That was the title that I found in a blog. This blog belongs to a Witness Apologist. Indeed, I was shocked on account of the arrogancy. So, I started the discussion by asking him: "Have you been in Heaven, so you did not see him?". Then the apologist argued that Ray lost his position in the 144000 group on account of his apostasy. So I asked him: "where do you find in the NT that only 144000 go to heaven?". He answered that in the Bible it is clear that the great crowd and the 144000 have different destinies. Accordingly, I showed the following verse for the great crowd:
is why they are before the throne of God, and they are rendering him
sacred service day and night in his temple; and the One seated on the
throne will spread his tent over them. (Rev 7:15, NWT)
Note that the NWT translated the greek word NAOS by temple, however, note how the NWT translated the same greek word in the following verse:
"And the temple sanctuary of God in heaven was opened....." (Rev 11:19, NWT)
So, the NWT committee knew that the greek word NAOS does not mean merely "temple", but, in the context of the Jerusalem temple, it was the sanctuary, where only priests can enter. Also, in this context, the NAOS of God is his heavenly habitation. For this fact, when we read in Revelation 7:15 that the great crowd is the NAOS of God, we clearly understand that they are in heaven. However, the Watchtower Society teaches that the great crowd is seen on earth in Revelation 7:15. This is of course a lie, and this is why the NWT did not want to translate NAOS by sanctuary in Revelation 7:15.
So what was the answer of this Witness Apologist before this clear proof?. He said: "you are a quack, because even the teachers of Greek do not understand well Koiné Greek, so your argument does not prove that the great crowd is a heavenly class. If you want to go to heaven, you will be disappointed. "
The fact is that I did not say that I want to go to heaven, I only wanted to show to this stupid witness that the book of Revelation does not teach what the Watchtower teaches.