I know that in English there are better pages exposing the organization, but here I updated the page (In Spanish) with an article untitled "La organización jehovista oculta el abuso sexual" (the jehovist organization hides sexual abuse) based on the last news on "Child Abuse" in Australia, and quoting Watchtower's articles in which you can note how in this Organization, the penitent pedophiles are in better position than the "apostates" who denounce the Organization's absurdities .
For instance, I quoted the Watchtower 1997 Jan 1 p.29, where it is said that it is permitted for the penitent pedophile to preach door to door:
If he seems to be repentant, he will be encouraged to make
spiritual progress, share in the field service, even have parts in the Theocratic
School (The Watchtower, January 1, 1997)