I did timestamp it, but it's not working on this site.
It's at 50 seconds.
have you ever seen or heard a letter:.
dear brothers and sisters:.
I did timestamp it, but it's not working on this site.
It's at 50 seconds.
read the news here.
the jehovah's witnesses lost their appeal to the supreme court of russia.
bethel to be liquidated.. i bet the gb saw this coming ... here comes the persecution complex paranoia.
Yeah this has nothing to do with a government protecting it's citizen from some extreme group. It's all about eliminating anyone who isn't in lockstep with the government and the Russian Orthodox Church.
Not a good thing at all.
In almost all other circumstances, I would agree.
But if it takes a despot to take down despots ...
have you ever seen or heard a letter:.
dear brothers and sisters:.
Have you ever seen or heard a letter:
Dear Brothers AND SISTERS:
when i first saw the video, i was like, "wait... is that her... panties showing through the dress"?and it seems like it is so.turns out that if you look at the middle right of the video, there are some letters.
it reads, "footage provided by pond5".if someone wants to purchase that video to confirm, you can purchase it here:http://depositphotos.com/63621499/stock-video-violinist-girl-walking-through-a.htmli think that this was a royal mess up because i doubt they would put footage of a sister in a skimpy, revealing dress.doesn't the gb approve this?this will probably go down as another of the "subliminal images"...if there are thongs in paradise... might not be so bad after all!.
Looking at her arms, I'd put her age at 12 or 13.
Which member(s) of the Governing Body approved this message?
when i first saw the video, i was like, "wait... is that her... panties showing through the dress"?and it seems like it is so.turns out that if you look at the middle right of the video, there are some letters.
it reads, "footage provided by pond5".if someone wants to purchase that video to confirm, you can purchase it here:http://depositphotos.com/63621499/stock-video-violinist-girl-walking-through-a.htmli think that this was a royal mess up because i doubt they would put footage of a sister in a skimpy, revealing dress.doesn't the gb approve this?this will probably go down as another of the "subliminal images"...if there are thongs in paradise... might not be so bad after all!.
I agree with OP.
I very clearly see bouncing butt cheeks.
okay, conspiracy theory brain at work here.. a previous post spoke of rutherford obtaining a monetary backer to invest in this religion-based opportunity.. when looking at mormons and jw's, they are both nutty, but different strains of nuts to appeal to different niche segments of society.. always seems, though, that this an "out-there" idea.. but then, someone posted this video of planned obsolescence, and the light bulb cartel.. light bulbs?.
yup.. the lightbulb conspiracy - planned obsolescence (somewhat ironically posted by thetruthisdiscovered ).
Okay, Conspiracy Theory brain at work here.
A previous post spoke of Rutherford obtaining a monetary backer to invest in this religion-based opportunity.
When looking at Mormons and JW's, they are both nutty, but different strains of nuts to appeal to different niche segments of society.
Always seems, though, that this an "out-there" idea.
But then, someone posted this video of Planned Obsolescence, and the Light Bulb Cartel.
Light bulbs?
The Lightbulb Conspiracy - Planned Obsolescence (somewhat ironically posted by TheTruthIsDiscovered )
If investors do something like this about light bulbs (and other consumer goods), why would religion not be a lucrative target?
i'm in the middle of studying 1984 by george orwell .
it's a frightening book but more so for me because it's describing the borg to the letter almost just by another name.. right down to the changing of history to suit bb doctrine, the younger generation not believing anymore but finding ways around the rules to live their own lives.
the culture of squealing on others and kids being taught to do that even to their own parents.
Yup, it's Knorr et co's guidebook, to a T.
Orwell's estate should receive a percentage of WT profits.
okay, conspiracy theory brain at work here.. a previous post spoke of rutherford obtaining a monetary backer to invest in this religion-based opportunity.. when looking at mormons and jw's, they are both nutty, but different strains of nuts to appeal to different niche segments of society.. always seems, though, that this an "out-there" idea.. but then, someone posted this video of planned obsolescence, and the light bulb cartel.. light bulbs?.
yup.. the lightbulb conspiracy - planned obsolescence (somewhat ironically posted by thetruthisdiscovered ).
Okay, Conspiracy Theory brain at work here.
A previous post spoke of Rutherford obtaining a monetary backer to invest in this religion-based opportunity.
When looking at Mormons and JW's, they are both nutty, but different strains of nuts to appeal to different niche segments of society.
Always seems, though, that this an "out-there" idea.
But then, someone posted this video of Planned Obsolescence, and the Light Bulb Cartel.
Light bulbs?
The Lightbulb Conspiracy - Planned Obsolescence (somewhat ironically posted by TheTruthIsDiscovered )
If investors do something like this about light bulbs (and other consumer goods), why would religion not be a lucrative target?