Only 11-17% of child molesters in the world ever re-offend after ceasing their activity.
What a stupid statement.
If someone has "ceased their activity," they would never engage in that activity again.
i came across this blog - it is one of the evilest things i've ever read..
you might not want to click on it because a) you'll give it more traffic and b) it will make you mad.
in summary it states that since only 11-17% of molesters are repeat offenders, witnesses guilty of abuse should be dealt with inside the congregation as long as they confess.
Only 11-17% of child molesters in the world ever re-offend after ceasing their activity.
What a stupid statement.
If someone has "ceased their activity," they would never engage in that activity again.
i was just reading through some posts and had a startling realization.. the comment that sparked this went something like this: why oh why when i started into this in 1989 did i not research the history of the wtbts?
etc....... i too was studying and moving towards baptism around that same time.
i got dunked in dec of 1990.. my thought.
Access to information only helps when people are willing to look at it. I do believe the internet has caused a slow down in growth and will continue to make it more difficult for the Watchtower to recruit new members, but there are still many areas where the internet is not widely available. Even in areas where the internet is available it's no guarantee, as the Watchtower belief system appeals to people who are struggling with life issues and seeking simplistic answers.
Lack of internet access = impoverished citizens = no new profit for WT.
the start of a new memorial season is upon us.
saturday is the day for the start of the invites to look but not touch the bread and wine.
the "observer class" is a belief unique to jehovah's witnesses.. along with the invite to the masses a special effort is being made this year by the elders to invite all the df's, da's and faders.. along with the invite a copy of the rtj will be left with them.. naturally we will still be treated as pariah's if we do attend but it is the thought that counts.. i am of the "fader class" as i don't wish to rock the boat with my wife and extended family.
Along with the invite to the masses a special effort is being made this year by the Elders to invite all the DF's, Da's
Can you confirm they are supposed to invite DA'd?
this is my first post.
i really feel i need to leave the jw's rather than go along pretending everything is perfect etc.
no friends, me at work.
I only woke up to TTATT within the last 2 years.
The first year is the greatest emotional rollercoaster ride possible.
You need to realize the harsh reality that WT / JW is A CULT - plain and simple.
I initially found that impossible - I thought it was only the elders here and the elders there. If only the CO knew or if only the branch knew or if only the GB knew. Not the way it is - cults are run from the top down, and that includes the elders.
Why then do people stay? Read this post, and the link to the full page at the top.
The mental and emotional damage takes its toll.
Read through the effects that you and we are experiencing / have experienced.
That page is written by a psychotherapist who is probably one of the most qualified persons to write about this group and the effects on its followers.
Bonnie's book is a MUST-READ for all fading, doubting, and ex-JW's. (Kindle available.)
You do not need to treat her as an enemy, or stop showing her love (actually, start showing her more) but the cult-influence is all-powerful.
Please stick around. You have a lot going on, and a lot more to deal with.
Stick around - I'll add my two cents (don't know what Brits' expression is) in further posts.
so i read a comment on youtube of someone stating that john 6:53-58 woke him up.
the nwt says .
so jesus said to them: “most truly i say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves.+54 whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and i will resurrect+ him on the last day;55 for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.56 whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and i in union with him.+ 57 just as the living father sent me and i live because of the father, so also the one who feeds on me will live because of me.+ 58 this is the bread that came down from heaven.
I'm so amazed how being inside the Borg I never truly READ the scriptures.
For me, the most important verse for a Christian is James 1:27. ( )
The ONLY scripture that specifies what type of worship God wants.
WT CREATES orphans and widows, and does not even help JW orphans and widows, never mind helping "Samaritan" orphans and widows.
the movie "network" is playing.. made in 1976. seriously?
40 years ago.. i am not going to take it anymore..
The movie "Network" is playing.
Made in 1976. Seriously? 40 years ago.
I am not going to take it anymore.
post on another forum prompted this one.. wt is flip-flopping on the "no marriage for you" (voice of seinfeld soup nazi) to placate the 50% of jw women who will never marry "in this system.
however, we do know that wt also taught that marriage was for procreation.
Post on another forum prompted this one.
WT is flip-flopping on the "no marriage for you" (voice of Seinfeld Soup Nazi) to placate the 50% of JW women who will never marry "in this system."
However, we do know that WT also taught that marriage was for procreation. As females are born with only a set amount of eggs, will Jehovah also implant additional eggs into the new system females so that they can marry to fulfill his original man-date?
l thought this would be an interesting exercise to read the different responses.
my question is what makes you think your gods chosen medium?and prove it.
How do you sleep at night?
How do you live with yourself?
Even Judas showed that he had a conscience - why can't you?
i am sorry that on my first post i am asking for help and advice but i am at my wits end.
i have been brought up a witness all my life and it is all i know.
i am an ex-elder and pioneer and i don't know anybody outside of the congregation.. i have been unhappy for so long and wanted to leave.
What I think we have here is a failure to communicate.
q. what is more important, the bible teach book or the bible itself?.
a. the bible, of course.. q. then why do you only display these books, and not the bible?.
The Gray Bible in this image really needs to be replaced with: "The Bible for Dummies"