Some months ago the wt asked that old copies of Library be disposed of.
Any reference source available?
i thought that wt would have started doing this, but i have not noticed any posts before.. can anyone confirm (post is from fb)?.
so i have been looking up these different articles to read for problem.the last time we got a disc was 2015 and i used my mil's disc to down load it to my computer.
they did a update to it last year over the internet, the program updated it's self.
Some months ago the wt asked that old copies of Library be disposed of.
Any reference source available?
i thought that wt would have started doing this, but i have not noticed any posts before.. can anyone confirm (post is from fb)?.
so i have been looking up these different articles to read for problem.the last time we got a disc was 2015 and i used my mil's disc to down load it to my computer.
they did a update to it last year over the internet, the program updated it's self.
I thought that WT would have started doing this, but I have not noticed any posts before.
Can anyone confirm (post is from FB)?
So I have been looking up these different articles to read for problem.
The last time we got a disc was 2015 and I used my MIL's disc to down load it to my computer. They did a update to it last year over the internet, the program updated it's self. I'm not sure if the wt, awake and km where there b4 the update but they are NOT there now. There is a tone of stuff removed from 1975 back.
"keep alive until 1925" - j.f.
2075 coming up soon, endorsed by David Splane
First, 2040.
"keep alive until 1925" - j.f.
"Keep alive until 1925" - J.F. Rutherford
today i read some news story's about the property deals of in brooklyn.
they made good money and good connections.. but i'm sure made a very, very big mistake in brooklyn.
they did.. they sold and are selling all the property for money.
so if I've read this correctly they sold their property portfolio in Brooklyn for far less than they were worth?
My POV is: Why sell Brooklyn real estate beginning in 2012, etc.? Nowhere near the peak of the market.
today i read some news story's about the property deals of in brooklyn.
they made good money and good connections.. but i'm sure made a very, very big mistake in brooklyn.
they did.. they sold and are selling all the property for money.
i didn't manage to last the whole broadcast.
it was so unbelievably boring that i only managed halfway before i switched it off.
in this broadcast anthony morris iii (who i affectionately call "the don") stresses to us the importance of studying - not one - but two of their publications in order to understand the bible.
ToMo is 100% correct.
The Bible Teach book is all carrot - pandas and paradise.
God's Love book is all stick - obey the Borg or die.
People that only want paradise, but who do not want to sacrifice their entire life to an unappreciative corporation, will indeed end up leaving.
Search the Bible Teach book for the following:
- faithful and discreet slave (or any variation)
- Governing Body
- disfellowship (ed) (ing)
These terms are withheld for a reason.
shucks only 90 teaching books trashed last week still there is a new week starting lol
I completely agree with the efforts by OP.
There is a good reason that WT is going digital - paper and printing cost real money.
When litterature was sold door-to-door, WT made money.
Also, publishers are trained to ask for donations door-to-door. They are not allowed to ask for donations when cult-carting.
I applaud his efforts.
heard gave 3 talks at the convention.
one thing i noticed rather quickly was how stuck he was to his notes.
he rarely looked up.
IMO Heard and Losch are the worst speakers in the Body. Both barely fit for even the #3 in the Theocratic (old) school.
Not IMO - very observable fact.