I live in canada. Vancouver Island. Today I saw a helicopter flying around the air with a Canadian flag beneath being towed...what a waste of gas....
happy birthday, canada.
I live in canada. Vancouver Island. Today I saw a helicopter flying around the air with a Canadian flag beneath being towed...what a waste of gas....
as much as i hate the wt for lying (the writing commite knows it is a lie) there is one good thing they did in the 70's 80's.
to read.. the nwt 1984 audio is very easy to listen to.
(now the nt text is s**t but it is a good reading.).
As much as I hate the WT for lying (The writing commite knows it is a lie) There is one good thing they did in the 70's 80's. To read.
The NWT 1984 audio is very easy to listen to. (Now the NT text is S**t but it is a good reading.)
Three readers I can tell you about:
John in the 1970s? The Gospel of John was read by Raymond Franz?... A romour... I have this tape though.
The other three which are online
The first reader sounds older but uses good expressions liek in Exodus he plays Pharoah like a pro.
The second reader song younger and very smooth... Psalms come alive as does Matthew.
The thrid reader reads just Acts however I know the voice... this guy did JW drama audio narration?
Anyone know the names? Sad they are slaves to the concept but glad they are good readers.
it seems the watchtower staff have made a runaway train with the introduction of the mark jw.org.. the combination of using a gadget driven platform and the fact that the common jw is low educated and easely influenced.
by new occurrings in their religion makes the situation getting out of hand.. proof: gb members wearing jw.org buttons during their speech, gifts with jw.org are given away, umbrellas with the jw.org are available.
jw.org is more important then god, his son and the gospel.. it's the gadget and the jw.org mark that counts.. i am so happy my grandparents are not confronted with these idiots.. it's a runaway train heading to the end of the track.. gorby .
JW. ORG makes me think this
1. An internet based religion with meeting halld ONCE A WEEk ... Sundays
2. Spritual food' online and review sunday.
3. Most WT and awakes by 2016 online, No printing other the placements.
The WT will streamline into a half internet and half christian religion and MIGHT accept other christian doctrines soon.... they already did the rapture and pauls thrird heavem
i have always had bonkers dreams and i remember a lot of them, even some from my childhood.
i have the common dreams of flying and being chased all the time.
and i used to dream about demons but not for a very long time.. but heres the thing, i often dream that i've been captured and about to be tortured or murdered and the rest of my dream is about me negotiating my freedom and promising all sorts of things if they will only let me go free.
I could help you fight your battles. Seriously. Lucid dreaming. PM if your interested
for me: how to garden, do laundry (we washed in an old maytag wringer and pegged the wash on a wire line), cook, clean house.. most importantly, how to show love and respect .
.. miss you, nana!!!
please share!.
She taught me the story of the Grasshoer and the ant and also the Boy who cried Wolf.
I learn alot for these...
Greek fairy tales with good moral... imagine that
let's be technical.
the bronze age ended in 1200 bce in devoloped places and later ... aroun 900-800 in other places.
indeed read 1 samuel 13's ending.. the bible was produced not one tiny bit in the bronze age.
Snare:Good Point. Thanks
let's be technical.
the bronze age ended in 1200 bce in devoloped places and later ... aroun 900-800 in other places.
indeed read 1 samuel 13's ending.. the bible was produced not one tiny bit in the bronze age.
And i'm pissed off.
Many vocal atheist (I admit i am on this board) show holes in Christian reasonings quickly. Sadly this is a such a common lie that i've seen Bill Maher use it on TV.
The Bible being a bronze age book is actually something Christians claim. Moses wrote this thing. Note true and I can disprove that with one word:
Goshen.... an Egyptian Provance from 671-400BCE or so.... <<< Bronze age?....Christians have NO response to that!
That people who claim they have studied and found out the bible is not god's words AND STILL CALL IT A BRONZE AGE BOOK are just as bad in ways.
The book is IRON AGE down through to the second century CE
let's be technical.
the bronze age ended in 1200 bce in devoloped places and later ... aroun 900-800 in other places.
indeed read 1 samuel 13's ending.. the bible was produced not one tiny bit in the bronze age.
Let's be technical. The Bronze age ended in 1200 BCE in devoloped places and later ... aroun 900-800 in other places. Indeed read 1 Samuel 13's ending.
The Bible was produced NOT ONE TINY BIT in the bronze age. (The only parts that might date then is Ps 29.... which is heavely revised and the Song of the Sea.
The rest is :
Get it right.
i've heard some view points that state, atheists are generally more moral & caring for fellow humans, than are theists.. i'd like to hear some personal stories of life changes and quality of life after you became atheist.
i have a simple theory that may explain this.. i'll explain my theory if you'd like, after a few responses, as i really am interested in the personal changes that you experienced.. thank you very much, and i look forward to your stories..
Can a person follow the sermon on the mount and still be a an athiest... Yes. (Athiests for Jesus comes to mind)
Can a person follow the ten commandments and be an atheist? NO No No. The first 4 laws are about the deity.
Without religious texts would we all be athiests? Of course not! Most of the religions in this world (by numbers of religions, not followers) have little to any written text and are eith spritist or Henotheistic. (Some are montheist)
this week's bible highlights, as well as last week indicated that the promise land wasn't so fortunate as thought.
this week it mentions premature balding.
if you were balding prematurely, you had to see the priests.
The leprosy mentioned apply to many skin conditions. For instance I have eczema. Many people do. But in israel I would be unclean... for something that is not contagious.
Futher because of eczema I shave my head (That plus it feels good) I guess that partis clean... it is baldness...
Need to check to warp and the woofs of my clothes for mildew lol