Most use "understanding."
I hate that word because of it's use in the legal arena.
at the special assembly day (sad) imitate the desert god.. here is a word for word quote from the co during the baptism talk .
"an intellectual approach to the truth will not lead to everlasting life"....
Most use "understanding."
I hate that word because of it's use in the legal arena.
one of the things that gave me confidence in life was that i believed i had the almighty creator/god watching over me, directing me, guiding my every step, protecting me from harm, and answering my prayers.
i now know that is not the case anymore.
i finally stopped praying.
the apostle paul stated at 2 timothy 3:16: all scripture is inspired of god.
the phrase inspired of god translates the compound greek word theopneustos, meaning, literally, god-breathed or breathed by god.
this is the only occurrence of this greek term in the scriptures.
the royal commission published it's redress report today.
it is a 668 page document, but it is very interesting.
all the recommendations they make are in harmony with what all other institutions will accept.
when they came up with the overlapping generations new lite, they must have received alot of "where's the scriptural precedent?!
so they came up with the account of joseph and his brothers to shut them up.
still they are trying to make a round peg fit in a square hole to fit 1914 in the equation.
for any lurkers who don't believe the watchtower taught that the world would end in 1975... rare jehovah's witnesses 1968 interview "armageddon and 1975" london watchtower rep speaks to bbc. --------.
but where will this system of things be by that time?
in the wt's literature it is often theorised that the "great fish" that swallowed jonah was a whale shark.
indeed looking at whale sharks with their wide huge mouths it seems reasonable to think that a human could fit in there.... ... until that is you do any research on it.
while the whales mouth is huge, it's oesophagus however is only a few inches wide.
i joined this site 12 years ago and i revisited it yesterday to get some information on coc's status.. .
frankly saying, i've tried to be a complete ex-ex-jw so that ex-jw things would not drive my life mad.
due to my linguistic barrier of writing in a foreign language, 12 years ago, i could not but read and read and read this site.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
i found this book by carmel reilly, it`s called dear god.
childrens letters to god from around the world.
i promise you that if you are having a bad day this book what ever your believes will lift your spirits.
same here... and then I read more sinister books like Animal Farm and 1984. During this time I was being forced to study the "Babylon" book!Bonsai14 minutes ago
Where the Red Fern Grows was one of the most moving books that I ever read as an adolescent. Life takes from us the things we love, but it gives to us new things that we come to love.