Thank-you for the post
april 07, 2017. united states holocaust memorial museum expresses deep concern over treatment of jehovah’s witnesses in russia.
Thank-you for the post
quick background:.
born-in, but never baptized.
remainder of family still (by all appearances) loyal dubs.
Have regular discussions especially after contact,
jws will push their EMOTIONAL BUTTONS, acts like the offer of candy to lure a kid into a windowless van
Remember that Home Bible Studies are started with ADULTS daily!
the following is from a facebook post and..maybe i am missing something, but none of these items disprove them being in a cult.
jehovah's witnesses are often mistaken to be something else.
some say it a secret cult while others believe something else.......i'm very proud to tell you my readers that i'm one of jehovah's witnesses.. below are 17 facts that shows jehovah's witness is not a cult..... 1. there are currently about 8 million jehovah's witnesses around the world.. 2. an average of over 800 people become jehovah's witnesses daily.. 3. we keep coming to your doors even though we have regular jobs and family like you because we are admonished to do so by jesus christ.. 4. we do not participate in wars and for this reason more than 1600 jehovah's witnesses were killed by hitler.. 5. there are currently over 300 jehovah's witnesses in prison in south korea and egypt because they refused to stop preaching or enlist in the military.. 6. we don't salute the flag or say national anthems because we pledge our allegiance only to god.. 7. yes we have fun and party too so don't get that twisted.. 8. not many of us know the name of the president of our headquarters because we do not pay any reference to him he is a fellow servant of god just like the rest of us are.. 9. you earn the privilege of becoming a jehovah's witness.
Poster dumps and ditches
I could be wrong
But if it smells like a...
In my 6 decades in
I noticed that generally
There was a sliding scale of the showing of love,
The more prominent folks were,
The more love and attention given,
how do i get to paradise?
can you use google maps to find the way there?
i'm looking for some fun at a high-class gay bar and i hear paradise is a great one..
“we don’t celebrate holidays because god doesn’t approve of any celebration that is rooted in pagan customs and manmade traditions.” (see here for a similar jw response.).
if you were once an ex-jw like me, you have probably said something like this out in field service to someone who asked the question: why don’t you people celebrate holidays?
as the witnesses' official website states in an faq about not celebrating easter:.
“we don’t celebrate holidays because god doesn’t approve of any celebration that is rooted in pagan customs and manmade traditions.” (see here for a similar jw response.).
if you were once an ex-jw like me, you have probably said something like this out in field service to someone who asked the question: why don’t you people celebrate holidays?
as the witnesses' official website states in an faq about not celebrating easter:.
I always enjoy your posts David
Good to near from you,
jw special conventions.
who's going?.
are you "special" enough to be chosen?.
jw special conventions.
who's going?.
are you "special" enough to be chosen?.
Something something about "those who like the best place in the synagogue"
Please refresh my memory,
the study was on how wt has refined itself over the years by ceasing celebrations of christmas etc.. paragraph 11.
11 what a fine example those faithful bible students set for us!
reflecting on their example, we do well to ask ourselves: ‘how do i view the direction we receive from headquarters?