So the copyright law only applies if we agree with the organistion the copyright belongs to? If we don't agree with them or don't like them then all bets are off?
If we take that principle a bit further and extend itt to other laws, what's acceptable? Murder, for example. Is murder ok if the murdee (new word!) is a bit of a twat? Taking the point to extremes perhaps but it is the logical conclusion.
If you're confusing protection of intellectual property with physical harm then we're on very, very different pages. Civil versus criminal is the page I'm on. Just how exactly do I harm the interests of the WBTS by copying something they want to suppress? Mull that over a little and figure out which is the greater right - the right to knowledge about a harmful cult, or the right of a cult to suppress that information. I'm saying the latter causes the greater harm and so I'd be happy to answer any suit for damages they'd press. Your mileage may, does?, vary.