Cha ching - it has Rahab in it. Says don't perjure yourself in court but even Jesus withheld all information. Fpund a pro-jw site which has this from it (so maybe accurate in what they have).
edit: thanks Control :)
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
Cha ching - it has Rahab in it. Says don't perjure yourself in court but even Jesus withheld all information. Fpund a pro-jw site which has this from it (so maybe accurate in what they have).
edit: thanks Control :)
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
Spot on cha ching. And there we go again. In relation to positively encouraging people to go to therapy, "People have an absolute right to speak to who they want to." But here's 60 years of discouragement on going, and active advice about the dangers... oh, and they'd better not be df'd... and express concerns about the cult you're in... and...
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.
Toole now claiming they don't isolate themselves. Counsel for BCA (?) not impressed.
Loving how JW beliefs are passed off as being the responsibility of others. 'Choice' does not mean what you think it means in JW land. How many times has 'freedom' been placed in a 'relative' context in the WT etc? You are free to jump off the cliff... you are free to go to the police... you are free to attend a judicial committee... you are free... It's the little things like 'consequences' for exercising your 'absolute rights' which is the part being left out by JW witnesses.
wednesday 5 , day 7 live hearing.
case study 29, july 2015, sydney.