They actually covered oral and anal at an elders training just a few years ago.
its been a little over 2 years since i left the watchtower.
in that time the magazines have been cut, the birth of jwtv, jw-org.
carts for preaching, removed district overseers, cut assemblies, demand all the money from the congregations, stop construction and layoff bethelites, change the format of the tmschool .
They actually covered oral and anal at an elders training just a few years ago.
its been a little over 2 years since i left the watchtower.
in that time the magazines have been cut, the birth of jwtv, jw-org.
carts for preaching, removed district overseers, cut assemblies, demand all the money from the congregations, stop construction and layoff bethelites, change the format of the tmschool .
I have a hunch - and nothing to base it on - that the annual worldwide report on JWs, currently published in the JW Yearbook, will be changed in some way.
Have they not started to include reporting of tracts?
absolutely terrific..
Absolutely terrific.
many people are understandably upset and angry at the notion that jws have the right to shun people.
it seems such an obvious "no brainer" cruel and inhuman thing to do - it must be wrong ... surely?.
of course we look at things from the perspective of those hurt and harmed by shunning.
I don't know anything about this or how they have specifically used this law in their favour but I can say that the opposite is also true.
Hence, we then end up with "risk management," whereby business decision are SOLELY based on short-term monetary decisions (eg. Chrysler's refusal to abandon a known faulty hatch design, as well as refusing to recall a 25 to 50 CENT patch - resulting in numerous deaths - see page 8 of pdf )
The film "The Corporation" ( ) rightly described them as psychopathic:
"The Corporation attempts to compare the way corporations are systematically compelled to behave with what it claims are the DSM-IV 's symptoms of psychopathy, e.g., the callous disregard for the feelings of other people, the incapacity to maintain human relationships, the reckless disregard for the safety of others, the deceitfulness (continual lying to deceive for profit), the incapacity to experience guilt, and the failure to conform to social norms and respect the law. "
(Sound familiar?)
As was acknowledged by WT in the Aus RC, a person desiring to leave the WT corporation / religion faces an impossible choice.
No person should have to make that choice.
WTS is the epitome of a psychopathic entity.
WTS deserves old-world justice executed on murderous psychopaths.
many people are understandably upset and angry at the notion that jws have the right to shun people.
it seems such an obvious "no brainer" cruel and inhuman thing to do - it must be wrong ... surely?.
of course we look at things from the perspective of those hurt and harmed by shunning.
Simon, at first I almost thought that you were trolling your own site.
Institutional shunning is spiritual abuse, which has become recognized as being as harmful as other forms of abuse.
( See )
IMO, one of the absolutely most insane court decisions of all time was when the US Supreme Court decided that corporations are persons (and therefore have some rights ??? ).
Although WT exploits the insanity of this US view, as well as the other US "freedom of religion" (which they interpret as freedom BY THE RELIGION), the rest of the world, and esp. CommonWealth countries [Oz, UK, Canada, etc.], are not bound by such nonsense.)
The ONLY way that WT has managed to even make it to 2015 is because of income and property tax exemptions (as well as tax deductions for for member donations) (and, in Canada, GST credit refunds [a sick, largely unknown teat-suck, told to the congos by the Branch] ). (Rutherford saw the writing on the wall when he decided that "TRUE" religion was not a snare and a racket.)
CRA charity eligibility states ( ):
Activities that are illegal or contrary to Canadian public policy
Organizations that undertake illegal activities (e.g., fraud, or money laundering) will not qualify for registration.
Organizations with activities contrary to Canadian public policy will not qualify for registration. A public policy is a definite and officially declared and implemented policy (i.e., found in an act of Parliament, or a regulation).
Elucidate your position, which I see as, that WT is not violating Canadian public policy by instructing its members to selectively spiritually abuse certain individuals, as so deemed exclusively by WT or its reps.
i have been given a piece of birthday cake as it was his birthday yesterday!
will i be a human hot dog now?.....
this just got me thinking of all the stupidities of the watchtower teachings, someone very kindly offers you something as innocent as a slice of chocolate cake but we were supposed to turn it down because that peace of chocolate cake now had horns poking out the top of the chocolate frosting.
Such BS.
Through work, I saw today a 6-year-old girl, and her 5-year-old brother who were so excited, because they were going to a friend's birthday party today.
Pure, unadulterated joy and expectation in their little faces.
i never it expected so soon - (should have posted sooner, but i was unaware - and i sent in my donation, too.).
The video is disabled...
Who is sitting down???
Click on the "Watch This Video on YouTube" link.
i never it expected so soon - (should have posted sooner, but i was unaware - and i sent in my donation, too.).
I never it expected so soon - (Should have posted sooner, but I was unaware - and I sent in my donation, too.)
awake - may 8, 1993.
two of the nations oldest religious magazines, american baptist and christian herald, have ceased publication, reports an associated press dispatch.
both the 115-year-old christian herald, started in 1878 and based in chappaqua, n.y., and the 189-year-old american baptist, whose antecedent magazine started in 1803, cited declining circulation.
Awake - May 8, 1993
Would AP be interested in a follow-up story? (Probably not)“Two of the nation’s oldest religious magazines, American Baptist and Christian Herald, have ceased publication,” reports an Associated Press dispatch. “Both the 115-year-old Christian Herald, started in 1878 and based in Chappaqua, N.Y., and the 189-year-old American Baptist, whose antecedent magazine started in 1803, cited declining circulation.” The monthly American Baptist, based in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, will be replaced by a newsletter. However, another religious journal of that era, The Watchtower, continues to grow. First published monthly in 1879 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with a circulation of 6,000 copies in English, The Watchtower is now published semimonthly in 112 languages and has a circulation of 16,400,000 copies per issue.
had a quick look at the workbook and flicked through the sample meeting video.. the increased use of video shows the trend for more centralised dissemination of "best practice" .
sure there isn't really a "school" any more and the format is a bit different but i think those that called it as the same old crap just in new package got it pretty much right.
25:20 of video
Sister Silhouette: "You have a beautiful home here."
Follow-up statements:
- Option A - Wouldn't you like to find true happiness by selling your home and donating the equity to Almighty God's chosen ones on earth, and thereafter sponging off of the goodwill of others like I do?
- Option B - Can I share a Scripture with you? This Scripture clearly shows that all of those that are not worshiping the True God as I say, will be destroyed, but that their property will remain, somewhat like a neutron bomb.
My family has suffered for this belief, and deeply desire to be rewarded by assuming ownership to your home as a reward.
Would you like to learn more about this loving arrangement?