Just to clarify the SEEMING contradiction.
(Most of the text is on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/3lu936/transcription_of_anthony_morris_iiis_new_jw/ )
Now we have apostates and... opposers that would... like God's people to think that the Faithful Slave is dogmatic. And they expect uh you to accept everything that comes out from headquarters... as if it's... dogma. Arbitrarily... decided. Well, this does not apply.
"This does not apply." You are not asked to accept everything from HQ.
if you want Jehovah's blessing on you as uh an individual or a family, certainly as a elder or a congregation, it'd be best to just ask Jehovah to help you understand it, but obey, the decision.
So, you are not asked to ACCEPT everything, but you are required to OBEY everything.