JoinedPosts by someDUDEinAsmallCubicalSomewhereOverTheRAINBOX
What's your favourite feel good movie ?
by jhine inmaybe it's time for a less serious thread .
i have just finished watching dirty dancing ( again ) .
what is your feel good movie , the one that makes you smile and cry happy tears ?
Back 2 the Future trilogy...nostalgic reasons ;) and LOTR Extended just because it's beyond epic. -
Demon possesion, bunch of crap or?
by raven ini've been using the forum to vent and post a lot more frequently lately as a venting purpose & way to obtain peace of mind with the craziness i've been going through recently as i fade away form the org.
anyways today i'm sitting here at work and thinking to myself about demons... ok i know this sounds crazy but has anyone else out there been traumatized by the thought of demons?
i had a dream the other night, just flat out spooky and i woke and couldn't help but feeling it may have been evil ole' satan and his demons at it again.. i don't want to believe that, (trying not to, & just brushing it under the rug so to speak) but have any of you out there been talked up about demons?
I for one wish demons and Satan were real. They always seem to have such a good time, with all the sex and drugs and murder and such....unlike that old fogy and phony Jehober. He's so booorring. I would LOVE to worship Satan and his minions.
If, of course, they were real. Good luck with that though.
New ANTI-GAY video for Kids on
by ttdtt in
I bet they will play this in the KH soon. I forsee some of the bro's squirming in their seats. I suspect one of being gay, so I will keep an eye on him. Ex-bethelite sort, came home for "undisclosed" reasons...
Also, the ending is horrible...nothing is mentioned about the actual Bible. It's paradise, animals (gag), ect. What a load of crock to be teaching little kids so young and innocent :(
Did you participate in a Drama?
by Hecce ini am bringing this up because even it was a lot of work, for the majority of the friends this was a rewarding experience.
camaraderie, joking, costumes, props and when the time came the celebrity status of being in the drama.. back in the 50s and 60s, conventions could be as long as 8 days and from about 1966 the dramas became an integral part of the program.
we had one per day and the brothers looked forward to their presentation.
I was in a drama at the Astrodome back in the day. Got to snuggle with a sister behind close doors, which made it all the more worth it :> 15 or 16 at the time. -
Just because the JW'S are wrong doesnt mean theres no god.
by atomant inl;ve been giving this some serious consideration lately.l dont have all the answers no one does.we are all entitled to our opinions.l certainly dont believe in evolution as lve researched that subject's important to believe in something even if its for mental health.l believe everything happens for a reason.l also believe if we all live as close to the 10 commandments as possible this world would be a far better place to live and no one can argue with that.
Even if there is a god, he is a souless prick of an a-hole for torturing mankind for centuries. So F him.
Am l the only one.?The older l become the more hostile l become towards god.
by atomant inthey say you mellow out with age.maybe so but not in my case.l feel its an insult and degrading to us humans to have to live the way we do if there is a god.deep down l guess l do believe theres a god but lm having great difficulty trying to understand why things are the way they are.l dont need a bible bashing from anyone l just feel frustrated and helpless.l just battle on like everyone else but l get the feeling theres a whole lot more to our existence.
The God in the Bible is a despicable prick. In some ways, I wish Satan would destroy his lame ass. That's the only happy ending IMO. -
Undercover Judicial Hearing - Youtube
by someDUDEinAsmallCubicalSomewhereOverTheRAINBOX in
May program
by zophar inthe may broadcast on
we need money!.
Good crap, i can't listen 2 minutes without LMAO. what a freakin clown. his lip movement is epic LOL Who talks like this???????? And the beginning is the funniest takes like like 10 minutes to welcome everyone hahaha.
But seriously, i truly believe he may be mentally handicap. And i'm not joking either, poor fella.
JW's and depression
by FeelingFree ini was wondering how many of you suffered badly with depression when you were in "the truth" and if you feel your depression was related to being part of the organisation?
are you better now you have left or still have issue's?
whatever your experience's i would be very intrested to know (if you feel you can talk about it.).
My dad killed himself when I was 17. He was depressed and on a whole crap load of meds. Now that I'm older, and know the TTATT, I suspect he realized it was all a sham and couldn't take it. He was already mentally unstable, and I think he just went over the edge. He was an elder and very zealous when I was very young, but some of the things when I was a teenager raised my eyebrows. I just think he couldn't take it, and knew he ruined our lives, and didn't want to go through the pain of watching us shit on by other elders and JWs.
I guess I'm a little different - I know the TTATT, but also love many things in this world and would NEVER commit suicide, no matter what. That, and I don't have kids, so didn't have to see them lied to and controled their whole life. Kids do make a little harder, I believe. Even so, I still couldn't do the big S.
Watchtower Legal Department targeting Facebook and Youtube users
by Londo111 infrom an email i received of a conversation had with people from patterson:.
it seems that the wts legal dept.
has been working with the fb [facebook] legal dept for about a year and also with youtube whoever they are, to enforce transparency.
I've had an anon fb for years. Still do. Never had a problem. I use it mainly for posting on BS jw fb sites and recking havoc with their simple beliefs. It's good fun watching them get ticked off when I befuddle their minds. lolz I dunno, maybe FB thinks its my real name LOL which is obviously is not.
It's also usefull for posting comments on porn and dating sites hehehe :D :$