JoinedPosts by opusdei1972
In the past we taught it, but now we teach other thing....
by opusdei1972 ini have been reading the watchtower study edition of march 2016. here some deceptive statements so as to justify their new lights:.
when were gods people held captive by babylon the great?.
that spiritual captivity lasted from the second century c.e.
Yes, if that were the case, the canon of the New Testament was decided after the fourth century, so, after the beginning of this supposed babylonian captivity. How will they explain this fact ? -
In the past we taught it, but now we teach other thing....
by opusdei1972 ini have been reading the watchtower study edition of march 2016. here some deceptive statements so as to justify their new lights:.
when were gods people held captive by babylon the great?.
that spiritual captivity lasted from the second century c.e.
I have been reading the Watchtower Study Edition of March 2016. Here some deceptive statements so as to justify their new lights:
When were God’s people held captive by Babylon the Great?
That spiritual captivity lasted from the second century C.E. to 1919. Why is this adjusted view warranted?......For a number of years, we explained that this captivity began in 1918...The Christian congregation, in effect, was held
captive by Babylon the Great. That captivity began sometime in the second century C.E. and continued until the cleansing of the spiritual temple in the time of the end.....Zion’s Watch Tower and other publications helped honesthearted ones to discover spiritual truths. Later, such tools as the “Photo-Drama of Creation” in 1914 and the book The Finished Mystery in 1917 also strengthened God’s people.=================================================
Did Satan physically take Jesus to the temple when tempting him?
Put simply, we cannot be certain whether Jesus actually stood in the temple or he did so only by means of a vision. At times, both possibilities have been presented in our publications......What, though, of the temptation wherein Jesus
was shown “all the kingdoms of the world”? Obviously, he did not literally see all the kingdoms; there is no literal mountain from which all of them can be seen. So Satan may have used some sort of vision to show these to Jesus, similar to the way a projector and a screen can be used to show someone pictures of various places on earth......The fact is, as stated at the outset, we cannot be dogmatic about this matter. Hence, we cannot rule out the possibility that Jesus actually went to Jerusalem and stood on the battlement of the temple. But one thing we can be sure about is that these temptations were real and that Jesus gave a conclusive answer to the Devil in each case.========================================
In other words, in the first new light the GB dropped its old stupid light on the 1918-1919 captivity, in which Rutherford was imprisioned. In the second new light, they are trying to avoid to admit that that NT passage reveals that those Christian scribes believed in a flat earth.
Did Jesus really die on a cross?
by macys inbeing raised a catholic we had lots of crosses around the house.
when my family converted to this cult they were all removed and destroyed in case they had demons in them lol but at this juncture in my life i do not even know if jesus as the way he is portrayed in the bible was real.
yes a man named jesus did live and die 2000 years ago and probably on a cross but he was definitely not the son of god.
Most of the church fathers of the first three centuries agree that Jesus died on a T-shaped cross. Of course, some centuries before Christ, in times of Homer, the greek word stauros, used in the New Testament, mainly meant "a simple pole". However, it improved its meaning to include a T-shape and a X-shape form. The Watchtower Society wants to hide this fact, and only quotes the portions of the dictionaries when they make reference to the ancient meaning of the word.....And of course, it is possible that Jesus died on a simple pole, because the romans used this simple form when there were not sufficient stakes. But no one knows if that was the case, so we have no argument to distrust the tradition. Nevertheless, the Watchtower insists dishonestly that Jesus did not die on a cross, as if they were there before Jesus. -
The canonised Old Testament is no different from the Apocrypha except with more scary fables and mythology
by fukitol inthe apocryphal books are accepted by catholics in their douay version as inspired of god, but rejected by the rest of christianity?.
when you examine the reasons for and against acceptance of the apocrypha as divinely inspired or not, it dawns on you that the traditionally accepted 39 books of the hebrew scriptures are nothing but the same sort of stuff as the more recent apocryphal books are, with the only difference being that the 39 much older ot books contain a lot more scary stories, fables and mythology invented by the ancient jewish priesthood to frighten their followers into fear and obedience and continued giving of meat sacrifices for the priests to eat.. ultimately, the ot can be summarised as nothing but a mixture of relatively accurate historical jewish war histories and genealogies, such as the aprocrypha is, mingled with scary stories made up by the ancient jewish priests and scribes..
As mentioned before, books like Wisdom of Solomon, were quoted by early Christians. Even the canonical book of Jude quotes the book of Enoch. So, how could a canonical inspired book quote an uninspired book as it were inspired??. Of course, the Book of Enoch contains many fantasies, but the same happens with the canonical books. So, there is no such a thing as "divine books". -
by wifibandit inpdf .
this issue contains the study articles for february 29 to april 3, 2016.. what about the number of those partaking at the memorial?12, 13. why should we not worry about the number of those who eat the bread and drink the wine at the memorial?12 in recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of those partaking at the memorial of christs death.
that trend contrasts with the decrease in the number of partakers that we saw for many decades.
Others may have mental or emotional problems that lead them to believe that they will rule with Christ in heaven.
Of course, why not all the members of the governing body too !.
The new changes is a clear indication that we are one step closer to the end...
by RobertT18 inthat was today's topic over a group chat of my cong's young jbots.
apparently the rumors are circulating everywhere i go, even people from the spanish congs are talking about it.
what's really sad is that the majority of people are already seeing this as "clear" signs of the end coming.
Yes, these changes excite them, because they think the END must be imminent, so some naive ones will sacrifice their jobs, college, so as to serve more. However, the time will pass, then they will notice that the END is always close, but then they will be old people, without a retirement pension. -
"Raymond Franz: You did not go to heaven"
by opusdei1972 inthat was the title that i found in a blog.
this blog belongs to a witness apologist.
indeed, i was shocked on account of the arrogancy.
No matter if heaven exists or not, the point is that Witnesses think that they have a superior theology ignoring that they even ignore the Bible itself. -
"Raymond Franz: You did not go to heaven"
by opusdei1972 inthat was the title that i found in a blog.
this blog belongs to a witness apologist.
indeed, i was shocked on account of the arrogancy.
Magnum : This witness apologist even ignores that the Watchtower has been treating for many decades to hide the fact that the great crowd is seen in heaven.In the beginning, the Watchtower said that the great crowd was seen in courtyard of the gentiles of the temple. But this statement is clearly dishonest, because the sanctuary (NAOS), where the great crowd is seen in Rev 7:15, can't represent a courtyard, because the sanctuary was the inner place of the temple only for priests. This fact already destroys the Watchtower's argument that ony the 144000 are priests. So, in 2002 year, the Watchtower had to invent a "new light", admitting that the great crowd can't be in the courtyard:
In times past, it has been said that the great crowd is in a spiritual equivalent, or an antitype, of the Court of the Gentiles that existed in Jesus’ day. However, further research has revealed at least five reasons why that is not so. (w02 5/1, "Question for readers")
So, the Watchtower, in the same article had to place the John's vision of the temple, not related to the Herod's temple, but in the Solomon temple. However, for the Solomon's temple, the Septuagint used the greek word NAOS for the HEKAL (read 2 Chr 3:17), which was the inner place of the temple only for jews. Were not the 144000 the only spiritual christian jews according to the Watchtower teaching?. Furthermore, in Psalm 11:4 the Septuagint reads "The Lord is in his holy NAOS, in heaven is his throne". So, it is clear that the NAOS of God in Rev 7:15 is in heaven, so the Watchtower's argument does not work.
"Raymond Franz: You did not go to heaven"
by opusdei1972 inthat was the title that i found in a blog.
this blog belongs to a witness apologist.
indeed, i was shocked on account of the arrogancy.
That was the title that I found in a blog. This blog belongs to a Witness Apologist. Indeed, I was shocked on account of the arrogancy. So, I started the discussion by asking him: "Have you been in Heaven, so you did not see him?". Then the apologist argued that Ray lost his position in the 144000 group on account of his apostasy. So I asked him: "where do you find in the NT that only 144000 go to heaven?". He answered that in the Bible it is clear that the great crowd and the 144000 have different destinies. Accordingly, I showed the following verse for the great crowd:
That is why they are before the throne of God, and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple; and the One seated on the throne will spread his tent over them. (Rev 7:15, NWT)
Note that the NWT translated the greek word NAOS by temple, however, note how the NWT translated the same greek word in the following verse:
"And the temple sanctuary of God in heaven was opened....." (Rev 11:19, NWT)So, the NWT committee knew that the greek word NAOS does not mean merely "temple", but, in the context of the Jerusalem temple, it was the sanctuary, where only priests can enter. Also, in this context, the NAOS of God is his heavenly habitation. For this fact, when we read in Revelation 7:15 that the great crowd is the NAOS of God, we clearly understand that they are in heaven. However, the Watchtower Society teaches that the great crowd is seen on earth in Revelation 7:15. This is of course a lie, and this is why the NWT did not want to translate NAOS by sanctuary in Revelation 7:15.
So what was the answer of this Witness Apologist before this clear proof?. He said: "you are a quack, because even the teachers of Greek do not understand well Koiné Greek, so your argument does not prove that the great crowd is a heavenly class. If you want to go to heaven, you will be disappointed. "
The fact is that I did not say that I want to go to heaven, I only wanted to show to this stupid witness that the book of Revelation does not teach what the Watchtower teaches.
THE SAD BALLAD OF HAYDEN C. COVINGTON (Attorney of record for the Watchtower Organization)
by Terry inali did not serve even five minutes of time in prison and that had zero to do with hayden c. covington..
june 19, 1967 in houston, tex..
there are a number of salient facts concerning this man who possessed a big reputation..
I would like to read your book Terry, ..sadly, I can't buy it in South America, but if I could get a digital version, it would be great.