Kepler: "But the notion that Daniel should keep silent about what he saw, heard or learned - I think you hit it on the head".
I noticed that after knowing that this book was an apocalyptic fraud (as all we have). Surely, this books was written in that time of trouble, when Antiochus' men were pressing the Jews for idolizing the Zeus' image in Jerusalen's temple. So, the author needed to write a story of a past hero so as to give comfort. He cleverly had to justify the appearance of this unknown book to his readers, so he had to create a scene where an angel told to Daniel for not revealing the visions before the time of the end. Thus, the readers would say: "Oh yes, this is why we couldn't have the manuscript before these events".
Interestingly, I was attracted firstly by the Watchtower literature after reading a green book of the 50s written by Fred Franz that interprets the book of Daniel. In this book, "the time of the end" was the events after 1914, but now I clearly see that this was Antiochus' time. Thus, catholic scholars admit it, but many evangelicals, as well as Adventists, insist that this was a future time. They even believe that the book was written in the sixth century.