Toronto is not east!
No, Toronto is Canada, right. (TIC) (Used to be anti-TO, but have grown up a bit.)
Must have been a regional thing.
Yes, this was prairies.
stumbled upon
a ministry of misery.
Toronto is not east!
No, Toronto is Canada, right. (TIC) (Used to be anti-TO, but have grown up a bit.)
Must have been a regional thing.
Yes, this was prairies.
stumbled upon
a ministry of misery.
This rings of horse puckey to me, Perhaps in *his* congregation, not mine.
Although I was quite young, I faintly remember this.
My best friend was never baptized, and later on, when he was 16 or so and he had left home and the Borg, he wore a pair. At the time, we called them "granny glasses" (probably after Granny Clampett of Beverley Hillbillies).
stumbled upon
a ministry of misery.
Stumbled upon
A Ministry of Misery
Depression. What are some of the problems the Witnesses have? All kinds of mental diseases could be listed. Essentially, the main problems are depression, feeling of helplessness, worry, doubt, and conflicts in the congregation. The elders try to enforce extremely rigid rules. For a few years wire-rimmed glasses were condemned. If a person came into a Kingdom Hall with wire rims, that individual would have to sit down for a conference. He would be told, "We notice you are wearing wire rims. You are falling out of the truth. We are concerned about this. We think you need help." It becomes absurd after a whileThis rings a bell of the John Lennon era.
Anyone else?
i'd like to start off by saying that i will be very vague in everything i say.
i am fairly "high up" in jw land and have to be somewhat careful how i word and say stuff.
sorry in advance if any specific details are left out.
Like many totalitarian groups, (political, economic), religion began losing its grip of control upon its masses in the 1960's.
Although Knorr's Watch Tower railed against the big 3 of Revelation (politics, commerce, religion), he railed moreso against the social revolution of that time.
Aside from the pre-1975 hype, Watch Tower has been in a downward-spiral since the 1960's.
Over 20 years ago, I attended a Chatauqua revival festival locally. ( ) The premier speaker (a very prominent political/social leader of his time) extolled the virtues of the time-period, and how we needed to return to that era. The whole thing was as boring as a Sunday talk that you've heard 10 times before. Needless to say, it was not held the following year.
If an impoverished African would have been able to attend, yes, you bet, glowing reviews - and excitement for him to return, and beg his neighbours to attend with him.
Based on the participation of the members on this board, it would seem that the Service Committee is the Cultural Division of the Borg. However, they must be Chatauqua-era delusionists - without a clue that not only are the 60's over, ALL of the Western World has moved on.
African growth - for sure.
Brain-dead widows attending week-after-week - yup.
Power-hungry loser males needing confirmation of their worth - some.
Real growth?
i'd like to start off by saying that i will be very vague in everything i say.
i am fairly "high up" in jw land and have to be somewhat careful how i word and say stuff.
sorry in advance if any specific details are left out.
Anakin 6 hours ago
Thank you, for sharing it..
I think that the WT, is like a great oiler-tank, on sea, that isn't able anymore to change direction...
Hey, quit stealing the Borg's illustrations:
Similarly, a supertanker may coast onward for five miles [8 km] after the engines are shut off. Even if the engines are thrown into reverse, the tanker may still plow on for two miles [3 km]! It is similar with human organizations that are prone to rigidity and unreasonableness. Because of pride, men often refuse to adapt to changing needs and circumstances. Such rigidity has bankrupted corporations and even toppled governments. (Proverbs 16:18) How happy we can be that neither Jehovah nor his organization is anything like that!
in this experiment, mice were given a perfect environment in which to live.
for the mice you would think this was 'paradise'.
but due to their nature it did not take long for this to become a horrible place to live..
Missed this at the time.
If this is the same broadcast, it's very pleasant.
Thanks for your continuous efforts, Paul.
one of the businesses i cover is owned by jws and the father and 2 sons knew me as an active brother until 3 years ago when i told one of them i no longer attend the meeting.
today the father and one of the sons asked me if i was still inactive.
i told them it has been more than 5 years since i last been at a meeting.
Why does Watch Tower not do this:
i don`t know if this has been addressed before , however it appears there is an inconsistency and a big one at that with the practice of shunning with jw`s.
elders / ministerial servants look out for the spiritual health of the congregation , and if they see something they feel is detrimental to the spiritual health of the congregation they are going to act to rectify it, .
they take appropiate action where they think is necessary .
Not only did God continue to speak with the original apostate Satan,
God also allowed Satan to enter into the midst of the assembled angels, and then allowed him to speak before all.
watched the bending truth video last week - an essential for those asking "why?
" people join, and why people stay.. the co's talk on inspired truth and inspired error made much reference to habakkuk "not be late.".
and then, they actually verbalized the bending truth video, for those wondering about the delay, and what to do.. "think about how much time and money you have already invested in serving jehovah.
Watched the Bending Truth video last week - an essential for those asking "Why?" people join, and why people stay.
The CO's talk on Inspired Truth and Inspired Error made much reference to Habakkuk "not be late."
And then, they actually verbalized the Bending Truth video, for those wondering about the delay, and what to do.
"Think about how much time and money you have already invested in serving Jehovah."
Could not believe my ears.