"Leaks and Releases"
Seriously, Wifi, shouldn't that be in the pre-teen male humour section.
JoinedPosts by berrygerry
RC 2016 Leaks & Releases
by wifibandit inin an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nzvwhflss4.
RC 2016 Leaks & Releases
by wifibandit inin an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nzvwhflss4.
"It's getting really bad out there."
(Cut to scene outside.)
Paradise-Like Image - Why?
by berrygerry inreading an amusing bible story (revised slightly), and noticed how much the earth is like a paradise.. wasn't it supposed to be thorns and thistles?.
Reading an amusing Bible Story (revised slightly), and noticed how much the earth is like a paradise.
Wasn't it supposed to be thorns and thistles?
Jehovahs Witness Child Custody Brochure
by What Now? indoes anyone have a link or pdf copy of this?
i have a disfellowshipped friend who shares custody of her daughter with her witness ex-husband.
she is starting to have a lot of issues with the arrangement - her ex-husband and extended family (all witnesses) are constantly undermining her, bullying her daughter into changing her mind about certain decisions that they had already made together.
Which country is your friend in?
Be prepared for the biggest pack of lies to be headed your friend's way.
Also, have your friend read this Canadian case:
Coud Have Been Worse
by berrygerry inperp declared dangerous offender.
dangerous offender at kingdom hall (imagine if the 13-year-old were going door-to-door with another child?).
Perp Declared Dangerous Offender
Dangerous Offender at Kingdom Hall (Imagine if the 13-year-old were going door-to-door with another child?)
December 19, 2011- the appellant received 60 days in custody for breach of his s. 810.1 recognizance after meeting with an adult Jehovah’s Witness and a 13 year old boy at the appellant’s apartment as well as subsequently having contact with children at a meeting at the local Kingdom Hall. There, he was seen paying particular attention to children over the course of two hours.
Raising kids in a split faith household
by rathernotsay inhi guys, don't know if this is the right place to ask but id like to hear other peoples experiences with raising kids in a household with split faiths.
just for a bit of a back story, my wife and i have been married for comming up 6 years.
we have 3 kids, 2 boys aged 5 and 3 and a 8 week old girl.
This post is one of the best that I've seen:
Most bible Stories could be played out in the same manner.
Where did Jehovah go ?
by Deleteandrestart infor the many years i was mentally " in " the congregation, i equated the organisation as interchangeable with the persona of jehovah, in effect whatever the organisation said or thought, that was what jehovah thought and that was what jehovah said.... it was that simple.
so when i found out the ttatt and the cynical moves of the organisation over the years,including 1975 , the donation arrangements, the united nations, etc i was devastated and thought " where's jehovah in all of this?".
the god who i'd poured my heart out to on many occasions and who i thought was silently listening and hearing my pleas ..... was not there , .
A good starting point is to watch the movie "The Invention of Lying." -
Where did Jehovah go ?
by Deleteandrestart infor the many years i was mentally " in " the congregation, i equated the organisation as interchangeable with the persona of jehovah, in effect whatever the organisation said or thought, that was what jehovah thought and that was what jehovah said.... it was that simple.
so when i found out the ttatt and the cynical moves of the organisation over the years,including 1975 , the donation arrangements, the united nations, etc i was devastated and thought " where's jehovah in all of this?".
the god who i'd poured my heart out to on many occasions and who i thought was silently listening and hearing my pleas ..... was not there , .
I saw someone on this forum mention Jehovah as the invisible cult leader and it has stuck with me. As a cult leader he becomes whatever you want him to be.
(of course you can't get to Jehovah except through them - they invented him!)
When Disaster Strikes
by NeverAllowestobeMyself injehovah's witnesses repeatedly report that when disaster strikes they are the quickest to respond, the most organized relief agency and they provide superior support to their members and the affected community.. they make it sound like organizations such as the red cross are completely in disarray every disaster until jehovah's witnesses show up and show everyone how it's done!.
in the wake of recent disasters around the globe i would like to encourage everyone to share experiences of people showing genuine love to their neighbors, communities going the extra mile and organizations doing brilliant work..
The biggest factor, IMO, is that WT does not help people - only Dubs.
IF there is something leftover, then they MIGHT help a stranger.
LEARNING how to HATE is a Jehovah's Witnesses' "Christian" duty!
by Terry innote:.
one out of every 100 jehovah's witnesses is tossed out and 2 out of every 3 are never reinstated.
the law of the land and god’s law through christ forbid us to kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship.
too bad they cannot spray cities with bombs that blow the bad to bits but leave the innocent intact.
I think this has been taken out of context, BTW.