Great also benefits them in this pandamic if they shrink or grow. i.e. if they shrink, then it shows the end ever so close because sky daddy is weeding out the flock. If they see growth sky daddy is drawing all the faithful and the end is ever so close.
The sad part is, people like my brainwashed wife will go with either and say " see its proof we are in the end times " there is no winning with the brainwashed PIMI mind.
I was reading a book an ex jw wrote and he talks about getting people out of the cult. He said he spoke with one lady and asked if he could proof with 110% that the Org was false would she leave. And she NO, she will follow the Org no matter what. He then state....the person had other reasons for being in. Maybe a Social status or something.
This is my wife, she has no real clue as to what they actually teach. Its a Social club for her, she will never leave!!! This sucks, because it shows how small minded my wife could be.