Thanks Celtic, you horticulturomantic!
JoinedPosts by maybesbabies
Gorgeous!! Stunning!! PHOTOS FLOWERS from me to the Ladies
by Celtic inhere you are ladies, i dedicate all these to you individually, you ruddy bunch of balmpottin beauts.. .
the two pictures of the bare ground is where i am landscaping the next door neighbours garden, courtesy of the garden artists - 'putting the culture in horticulture', my business.. .
ok i've been trying to do these two posts now for about 4 hours, simons software is as ever hopeless, not that i do not appreciate his efforts.. what i'll do is this, tomorrow, i will put all these pictures into my yahoo photos and provide the link in a separate post so you will have to wait for that, for now, what is left of my sunday, i want to enjoy for myself, tis too nice to be stuck in front of this machine for another hour.. sorry..
Reasons why men are.............
by Stefanie ingreat.. they smell good.
they give you that warm fuzzy feeling all over.. they are so cute when they make the baby laugh.. they have that one shirt that all holey but cant live without.. .
here is one for all the men in the world that are truly great, and deserve a big hug and kiss!.
For me, it's brains that make a man a sex object. Stupid men are just not attractive. IMHO, passion starts between the ears, and it doesn't matter what shape, size, color, etc. a person is. When asked what kind of men I like, I say "I like 'em all!". Maybe I should add, "but especially those brainy JWD apostates".
Reasons why men are.............
by Stefanie ingreat.. they smell good.
they give you that warm fuzzy feeling all over.. they are so cute when they make the baby laugh.. they have that one shirt that all holey but cant live without.. .
here is one for all the men in the world that are truly great, and deserve a big hug and kiss!.
Is this what it takes to have women feel they are loved by their man?
Absolutely not, it's just how he shows it. There are no broad strokes to paint love with. Also, I don't "expect" that from a man, nor do I get angry if I don't get it. It's his perogative, and how he chooses to show it. I do just as much for him, and I wouldn't love him any less if he stopped doing dishes. I just had to point out how wonderful he is, in appreciation.
Reasons why men are.............
by Stefanie ingreat.. they smell good.
they give you that warm fuzzy feeling all over.. they are so cute when they make the baby laugh.. they have that one shirt that all holey but cant live without.. .
here is one for all the men in the world that are truly great, and deserve a big hug and kiss!.
How men love --- I really liked your post. I think of it as "truly, madly, deeply".
Me too Tal, the passion and intensity blows me away sometimes. Not that women don't have that, we most certainly do, but men tend to show it differently. Of course, there is definite reciprocation as far as the spoiling goes. Sponge baths, good meals (he cooks the every day stuff, and I spoil him with gourmet on the weekends), foot rubs, etc. Aint love grand?
Poem for the ladies.
by Obviously Secret init seems to be "cheer up the gals" day so i guess i'd freestyle a poem for the ladies real quick.
straight from the heart you beautiful creations from the heavens.. .
the gloom passed my eyes .
Thanks OS, ya sweet lil' thing!!!
Reasons why men are.............
by Stefanie ingreat.. they smell good.
they give you that warm fuzzy feeling all over.. they are so cute when they make the baby laugh.. they have that one shirt that all holey but cant live without.. .
here is one for all the men in the world that are truly great, and deserve a big hug and kiss!.
There is just something so great about the way men love. It is very different from women. I can't really put my finger on it, I just know how wonderful it feels to be loved by a man who makes you feel safe, appreciated, and cared for. I am so blessed with the man I have now, he does my laundry, dishes, housework (I am a notorious slob!), drives me to and from work, takes me to see my family (and is the first one to say "why don't we go visit your family this weekend?"), encourages me, makes me laugh, is kind, never derogatory, and puts me on a pedestal. He calls me princess and treats me like it too!!!! Men are just delicious and sweet, don't know what I'd do without 'em!!! For every jerk that's out there, I think there are twice as many men who are kind and good. So here, for all you sweet men out there: !
"Cheer up the Gals" day !!!
by LittleToe in.
ok, after much deliberation i've decided to call a spontaneous "cheer up the gals" day.. we know we love 'em, but how often do we tell them that?.
so to all the gals out there - we love ya, k?.
Thanks LT!!! And all the other fellas on this board who are so sweet to care!!!! I'm yet another gal who needed some major cheering up, and this did the trick!!!
'Creeds' guitars stolen
by IronGland inif they find the thief, i believe he deserves a medal for exemplary community service.
police: 'creed' guitars worth $150,000 stolen
posted: 4:06 pm edt may 17, 2004
Somebody---PLease Party with ME
by codeblue in.
ok....i am all alone....nodenial is working out of town...darn it.. how about a cyber party with me...please!!!.
i have just mixed a 7 and 7..... codeblue
Alas, CB, still at work, so I'll just have to zip in for some quick shots of Cuervo!
Waiting's Birthday!!
by patio34 inwell, this is my well-wishing for my younger
waiting ,
to have a very happy birthday!!!!!!
Happy Belated B-day, Waiting, sounds like it was a good one!!!