Born-in (well almost, age 3) and active most of life. Now past the speed limit, decided to live the rest of life as "evidence based" (a little no matter where that my lead. Have discovered how much I didn't know and this site with its broad membership and openness has contributed immensely. There is benefit from all types of comments and ideas because that's helpful to come to conclusions. However when someone chooses to attack or try to humiliate other posters or overly draws attention to themselves it is noticed and reduces the value of their comments or ideas. Most here avoid that thus creating the positive environment here to be able to grow. I must admit, when logging on to this site there are certain posters that I am drawn too and others I am less apt to view for the above mentioned reasons. This has so far been a very interesting (and revealing) thread. Thanks to all posters.
P.S. I hate that captcha... can't make out the "wigglies" only the addresses