mentally crippling religion where people become so helpless they cannot think for themselves and function in the real world.
Tis precisely why they are a cult.
i called a guy i haven talked with for over two years yesterday.
i met him at bethel back in the 1970's.
david b was known as the g job king back then.
mentally crippling religion where people become so helpless they cannot think for themselves and function in the real world.
Tis precisely why they are a cult.
i used to go out early mornings with 2 pioneer elders, we would drive 20 miles out of the territory (a big no-no) to look for hikers to preach to lol of course there were never any hikers.
then off to starbucks for another hour lol easy way to count 2-4 hours.
i am chuckling as i write this, what a joke!.
We did remote territory (not unassigned, but in the boonies).
Before we left town, we checked for houses with lights on. Knock, knock - would you like some mags?
Good to go. Let's drive for an hour.
I miss my mother
Mothers are for others, daughters are for fathers.
Well I am happily married to a "worldly" woman with 2 beautiful baby girls
There is nothing better.
saw a pbs article on otzi tonight.. this iceman continues to offer interesting challenges to wt and other young-earth religions.. as dna technology has increased, they can now determine that otzi's parentage comes from sardinia, and he is at least 5,000 years old.. wt did their obligatory archaeology-bashing of otzi in the may 8, 1995 awake, but curiously, hasn't done anything since then.. time for new light?.
Saw a PBS article on Otzi tonight.
This Iceman continues to offer interesting challenges to WT and other young-earth religions.
As DNA technology has increased, they can now determine that Otzi's parentage comes from Sardinia, and he is at least 5,000 years old.
WT did their obligatory archaeology-bashing of Otzi in the May 8, 1995 Awake, but curiously, hasn't done anything since then.
Time for New Light?
what a horror.
instead of there being "more fish in the sea" our marriage mates came from the small and crapy witness pond.
anyone got burned by going with mr or mrs you will have to do?
Not an overall idiot. Very much academically challenged.
But a very hard worker, thrifty, and caring.
However, J's org came first, ahead of me, our children, and our futures.
i was listening to the september broadcasting, where david splain talks about how jacob met with esau.
david splain: how did jacob react?
did he try to show how important and prominent he had become?
Hiding behind women and children to shield himself!
who starts the great tribulation - jehovah or satan?.
Just a fun thought but reading the bible maybe Jehover is Satan.
Yup. Personality disorder.
who starts the great tribulation - jehovah or satan?.
So, the basic premise remains unchanged: God starts the GT by destroying religion.
How will the great tribulation begin? The book of Revelation answers by describing the destruction of “Babylon the Great.” (Rev. 17:5-7) How appropriate that all false religion is likened to a prostitute! ... But who will destroy the harlotlike organization? Jehovah God will put “his thought” into the hearts of “the ten horns” of the “scarlet-colored wild beast.” These horns represent all the present political powers that give support to the United Nations
If this is to parallel 66 - 70 CE, then God brought that tribulation, and will bring the GT.
What purpose would these serve, as "the door" of salvation has been shut? Would this not mean that the suffering during these tribulations was (will be) intentionally inflicted by God?
this notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
Hiking barefoot for three days though crocodile-infested waters
Each way. Twice per week.