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JoinedPosts by opusdei1972
Do all congregations have to destroy all documents related to cases of Pedophilia?
by opusdei1972 ini have been reading in facebook that there is a new society's order for destroying all documents concerning cases of pedophilia in all congregations.
is it true that the elders have received such an order?
Do all congregations have to destroy all documents related to cases of Pedophilia?
by opusdei1972 ini have been reading in facebook that there is a new society's order for destroying all documents concerning cases of pedophilia in all congregations.
is it true that the elders have received such an order?
Any instruction must be sent through a confidential letter to "all the body of elders". So, it would be great if that letter could be published here (if it exists). -
Do all congregations have to destroy all documents related to cases of Pedophilia?
by opusdei1972 ini have been reading in facebook that there is a new society's order for destroying all documents concerning cases of pedophilia in all congregations.
is it true that the elders have received such an order?
I have been reading in facebook that there is a new Society's order for destroying all documents concerning cases of Pedophilia in all congregations. Is it true that the elders have received such an order?? -
The new Fred Franz?
by careful inof course, no one could ever fully replace "our oracle for over 50 years" (ray franz quoting karl klein or someone else on the gb back in the days of gb i in cofc somewhere ), but i have to wonder just who on gb ii has come to fill fred franz's shoes the most.
it seems like it is david splane.
he appears to be in charge of the writing department, proposes and pushes thru the gb most of the doctrinal changes (he announces them so they're his baby), and like ff, fancies himself musically inclined.
My crazy interpretations can't be compared. I created the blood ban which produced an uproar in the community and many martyrs. It was a great marketing for our organization. The 1975 fiasco was also my special work. -
Jephthah's atrocity
by opusdei1972 inin judges chapter 11 we read that jephthah committed an atrocity by offering his daughter in sacrifice.
however, the watchtower, study edition of april 2016, reads:pages 6 and 7:not only was jephthah a mighty warrior but he was a student of gods dealings with his people.
jephthahs thorough grasp of israels history gave him a clear picture of what was right and what was wrong in jehovahs eyes.
In Judges chapter 11 we read that Jephthah committed an atrocity by offering his daughter in sacrifice. However, the Watchtower, Study Edition of April 2016, reads:
Pages 6 and 7:
Not only was Jephthah a mighty warrior but he was a student of God’s dealings with His people. Jephthah’s thorough grasp of Israel’s history gave him a clear picture of what was right and what was wrong in Jehovah’s eyes. (Judg.11:12-27) Godly principles that were embedded in the Mosaic Law molded Jephthah’s thinking as well as his heart.
The sacrificing of humans is something detestable to Jehovah. Thus, it is clear that Jephthah did not intend to sacrifice anyone literally. (Deut. 18:9,10) Under the Mosaic Law, a burnt offering was given entirely to Jehovah, so Jephthah evidently meant that he would devote the person to the exclusive service of God. This promise implied permanent service at the tabernacle. Jehovah accepted Jephthah’s terms and blessed him with a resounding victory, striking and subduing the enemy. (Judg.11:32, 33) But who would be the person given as “a burnt offering” to God?
Of course, the Goberning Body resorts to sophisms so as to save the ass of the Bible writers, however, it is clear that Jephthah offered his daughter to the paranoic god Jehovah, by burning her. This is why the last two verses in Judges 11 says:
And it became a custom in Israel that the daughters of Israel went four days each year to lament the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadit
If the daughters in Israel went year by year to lament Jephthah's daughter it was because she died stupidly. Even the Jewish leaders admit that Jephthah did a stupid thing, as the Jewish Encyclopedia says:
According to some commentators, among whom were Ḳimḥi and Levi b. Gershom, Jephthah only kept his daughter in seclusion. But in Targ. Yer. to Judges xi. 39 and the Midrash it is taken for granted that Jephthah immolated his daughter on the altar, which is regarded as a criminal act; for he might have applied to Phinehas to absolve him from his vow. But Jephthah was proud: "I, a judge of Israel, will not humiliate myself to my inferior." Neither was Phinehas, the high priest, willing to go to Jephthah. Both were punished: Jephthah died by an unnatural decaying of his body; fragments of flesh fell from his bones at intervals, and were buried where they fell, so that his body was distributed in many places (comp. Judges xii. 7, Hebr.). Phinehas was abandoned by the Holy Spirit (Gen. R. l.c.). The Rabbis concluded also that Jephthah was an ignorant man, else he would have known that a vow of that kind is not valid; according to R. Johanan, Jephthah had merely to pay a certain sum to the sacred treasury of the Temple in order to be freed from the vow; according to R. Simeon ben Laḳish, he was free even without such a payment (Gen. R. l.c.; comp. Lev. R. xxxvii. 3). -
The Lion Awakes
by eric hendrickson inmy name is eric hendrickson.
i have been on a journey led by the holy spirit which has brought to this point that has allowed for me to open the seventh seal and understand god's master plan.
i am the lion from the lost tribe of judah who has come to the world and be the messiah king.
Welcome Eric !, or Welcome Jesus?....whatever. I would like to know about the current status of Joseph Rutherford. Is he in hell together with Hitler, Fred Franz and Darth Sidious?. ...
It is great that January 27th 2016 all people will be happy !!. Will Marijuana be legalized?? Will you let polygamy again?
Yahweh and Baal
by opusdei1972 inthis is what we can read from the jewish encyclopedia:.
the name ba'al (), apparently as an equivalent for yhwh, occurs as an element in a number of compound proper names, such as jerubbaal, ishbaal, meribaal, etc.
some of these names, probably at a time when the name of baal had fallen into disrepute (comp.
Crazyguy: Was no Yahweh one of the sons of El Elyon, so Baal could be his brother?. -
Heb. 11:1-Faith
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inwhen i sti'' believed this verse was alwas in my mind: faithis the assured ecpectation of things hoped for... the ebident demonstration of realities not be held.... .
yes it seemed to preach the scientic ai thought.
the point is my faith was never based on 'i belive.....' i thought based on the bluecreation book we had the truth.. latley a witness sakid herewes 11:1 meant that faith is the evidence.... well f***his idea.. if jws start belebong ths nonesese they will never escape.
By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days. (Hebrews 11:30)
So this faith is based on Bible tales. However, I might have faith in a future event by taking into account some probabilities. This is what Witnesses disregard, because they only trust in a stupid book.
Yahweh and Baal
by opusdei1972 inthis is what we can read from the jewish encyclopedia:.
the name ba'al (), apparently as an equivalent for yhwh, occurs as an element in a number of compound proper names, such as jerubbaal, ishbaal, meribaal, etc.
some of these names, probably at a time when the name of baal had fallen into disrepute (comp.
This is what we can read from the Jewish Encyclopedia:
The name Ba'al (
), apparently as an equivalent for Yhwh, occurs as an element in a number of compound proper names, such as Jerubbaal, Ishbaal, Meribaal, etc. Some of these names, probably at a time when the name of Baal had fallen into disrepute (comp. Hosea ii. 16, 17), seem to have been changed by the substitution of El or Bosheth for Baal (comp. II Sam. ii. 8, iv. 4, v. 16; I Chron. viii. 33, 34; ix. 39, 40; xiv. 7).
Why did Saul give to one of his sons the name Ishbaal? Ishbaal means "man of Baal". It clearly means that Baal was as God as Yahweh for ancient people in Israel. The monotheistic law given by Moses was unknown for the israelites living before the babylonian captivity. Dishonest scribes of the postexilic age did a historical revisionism, in which they told to the unlearned Jews, the lie that Yahweh was always the one and only the true God of Israel. A lie similar to that of the Watchtower Society, in which Jesus came invisible between 1914 and 1919 so as to inspect all religion organizations, then he declared that the Society is his Channel on Earth.
In Judas' Defense
by opusdei1972 ini have read in that the governing body affirms that judas has been eternally condemned:.
did judas iscariot commit an unforgivable sin?.
his greed moved him to steal money that had been donated for a sacred use.
Even the betrayal's story is absurd. Why did the priests need to pay money to Judas for finding Jesus?. It was so difficult to find him in Jerusalem?...There is something strange in that account. In fact, if Judas betrayed Jesus, the true story was totally different.