WT is simply applying basic risk management.
In-house lawyers, settling out-of-court - works out to be less expensive than the damage that they would incur with any mea culpa.
i was just thinking this morning about the court cases wt is facing and although i do think there are enough of them is there just enough in them to pin it to wt.
i sort of get the feeling a lot of these cases are revolving around the definition of terms and also an attitude of could-a, should-a, would-a.
even with the latest example it raised more questions than solutions and i'm guessing that's why it was settled out of court.
WT is simply applying basic risk management.
In-house lawyers, settling out-of-court - works out to be less expensive than the damage that they would incur with any mea culpa.
i was just thinking this morning about the court cases wt is facing and although i do think there are enough of them is there just enough in them to pin it to wt.
i sort of get the feeling a lot of these cases are revolving around the definition of terms and also an attitude of could-a, should-a, would-a.
even with the latest example it raised more questions than solutions and i'm guessing that's why it was settled out of court.
Great link, blondie.
This paragraph should be sent to the appropriate lawyers:
"In order to adhere closely to the pattern set down in the Bible, Jehovah’s Witnesses have, not a clergy class, but unpaid spiritual shepherds and teachers who willingly minister to God’s flock."
i remember once in berlin south germany there was a local needs part for the men only, and how they should use the toilet.
in all seriousness for ten minutes a retarded nigerian was going on about how men need to sit down when using the toilet.
no mention of anything else.. it transpired that some little kraut boy from an "interested" family would aim for the side of the toilet and leave a great big puddle for others to clean up.
He spoke about the time law enforcement went on strike(can not remember the city or country) but people went nuts, running stop lights.
Expounded in multiple WT's and Awake's
How Do You View Authority?
ONE morning in October 1969, the city police in Montreal, Canada, instead of reporting for duty, went to an arena to discuss strike tactics. How would the people of the city react to this sudden absence of police authority? As anticipated, rioting and looting broke out at the hand of thugs, militant students and other opportunists. But what about the ordinary citizen, the person who might be one’s next-door neighbor? An eyewitness reported:
“I don’t mean hoodlums and habitual lawbreakers, I mean just plain people committed offenses
hey all,.
we have purchased a bunch of great books recently, and one of them is from author kyria abrahams called "i'm perfect, you're doomed".
i'm only 5 chapters in at this stage, but i just have to share that this is a great read!.
A must read.
my mom, while pregnant with me, was one of thousands of jw volunteers to work on the construction of this once beautiful assembly hall in south florida circa 1984. it had a beautiful pond, waterfall, and even a resident alligator.
many remember it as well for it's huge plaster murals on the walls showing scenes of paradises.. pics as it was before (sorry for the low quality, struggled to find good pics of the auditorium as it was, if you have any good ones, do share them):.
But why did the org sell it? Circuit assemblies are such good money makers.
Keep in mind that C.A.'s are only one day in length now, while the cost remains the same as a two-day C.A.
Therefore, twice as many circuits can be exploited in one building, all the while doubling the income.
to show respects for the older bro who died.. first thing i noticed.
the noise!..
jw never learn to sit and do so quietly.
What i have noticed at jw funerals is no one cries. Its honestly really creepy.
A "genuine" elder passed away.
I sat at the back at his funeral, and was crying.
My friend (an elder) in the row ahead, turned and looked at me as if I were an alien.
"1 god, who long ago spoke on many occasions and in many ways to our forefathers by means of the prophets, 2 has at the end of these days spoken to us by means of a son, whom he appointed heir of all things..." hebrews 1:1,2. the wtbts/gbojw avoid reference to this scripture.
could be due to it undermining their claim to fds status?
maybe a good reasoning point with jw's?
Yeah, except the Bioble doesn't say that it's only for a select group.
WT used to reference Tyndale:
I defie the Pope and all his lawes. If God spare my life, ere many yeares I wyl cause a boy that driveth the plough to know more of the Scripture, than he doust.
i have often seen many categorise the organisation in different ways.
some say cult, some say high control religion.
cult or high control religion?.
1. Sadly, I now have a mother who outright told me that if I dissociated, she would have to remain loyal to Jehovah and shun me.
2. Unfortunately, if you want to find real psychological and sociological scientific literature, you won't find it by searching for "cults."
1. You answered your own question.
2. See link.
"Dependence on a leader
Cult leaders demand loyalty and suppress criticism. For them, power must be absolute. Authoritarianism takes precedence over anything else. They often claim that 'special' knowledge, secret ancient doctrines or divine revelation is guiding them.
But cults, because they only serve the leader, exploit and pervert that useful habit and, to establish and maintain itself, does everything possible to destroy family ties, and any other secure and conventional anchor in a person's life. This has the effect of strengthening a member's bond with the cult and its leader. From this viewpoint, the cults that promote celibacy and the cults that encourage indulgence in sexual promiscuity are seeking the same ends — the destruction of normal family life and the substitution of dependence on the cult group authority."
look at this graph:.
it has the % difference between the peak number of publishers and the average number of publishers for that year.
this number can only be positive.. what the graph tells us is that there is a clear trend towards hunting down inactive and/or irregular publishers.
Aug 15, 2011 QFR - http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2011609?q=peak+publishers&p=par
Peak publishers and average publishers. “Publishers” includes baptized Witnesses of Jehovah as well as unbaptized ones who qualify to be Kingdom preachers. “Peak publishers” is the highest number reporting for any one month of the service year and may include late reports that were not added to the preceding month’s report. In this way some publishers may be counted twice. However, the peak figure does not include the number of publishers who actually shared in the ministry but forgot to report. This emphasizes the importance of each publisher reporting promptly each month. “Average publishers” is the typical number of different ones reporting time in the ministry each month.
the numbers don't lie... definitely slowing down!!.
in the 40´s the average growth per year was 20%in the 50´s it was about 10%they had four decades of solid 5% per yearnow the average for the past 16 years has been 2%.
maybe in the future it will be 1% or 0 or even negative????.
The only place it gets close to relating it to Witnesses is in the Insight book under "Love":
One’s Love Can Cool Off. Jesus Christ, in telling his disciples of the things ahead, indicated that the love (a·gaʹpe) of many who professed belief in God would cool off.
Yup, written completely ambiguously.
Many who professed belief in God - could be "weak" JW's, "Christians" "theists," etc. etc.