Ya know, the ones where 16 people insist at sitting all together at a super long table in a restaurant.
Why did we do that?
Why not tables of 4 or 6? You cannot speak to someone 3 seats down anyways.
he delivered the most cultic piece of propaganda i've ever seen in an assembly.
wife typed up the whole thing.
i will be posting when i get a chance.
Ya know, the ones where 16 people insist at sitting all together at a super long table in a restaurant.
Why did we do that?
Why not tables of 4 or 6? You cannot speak to someone 3 seats down anyways.
the new midweek meeting has been running for a month now.
here are my thoughts on how it is going so far:.
1) elders are looking frazzled from being on virtually every meeting and having to prepare unfamiliar formats for items.
I was interested when I heard about two sisters at the CLAM meeting - and then I found out that there was no JOUSTING.
although tomo's human hotdogs was as low as an alleged human could verbally go, tomo's fear-mongering was not an official video.. i'm wagering that the feb 2016 video will be pulled or adjusted.. what do you think, trash?.
Although ToMo's Human Hotdogs was as low as an alleged human could verbally go, ToMo's fear-mongering was not an official video.
I'm wagering that the Feb 2016 video will be pulled or adjusted.
What do you think, trash?
Old habits die hard - 30 secs into the clip -
"this is not a Watch Tower cooking show"
It might be the craziest one yet.
This is getting more surreal each month. (If I had not seen this doofus as a Video Star before, I would have definitely thought this to be a gag)
I'll wait for the cliffnotes version. I cannot sit through an hour of that torture.
i see alot of youtube channels that have footage of the hearing, however i can not find the original footage?
can anyone point me in the direction of where the original footage is?
i am working on a project and do not want to strip footage from someones channel or steal someones work in terms of editing it or downloading it and uploading it with changes.
This might link to them all (on Youtube - I doubt that they were recorded for the public by ARC)
okay, i'm about to engage in a major word vomit.
just giving you fair warning as your time may be better spent somewhere else.. so, i'm sitting on my lunch break, bawling my eyes out, and writing on this forum to people i don't know yet probably have a great deal in common with but at the same time, used to scare the daylights out of me.
for years, i would come across this forum and 'lurk' awhile if you will, or see things on youtube.
Waking up is hard.
With family still in, it seems that there are no right choices.
You will go through a process, maybe similar to here:
For both you and your therapist.
Bonnie's book is a must-read for ALL ex-Dubs.
so things have been calm so far...knock on wood!!!
but i was thinking today...a month ago in one of our arguments.
i told her the 144000 was not to considered a literal number.
It will also be revealed that the GB do not pee nor poop.
i was once a person who believed in god destroying 7 billion people so a few people could live in paradise.. when the penny finally dropped and i realised what as a jehovah's witnesses i was really praying for , it made me feel sick.
what is attractive about a person that prays for this world to end .
i was ashamed to have been a witness deeply ashamed .
Why Armageddon Is an Act of Love by God
Oct 1999 KM for TMS Jan 24, 2000, Talk 3 (Lucky sister - probably assigned to a young girl)
so, i posted this thread:.
on another forum, and as well posted it here primarily to ask a question.. an astute redditor went to the beginning of the 2004 article - .
Checked those links - nada.
Only question left is that the original book in the links is 56 or 58 pages and the Amazon edition is 128 pages.