the sole confidant of an
individual of the opposite sex who is experiencing
marital problems. This includes lengthy phone conversations.
Of course, this does not mean that it
would be inappropriate for an elder to talk with a sister
while in the full view of others at her home, at
congregation meetings,
i remember at my teen years when i was studying with a brother that he said to me that there was no rain before the flood.
instead there was this mist that you have.
never before or after this have i heard something like this.
WT Feb 15, 1951, p. 109
WT Feb 1, 1951 p. 90Noah was another individual in that pre-flood world who was conspicuously different from others in that he “walked with God”. He not only had outstanding faith in Jehovah; he also backed up his faith with works. Obediently he worked as commanded on what seemed to the scoffers of his day to be nothing more than a fantastic and freakish undertaking by a crazy man. There he was, up on high ground, miles from the sea, building a colossal boat in which to take refuge from something no one until then had ever seen—rain!
Well, in Noah’s day when he preached that it was going to rain down the people thought him crazy. They were used to moisture coming up from the ground and watering the vegetation, not to rain showering down from the sky.
stopped in tim horton's ( a donut shop) at 10:00 a m today and there were no less than 12 jws in there from three different car groups.
it took about 25-30 minutes for them all to get their orders and get on their way.
that's almost 6 hours of service time in the glorious 'ministry'.
this is posted as a web page at:.
canoe | by carol harrington-- canadian press | calgary (cp) -- a. leukemia-stricken teen is upset that a second court is forcing her....
I feel like a shit reading this old story - felt like yesterday when I was rooting against Lawrence.
I remember thinking that it was a no-win for Bethany.
If she died, everybody would say, "See, she should have taken blood." If she lived, everybody would say, "She lived because of forced transfusion," and she would hate her life.
the us elections suck up all the attention (and it's not even at the candidate selection stage!
) but canada actually has a national election today.. first results are starting to come in and so far it's all liberal party.. i think it's time harper and the conservatives got the boot.
last premiere from the bush era.
2015, 10/20/boe.. .. re: making wise use of printed magazines.. .. page 2: .
this postscript should neither be read to the congregation nor be posted .
on the information board.. .
Or, maybe, it is a UK-only change?
Is being read in Canada this week.
I can see them in time giving out nine year old magazines like they are giving out nine year old teaching books now.
Keep in mind that the "January/February" 2016 Awake is labelled "1 - 2016" - no Best Before Date.
So, in some future Yearbook, if they're still including a detailed country-by-country service report, there'll be a single category showing they are increasing their placements by gazillions.
Page 2 of the Awake no longer says "Printed" number of issues - it now says "Produced" number of issues, and it went up 6,000,000 issues from December to January.