Hi TyyDyy, nice to meet you!
JoinedPosts by maybesbabies
HI! This is Xan's sis, finally got on the board!!
by maybesbabies inthis is xandrias little sister.
i finally got on the board, guess there were some tech difficulties.
just wanted to say hi to everyone, and that i'm very happy to be here!
If you could have written any piece of music what would it be?
by azaria inmaybe teejays thread inspired me.
(in the family section) maybe because the church service this morning was especially inspiring.
there are so many beautiful songs.
"Both sides Now" by Janice Ian, it always makes me cry!!!!!
What kind of tree would you be?
by Panda ini was reading a book on celtic beliefs.
and as the western beliefs have the zodiac; and the asians have the 12 animals who came to buddha, so the celts believe different trees represent basic characteristics in humans.. so ok which kind of tree would you be ?
i would be an oak.
Rowan, The Sensitivity
Full of charm, cheerful, gifted, without egoism, likes to draw Attention, loves life, motion, unrest and even complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.Wow! That's pretty accurate! I don't know about the good taste part, though, you should see some of the guys I've dated!!!!! I guess that's where the "does not forgive" part comes in, lol!
HI! This is Xan's sis, finally got on the board!!
by maybesbabies inthis is xandrias little sister.
i finally got on the board, guess there were some tech difficulties.
just wanted to say hi to everyone, and that i'm very happy to be here!
Hi Big Tex, nicetameetcha!!!!!
HI! This is Xan's sis, finally got on the board!!
by maybesbabies inthis is xandrias little sister.
i finally got on the board, guess there were some tech difficulties.
just wanted to say hi to everyone, and that i'm very happy to be here!
Hi Dan! I'm in NE OH, 'round about the Burton Area, E of Cleveland. Are you in OH also?
HI! This is Xan's sis, finally got on the board!!
by maybesbabies inthis is xandrias little sister.
i finally got on the board, guess there were some tech difficulties.
just wanted to say hi to everyone, and that i'm very happy to be here!
Hi Maverick! I'm partial to habanero sauce myself!!!
HI! This is Xan's sis, finally got on the board!!
by maybesbabies inthis is xandrias little sister.
i finally got on the board, guess there were some tech difficulties.
just wanted to say hi to everyone, and that i'm very happy to be here!
Thanks Brummie! I'm afraid to ask which pictures you've seen!!!
HI! This is Xan's sis, finally got on the board!!
by maybesbabies inthis is xandrias little sister.
i finally got on the board, guess there were some tech difficulties.
just wanted to say hi to everyone, and that i'm very happy to be here!
Oh, also, can anyone help me with the avatar thing? I don't know how to put one by my name ! Thanks!
HI! This is Xan's sis, finally got on the board!!
by maybesbabies inthis is xandrias little sister.
i finally got on the board, guess there were some tech difficulties.
just wanted to say hi to everyone, and that i'm very happy to be here!
Hi all! This is Xandrias little sister. I finally got on the board, guess there were some tech difficulties. Just wanted to say hi to everyone, and that I'm very happy to be here! And yes, Xan, I read all your posts, prepare to be roasted, mwahahahaha! Just kidding!
JW strangers say mean things to you at assemblies?
by jwbot injw's can be rotten, but what about the "brutally honest" jw strangers at assemblies?
i have had some issues with the general meaness jw's are to people that they do not even know, and are jw's.. example 1: i was maybe 13 years old and i was a fast developer, i had big boobs basically.
well a dress i had was really nice...my parents would not have let me wear something that was not apprepriate for me, but i guess the dress was low (i didn't think so) and when i was in the bathroom at the assembly at the mirror, a woman just came up to me and was like "you are showing all the assets you have to offer" or something to that effect.
(((((jwbot))))) I know how you feel! The sisters at our congregation would pick on me and my (real) sisters all the time, because we couldn't afford nice clothes. There was one sister we used to go out in service with all the time, and one time my dress had a few wrinkles in it, so she made me strip and iron it at her house in front of a bunch of other sisters. I was mortified, to say the least, because my underclothes were just as shabby, and I didn't have a training bra to wear. She then berated me all througout service about how my appearance was humiliating to the rest of the congregation. Those women were terrible! BTW, she was a 40 year old virgin, if that tells you anything!!!!