village girl! I have never read such sweeping statements in a single post before....
let me get it right,
I apparently am a man...
and a muslim
and don't know how to spell the koran/Quran.
and ALL Muslim women must wear a uniform and are totally subjugated to men.
in EVERY respect you're wrong,
I work on a weekly basis with Musilim women who are NOT subjugated, they do NOT wear the veil, there is NO requirement for them to do so! except that of dressing modestly. Personally I think thats fine, so long as the men are also expected to do so.
NONE of the MANY Muslim woman I work with intimately fit that picture. some are devout emough to have gone on the Hajj, I was honoured enough to be invited to the ceremony to welcome them back and received the zam zam water, and dates from Mecca, and something else, but my memory fails me.
So next week, when I see my friends again, shall I tell them how oppressed they are?
Several own dogs, so I need to arrange a stoning or a whipping?
I am being facetious but I am attempting to make a serious point.
ask Muslims Not from the Middle East or Pakistan what they think of them there, and the response you get is not complimentary.
They share in disgust the same outragous stories on Facebook that you do. I see them daily.
How do I know?
because I ask questions regularly... and my Muslim friends handle it much better than the brand of Christians i grew up with would have.....
my point is this! there are aa many differences in Islam as in Christianity,
Now, for some nitpicking facts...
you. need to be careful about how much personal infor you expect people to reveal on here, it is a safety issue.
BOTH spellings of the Koran are correct. Only the other week I was criticized for using the Quran one.
I would suggest that as an athiest feminist I have every right to have an opinion on these issues.