Sorry, misread the thread - probably should have been "Higher Education"
JoinedPosts by berrygerry
"High" education
by Esmeralda001 indid any of you guys disregard the wt recommendations and pursue a career.
if you answer "yes": was your journey easy?
are you happy with the end result?
Old, Faithful and Forgotten...
by rrb2016 inhad a conversation with my jw mother the other day.
she has been baptized for over 50 years.
i've been out for 30 years, but because both my mother and mother-in-law are jw's i keep up with all things jw.
But yeah, back on topic, the WTS seems to be coldly in different to those who are 70+ and can't or won't adapt to new technology. I think many are feeling left behind.
Odd, since those are the ones who might have left them generous sums in their wills. Once again, the WTS appears to be unable to stop shooting its own feet.
Sorry, having witnessed behind-the-scenes the difference of treatment of widows with WT in their wills, and widows with WT not in their wills (or else, just poor). The difference in treatment is remarkable.
WTS has been compared to a Mob organization.
But, at least the Mob cares for its own.
WTS - do you have any money? No! Goodbye and Good Luck! (Whoops, said Good Luck)
Undeclared changes to the 2013 NWT
by Doug Mason inin the following from the 2013 edition of the nwt, the watchtower society indicates that when it released its initial 1950 edition, it considered the greek text provided by westcott and hort as its master text.
as a result of these additional masters, the wts made some undeclared changes to the 2013 nwt.
it does not list these changes or give any explanations.. greek text: in the late 19th century, scholars b. f. westcott and f.j.a.
So in John 17: 3 they have dropped " Taking in knowledge of you"
Actually, it has been moved to footnote status.
Do not forget that that wording was the entire theme of the "study book" that preceded the Bible teach book.
He puts it in their hearts
by ThinkerBelle inat meeting yesterday a thought came to me - my mind was wandering most of the session as it was so boring - about how the jws say that god will put it into the hearts of the political leaders to overturn religion at the start of the great tribulation.
they also claim this about maneuvered events in the ot too.
jws also claim that when someone has the right heart condition, they come to find jah.
On that same line, god has to put it into the minds of the nations to turn on his people??? So god has to take away the Free Will of the nations to do something (they would have not done) attack JWs? god makes people do evil things?
This always caused CD in me:
Exodus 7:3
"But I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and though I multiply my signs and wonders in Egypt," Then, as a result, in verse 14
"Then the LORD said to Moses, "Pharaoh's heart is unyielding; he refuses to let the people go.""Similarly Ex. 9:12
But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart and he would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the LORD had said to Moses.
(Note: NWT says "allowed to become" "But Jehovah allowed Pharʹaoh’s heart to become obstinate" - but EVERY translation on Biblehub says that Jehovah hardened his heart.)
"Pulpit Commentary
Verse 12. - And the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart. Up to this time the hardening of Pharaoh's heart has been ascribed to himself, or expressed indefinitely as a process that was continually going on - now for the first time it is positively stated that God hardened his heart, as he had threatened that he would (Exodus 4:21). On the general law of God's dealings with wicked men, see the comment on the above passage " -
How do you overcome SHUNNING after leaving the organization and move on?
by suavojr init amazes me how many of you have left it all behind, including family, brothers and sisters, friends and a full network of people.
i for one cannot find the courage to breakaway, and this causes me great anxiety and stress.
it eats me alive to think that if i open my mouth everyone i know will simply turn their back on me.
There is no "one size fits all' to this situation.
Family complications are obviously the biggest issue, which the Borg knows only too well.
Watchtower properties for sale website
by NewYork44M inhere is a great site in case anyone is interested in acquiring wt property in brooklyn heights.
There's no mention on that site about how potential buyers are doomed to destruction by Jesus H. Christ flinging flaming hailstones at their heads "very soon now".
Yep. Non-disclosure of a latent defect.
The Elders are Coming Help!
by LaurenM inso the elders keep bugging me and pestering me about having a meeting with them to "introduce me to my new congregation" for some reason (do any ex elders know what that even means??).
i keep postponing and making excuses and they are getting more and more aggressive.
i finally agreed for them to come over today, but really don't want to..should i hide from them again?
If a new congo, did you move?
If so, how did they get your new address?
(Once you've dealt with the present situation, never give out your address, phone or work again.)
by berrygerry ini, like many others, was furiously emailing about deborah when the issue of only male elders came up.. it seemed curious that angus didn't address deborah, as he surely knew of it.. thankfully, ol' geoff, and wt, cannot resist trying to get in a last word, which opened the door for angus.
(he's one cool customer.).
341 in his written statement provided to the royal commission following the close of thepublic hearing, mr jackson offered the relevant scriptural references to which headverted but was unable to provide during the hearing.
He (Angus) did not make a mistake.
The guy is a legal genius.
by berrygerry ini, like many others, was furiously emailing about deborah when the issue of only male elders came up.. it seemed curious that angus didn't address deborah, as he surely knew of it.. thankfully, ol' geoff, and wt, cannot resist trying to get in a last word, which opened the door for angus.
(he's one cool customer.).
341 in his written statement provided to the royal commission following the close of thepublic hearing, mr jackson offered the relevant scriptural references to which headverted but was unable to provide during the hearing.
I, like many others, was furiously emailing about Deborah when the issue of only male elders came up.
It seemed curious that Angus didn't address Deborah, as he surely knew of it.
Thankfully, ol' Geoff, and WT, cannot resist trying to get in a last word, which opened the door for Angus. (He's one cool customer.)
341 In his written statement provided to the Royal Commission following the close of the
public hearing, Mr Jackson offered the relevant scriptural references to which he
adverted but was unable to provide during the hearing. Specifically, he referred to
various books of the Old Testament which, he said, describe judges and priests as being
all male.625 Mr Jackson said that although the Mosaic Law of the Old Testament ended
‘[o]n Pentecost 33 C.E.’, its principles ‘guided the first century Christian congregation
and served as the context for future practices’.626 Mr Jackson explained that it is on this
basis that the apostle Paul ‘identifies only male members of the congregation as
potential elders’ in 1 Timothy 3:1.627
342 It should be noted by the Royal Commission that, in his statement, Mr Jackson referred
only to those books of the Old Testament in which men are described as judges, and did
not refer to Judges 4:4‐5 which tells of the female judge, Deborah. Specifically, the
verses report that Deborah, ‘a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel at
that time’ and that the ‘Israelites would go up to her for judgment’. Since a woman judge
was apparently accepted in the Old Testament, it is not apparent why women should
not be judges of ‘Christian’ guilt or innocence in the Jehovah’s Witness organisation. -
In That Hour
by berrygerry inlooks like wt didn't like getting schooled by angus on the no-witness rape in deut.. geoff later sent in a written statement:.
329 it was suggested to mr jackson that this scripture provided the basis for the governingbody not to apply the twowitness rule in the case of sexual abuse, or that it called into question the proper foundation to the twowitness rule in the case of sexual abuse.
mrjacksons answer was to say that the jehovahs witnesses believe that there is a properfoundation to the rule because of the number of times that it is emphasised in thescriptures.607 mr jackson did not say that there is no prospect of modifying theapplication of the twowitness rule within scriptural requirements so as to make itinapplicable to cases of sexual abuse.330 in a statement provided to the royal commission after the close of the public hearing,mr jackson offered an alternative explanation of deuteronomy 22:2327 to that whichhe had accepted in oral evidence.608 in his statement mr jackson explained that themans guilt had been judged at an earlier stage in deuteronomy, and that the referencedverses dealt only with establishing guilt (or absence thereof) on the part of thewoman.609 in his statement, mr jackson did not seek to explain the reason for thedifference between his oral and written evidence as to context of deuteronomy 22:2327.331 it is submitted that there is little utility in attempting to resolve the conflict between mrjacksons oral and his subsequent written evidence on the subject of the relevance ofdeuteronomy 22:2327 to the flexibility of the twowitness rule.however, it is open tothe royal commission to note the difficulty experienced by even a member of the governing body in arriving at an interpretation of deuteronomy 22:2327 which renders it irrelevant to the application of the twowitness rule.. .
Looks like WT didn't like getting schooled by Angus on the no-witness rape in Deut.
Geoff later sent in a written statement:
329 It was suggested to Mr Jackson that this Scripture provided the basis for the Governing
Body not to apply the two‐witness rule in the case of sexual abuse, or that it called into question the proper foundation to the two‐witness rule in the case of sexual abuse. Mr
Jackson’s answer was to say that the Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that there is a proper
foundation to the rule because of the number of times that it is emphasised in the
Scriptures.607 Mr Jackson did not say that there is no prospect of modifying the
application of the two‐witness rule within Scriptural requirements so as to make it
inapplicable to cases of sexual abuse.
330 In a statement provided to the Royal Commission after the close of the public hearing,
Mr Jackson offered an alternative explanation of Deuteronomy 22:23‐27 to that which
he had accepted in oral evidence.608 In his statement Mr Jackson explained that the
man’s guilt had been judged at an earlier stage in Deuteronomy, and that the referenced
verses dealt only with establishing guilt (or absence thereof) on the part of the
woman.609 In his statement, Mr Jackson did not seek to explain the reason for the
difference between his oral and written evidence as to context of Deuteronomy 22:23‐
331 It is submitted that there is little utility in attempting to resolve the conflict between Mr
Jackson’s oral and his subsequent written evidence on the subject of the relevance of
Deuteronomy 22:23‐27 to the flexibility of the two‐witness rule.However, it is open to
the Royal Commission to note the difficulty experienced by even a member of the Governing Body in arriving at an interpretation of Deuteronomy 22:23‐27 which renders it irrelevant to the application of the two‐witness rule.Hey, what happened to:
…11 "When they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not worry about how or what you are to speak in your defense, or what you are to say; 12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say."