millie210 Some years ago I was a witness, who believed that the Bible was 98 % inerrant. After leaving the Society I still believed that the entire Bible was the word of God. But I have to admit that I did not want to analyze the Bible through critical eyes. So, when I found a contradiction, I used to read websites of christian apologists, in which the contradictions are harmonized by sophistic arguments. That was the way I was deceiving myself. Now I see that the Old Testament can't be the word of God, because a loving God could not be partial. I realize that the Old Testament was written by Jews who had a nationalistic agenda. So, those stories where YHWH is shown as the God of Israel, the Lord of Hosts who endorses genocide against Israel's enemies, were based on ancient wars, but reconfigured by the Jewish scribes so as to raise the pride of an inferior nation compared with Babylon, Egypt, Persia, etc. Accordingly, YHWH of the Hosts is a Jewish invention.
If God is the God of the Old Testament, why doesn't he use his supernatural power to save inocent people who die in many natural disasters? ...The fact is that that God who protected the Israelites in the story of the Exodus does not exist. The true God (as I see) never chose a nation and favored a religious system.