Are you sh***n me, Sixy? You really expect me to believe a gorgeous woman like that fell for you! Ah, alright, you do play a mean game of pool, but she must see something else in ya
JoinedPosts by maybesbabies
You may think I'm as trite and as gay as a daisy in May...
by SixofNine in...perhaps even a cliche come true.
or do you see me as bromidic and bright as a moon-happy night pouring light on the dew?
you see, i'm as corny as kansas in august, and i'm as normal as blueberry pie.
Well you all surprised me
by Lady Lee inhere i thought people would be pming me galore with suggestions of what to include on the best of series.. 1 count em 1 suggestion.
come on people.
any person i should look at?.
I would also like to suggest Leolaia, her writing fascinates me!!! It's easy to understand, and well written.
So Proud!!
by maybesbabies inwell my friends, my dearest little brother is finally online!
this is his first foray into the internet experience, and his first email was to me, to let me know that he was online.
in response, i sent him the link to this site.
Well my friends, my dearest little brother is finally online! This is his first foray into the internet experience, and his first email was to me, to let me know that he was online. In response, I sent him the link to this site. I hope that he will come here and learn. He is brilliant, and took Latin in high school for the heck of it. I love my little brother so much, and hope especially that he can read the posts by Leolaia, Narkissos, and peacefulpete. He is such an intelligent guy, and hope to be able to welcome him here someday. So, little bro, if you're lurking and reading this, I hope you find some answers!!!!
God Wants to Clear Up a Misunderstanding On Killing Your Neighbor!!!
by frankiespeakin innew york?responding to recent events on earth, god, the omniscient creator-deity worshipped by billions of followers of various faiths for more than 6,000 years, angrily clarified his longtime stance against humans killing each other monday.. .
"look, i don't know, maybe i haven't made myself completely clear, so for the record, here it is again," said the lord, his divine face betraying visible emotion during a press conference near the site of the fallen twin towers.
"somehow, people keep coming up with the idea that i want them to kill their neighbor.
Great satire, very true! When, as a dub, they had us read that red book on other religions, to illustrate how they were all "wrong", the thing that I got out of it was how strikingly similar the core message was. Love...duh! It's so simple, yet it's one of the most difficult things to do. Turn the other cheek? Surprising how hard that can be. Love your enemy? Wow, it feels almost against human nature. Yet, it makes me think. It is something that I want in my life, to respond to all things with love and compassion, but it's a work in progress.
Mulan has a new grandson!
by Princess inmy brother's wife gave birth this afternoon to a 5lb 7oz baby boy.
he was five weeks early (we knew he would be a preemie) and both mom and baby are well.
it's quite a relief really.
Oh, congrats to you all!!! That's wonderful news that all is going well.
Mother Withdraws Permission for Transfusion After "Support" from JWs
by blondie in
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wow... it's so overwhelmingly sick to think that a mother could be swayed to disregard her childs life for a hope of "paradise erf", spurred on by a group fanatics and misguided zealots. And I used to be one of them.... my stomach is literally tied up in knots right now.
Which America Hating Minority Are You?
by SixofNine in.
take the test:
i'm european (musta been something in the water watour) .
"You are a Terrorist" hmmm.....geez, I shoulda known I'd get that one!
ALERT ---Sunday's Watchtower Study!
by apocalypse inthe watchtower study for august 1, 2004 (w 6/15/04) is an attempt to encourage the use of blood products.
that?s a bold statement, but it is true and this post is written to prove it.
furthermore, prepare your comments for sunday?s study now.
The obligation to keep the Mosaic Law ended when the Messiah died. Yet, God?s view of the sacredness of blood remains
ahhh, gotta love this load of tripe!!! My father used to always sneer and criticize "Christians" who still followed the Mosaic Law, saying that JW's were truly inspired, because they understood the covenants, and were true "Christians" because they alone followed the words of Jesus. If the Mosaic Law is ended, and Jesus, as the New Covenant never made laws pertaining to blood, wouldn't this be another hypocrisy of theirs that renders their point moot?
Settle a bet please... Prounciation of Ramen Noodles...
by Confucious inplease help me settle a bet.
i can't find anything on it on the internet.
i say "ray - men" noodles.
Well, the audio on my work computer doesn't work, so can you post the correct pronunciation? I say Rah-men.
Chilling experience
by TallTexan ino.k....most people that know me know me to be a rational and logical person not prone to hype or the sensational.
nor am i infatuated with the supernatural as many jw's/ex-jw's are/were.
with that said, let me relate what happened to me at work last night.. on saturday night, we had four bad burns come in.
WoW! Quite an experience!! That would scare the be-jeebus out of me!!