I asked him why. He said "world conditions." I said "Dave we were never supposed to have got out of High school over 50 years ago. Armageddon was coming back then!"
He said "I know.
June 2016 WT, page 21:
Or the love of the world might involve
efforts to attain “great things,” such as
through the pursuit of higher education.
(Jer. 45:4, 5) We stand at the threshold
of the promised new world.
What I posted on another forum:
Nice to see the threshold back.
The largest threshold in the world - should be in the Guiness Book.
2015 God’s servants are on the threshold of a righteous new world
2014 Standing as we are on the threshold of the new world
2013 God’s servants today are on the threshold of a righteous new world.
And then, a big gap for 7 years.
2006 We are now on the threshold of a new world promised by Jehovah God.
2004 As we stand at the threshold of the promised new world
2004 In our case, we are on the threshold of the promised earthly Paradise.
2003 We are on the threshold of that new world.
2001 However, Christians today stand at the threshold of a wonderful Promised Land—God’s righteous new world.
2001 Today, we stand on the threshold of a vastly superior Promised Land—a paradise earth
2000 We know that we are on the threshold of the best of times because we are very deep into “the time of the end”!
2000 Yes, we stand at the very threshold of the fulfillment of Jehovah’s decree against Satan and his entire wicked system.
For the sake of brevity, let's skip a few decades.
1959 That is why we are on the threshold of a new world
1958 We are on the very threshold of his righteous new world
1958 His signs and wonders, understood, portend that we are standing at the threshold of a peaceable, happy and life-giving new world.
1956 that we are at the verge of the battle of Armageddon which will destroy Satan’s world organization, and that we are at the threshold of God’s new world.
1954 Jehovah’s servants, more than any others in the earth today, have much to look forward to, being right on the threshold of the new world.
1954 We are at the threshold of this peaceful millennium.
1953 We are now on the threshold of a new world that will never perish or grow old
1953 FULFILLMENT of Bible prophecy indicates that we are living at the threshold of God’s new world.
1951 Bible prophecy shows that we are standing at the very threshold of that new world
1951 We are now at the threshold of the righteous new world.
1950 And now in this “time of the end”, when we are at the threshold of the new world,
And that's as far back as my dear old WT Library goes.