A part of me wants them to stay as crazy as possible, as a repellent.
As they say, "You can't fix stupid."
the other day, this court decision was posted on jwn along with a link to the court document, but few expected the media to pick up the story.
so to all involved, i understand it was a surprise to see the story in print.
A part of me wants them to stay as crazy as possible, as a repellent.
As they say, "You can't fix stupid."
the other day, this court decision was posted on jwn along with a link to the court document, but few expected the media to pick up the story.
so to all involved, i understand it was a surprise to see the story in print.
A bridge club can choose to eject (disfellowship) a player because they don't like him.
If their action taken with respect to the bridge club extended to areas outside the scope of their domain, then they should be disallowed from taking any action whatsoever.
Bridge Club - Going Clear
so like the title suggests, i'm going to break up with my boyfriend today.
it's for several reasons, but mostly because i'm not prepared for a relationship.
i need to grow and learn what it's like to be me now that i'm not a jw and learn how to love myself so i don't make the person i am with miserable.
Why we're messed up:
Please read Bonnie's book. ( more than once.)
wt 1973 p568.
"did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers that stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become maturbators later on?".
what sick fu... writing this article thought the the average person did this to keep kids quiet..
We are doing a long-term study on genital stroking.
We have had a few brothers volunteer to undertake the study.
Please bring your children.
i've taken the bible lessons but have never attended a kingdom hall.
i was curious as to what point they begin to tighten the screws of control?
let's say you're a baptist.
Mormon cult v JW cult
No difference.
Not true.
Mormons are a far, far smarter cult.
On a cult scale:
Scientology. 9.5
JW / WT 9.0
Mormon. 7.0
about 3 weeks ago, the site started displaying a server error on my outdated android phone.. today, the same error is being displayed on a current firefox browser.. (this is being entered on a current android tablet.
About 3 weeks ago, the site started displaying a server error on my outdated Android phone.
Today, the same error is being displayed on a current Firefox browser.
(This is being entered on a current Android tablet.)
so just the other day i happened to look out my window to see the cobe and the elder who studied with me on the doors.
it got me thinking.. i remember one day, during my study that he said he loved me.
although he meant this as a "brother" it actually sent me into, what i can only describe as shock and alarm!
I said this decades ago to an elder.
Why do we spend so much time door-to-door, while "weak" ones are ignored and end up leaving?
It is such a poorly managed cult.
the other day, this court decision was posted on jwn along with a link to the court document, but few expected the media to pick up the story.
so to all involved, i understand it was a surprise to see the story in print.
I can see the WT, if they haven't already done this, getting elders to sign some sort of release
Doesn't change anything. It is the Shepherding book that contains the rules (and lack thereof).
He must have escaped the layoffs.