The kicker is in the final paragraphs of the article which do the whole 'persecution' thing when shunning happens to JWs for becoming JWs. .
JoinedPosts by Mephis
New Watchtower Propaganda and hate speech destroying families (Feb 2016 WT)
by Daniel1555 inthe following is a paragraph from the new february study watchtower article "learn from jehovah's loyal servants.".
7 a conflict of loyalties may arise when a close relative is disfellowshipped.
for example, a sister named anne [1] received a telephone call from her disfellowshipped mother.
If JWs Were More Tolerant Would It Help Their Money Woes?
by minimus inthey don't want you bettering yourself.
they hate college education.they applaud you if you quit full time secular work and instead, "pioneer".
they cry that they have money problems.
They thawed on the university stuff in the mid-90s. Which is when and how I made my exit. The return to damning it was no doubt because of born-ins like me. We left. And we don't go back. And we contribute jack thereafter. So there's no winning solution for them here. They need the control to keep people inside. 2 in 3 born-ins leave in spite of being forbidden to do the higher education thing, in spite of dubs scoring bottom for education levels amongst religions in the US. The theory that people would go to university, get good jobs and still contribute seems logical, but how many would return after seeing the world outside the compound? -
November WT God's View Of War
by JW_Rogue indid anybody else read this article and just think wth?.
sometimes god approves of war.. sometimes god doesn't approve of war.. when the israelites fought battles and won it was because god blessed them.. when they lost it was because god had not blessed them.. sometimes god fights for oppressed ones.. sometimes they must wait and have faith.. it is so clear that the bible contradicts itself on this issue and that the nation of israel had a totally different view of god than the early christians.
it is also clear that the nation of israel was highly superstitious and would attribute every battle's outcome to the whims of a higher power.
Jehovah was with Judah, and they took possession of the mountainous region, but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the plain, because they had war chariots with iron scythes.
Better hope Gog doesn't read the bible or Armageddon won't go as planned.
ANNOUNCEMENT CLIP ...2015 Annual meeting Sam Herd confirming what we knew a month ago about slow down and halt of worldwide construction
by Watchtower-Free in
How stupid does he think people are?
Very. He near enough says that the reason for reducing the number of pages for the WT and Awake is because everyone these days is too dumb to keep up with Jehovah's chariot.
One thing which jumped out at me was the use of the word 'some'. Why only some? Why not all? What else is there? And absolutely no explanation for why costs have exceeded the money they've taken in.
Japan closed 638 Congregations lost 6,000 Publishers in 10 years!!! WHY?
by Witness 007 injapan had a massive increase in publishers from 1950-1998. then in 1998 something happened and jehovah's blessing switched off!!!.
1998 -222,912 publishers 3,802 congregations.
2006 -217,519 publishers 3,164 congregations.
2014 was peak 215,703 and average 215,294 in 3057 congos.
2013 was average 215,966.
Demographics perhaps as initial converts die?
Mass disassociation pact...
by freemindfade inany takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
I was intending to formally DA as a result of other stuff. But will hold til a date is decided, or at least see whether the idea takes off some :) -
Latest Leaked BOE letter to Elders Oct. 4th
by Watchtower-Free inoctober 4, 2015. to all congregations.
re: new provisions announced atannual meeting.
dear brothers:.
He has a video up which shows the e-mail from his ISP. It looks legit, or at least unless Cedars has decided to throw away all the activism work he's done.
Whether that will be the letter released now, who knows. But WBTS seems to have taken ownership of the one in the OP here.
Has NASA discoverd flowing water on Mars?
by The Rebel innasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
It's possible. Mars had a billion years of atmosphere and oceans, which were then lost around 3.5 billion years ago. Which, give or take the odd handful of hundred million years, is roughly when life on Earth began. -
Has NASA discoverd flowing water on Mars?
by The Rebel innasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
Not intelligent life, not in my life time, but, assuming infinite universe, it's out there somewhere. But microbial life, I'd not bet against finding evidence for it in the next 50 years. We know that some Earth microbes can survive in even vacuums for at least short periods, as well is in our own atmosphere. Ellen Stofan (chief scientist at NASA) reckons we'll have strong indications within a decade, and evidence within 20 or 30 years. There's self-interest there in terms of funding further exploration, but the science types I know and chat with are all believers in something to be found in the Solar System. -
Has NASA discoverd flowing water on Mars?
by The Rebel innasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
Have a friend who works at JPL (he does testing and problem solving stuff for the last rover and has recently been working on a proposal to get another mission to Mars running). But we've argued between us for years over the potential for life elsewhere in the solar system. He's far more optimistic about it than me, but he's looking to some of the places where oceans are pretty darned likely to exist now rather than Mars. Europa and Enceladus may be the ones where things get very interesting. The more we've explored the solar system, the more assumptions about life, and what we thought allowed for it, get challenged.
Do wonder if anything has managed to survive Mars losing its atmosphere and oceans. Or even if there's evidence to be found of something which was once there.